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Should FMs or GMs Approve Characters?


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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Do you think we should make faction managers and their authorized representatives the ones responsible for character approvals?
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

Perhaps like with Tech, they need to give their nod after the character mods do the usual grammar, spelling, details etc.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

Approvals from the New Characters forum are general approvals, not guaranteed acceptance into or fitness for a particular plot. Currently all approvals are done by the Character Forum Mods, with Faction managers sometimes brought in for faction specific assistance.

There are a number of alternatives we could use:

- Eliminate general character approvals and make it all faction-based (suggested above)?
- Eliminate general character approvals and make GMs themselves all character approvers for their plots (only).
- Some combination of the above? (such a bureaucracy might be bad for speed if it requires multiple okays).
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

I was under the impression that we already had the FMs as character moderators for their own races. That doesn't seem like much of a change, I'd just point out it should actually be used. Rather then every character getting approved in one post, I'd be more interested in seeing two mods approving characters first. Lots of times, a lone person will miss something, and a second set of eyes helps. And on top of that, it would give GMs and FMs even more of a chance to actually look in here and see characters meant for their faction/plot. With as many times as there have been issues with people using characters from one faction outside of that faction (namely, the FM not being consulted at all, resulting in characters that don't fit the race to start with), a day or two of waiting isn't excessive at all for good characters. If it's perfect, it would still take maybe a day, just more than one person involved.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

How about this:

A character can be approved by:

1) The GM of the preferred plot (preferred), or
2) The faction manager for the character's destination faction, and his designated character approval team.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

I think what we'd do would be to list character approval mods and faction a mangers could award each of them with a "qualification badge" for their faction. So each approve would have a list of factions he can approve based on his expertise.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

The way the forum goes now, FMs do plenty of review, and more detailed reviews have become harder and harder to make time for. We're all tied up doing things.

I think having GMs or FMs handle it is acceptable, so long as they work together. FMs will catch things that GMs don't, but it's good to see GMs getting in the process to ensure characters find a home.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

I still think we should let the character mods do their thing, and get have the fm or gm weigh in for content or cocept. The same we do with MTSE.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

Why not make it exactly the same? FM approval of a character isn't a bad idea, and that way it would be getting feedback from the approving FM and the mod who looks at it at the very least.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

Can we rely on FMs to approve stuff speedily? I'm talking about within hours, like characters are approved currently. Currently they're approved quickly because the character mods can and there are several of us. In my proposed change, the GMs can approve stuff instantly. But if FMs are required, there exists a bottleneck. I guess this can, at least for some factions, be reduced through delegating FM approval to authorized representatives.

Perhaps we should allow each FM to designate who can approve for their faction? For example, perhaps I could allow any active Yamataian GM to approve characters. If we combine GM and FM approval, that would mean a character would need approval of two Yamataian GMs, one of whom is for their preferred plot.

Just brainstorming here.
Re: NEW PLAYERS: Contact info, announcements

I think it would make more sense to do one FM appointed person and one normal character mod more than that. And, to be perfectly honest, I'm not a big fan of approving characters in hours. Give people a chance to look characters over and give input. Generally speaking, most people are willing to wait at least one day, you're not hurting anything by giving it more time, especially when you consider that most plots don't move that fast. Someone who can't show at least that much patience probably won't stick with a plot during a slow time either.
Re: Should FMs Approve Characters?

What if characters were approved only by the GM of the plot they are made for, unless they're plot-independent characters?

My feeling is that not all FMs respond fast enough.
I worry about placing more work on GMs unneccessarily. I don't really see an issue with the current system but more eyes helps progress. I have always wear multiple hats, so I have no issues helping out.
I've already told Wes in the past that I'd like to have a say in the approval of characters going into my plot before they get approved. Sometimes, I catch things that are wrong or which do not jive that the character mods miss.

Having that option available to GMs who want that extra hand in character creation would be good but I would not make it mandatory. Other Nep GMs don't log in daily.
I don't have the time or the drive to review characters as thoroughly as I used to. I don't claim that "Chief Character Mod" title anymore for that reason.

Leave it up to the GM's choice.
I'm firmly of the opinion GMs should be allowed to have say in the approval. And if a GM has a problem with a character, obviously, they shouldn't be approved, since they won't be accepted into the plot they want.

I'd say GMs fall under the purview of FMs in that sense though, realistically. Obviously the FM trusts them to handle the faction's stuff, since they're running a plot in the faction, but I'm also of the opinion it shouldn't be more then the NTSE style approval. Even if it's not an in depth review, the character mods serve a purpose, namely just that they have more experience then most in reviewing characters, so they tend to spot the little stuff much more easily.
I've decided that from now on, Plot GMs are empowered to approve characters for their own plots. Character approval mods will approve non-plot characters and provide help and advice and faction managers can provide their input to help keep the faction portrayed truly. But speedy approval for plot characters now is the responsibility of plot GMs.

Q: Can plot GMs allow the character mods to approve on their behalf to speed the process up?

A: Yes. List "Who Can Approve My Character For This Plot?" on your plot wiki page.

Q: Are already-approved characters still transferable between plots?

A: Yes.