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Should the Star Army Allow Fleets to Have Their Own Visual Identities?

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This came up in Discord and I figured I'd ask:

Do you think that the Star Army should let each fleet have its own visual identity in terms of:
  • Ship models
  • Ship exterior color scheme/livery
  • Daily Uniforms
  • Maybe even some types of equipment or power armors
This is in the context of: Maybe Yamatai should be allowing each of its constituent cultures a better way to shine. It's good for the cultures and honestly I think it's good for Yamatai too to be more multicolored and multi-cultured. So for instance maybe we have a fleet that emphasizes the Sepera'Shan, the Norians, or the Nepleslians of Yamatai (e.g. Reds, Blues) and their aesthetic is different to the First Fleet or Second Fleet, which are the traditional Nekovalkyrja-heavy fleets.

What do you think?
I’m not a fan of this from a fleet composition style as well as from a cultural perspective.

Fleet Composition Reasoning:
Ships have varying strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, war is naturally chaotic. Fleets should be built around certain mission requirements, the right ships for the needs of the missions the fleet is running.

Cultural Reasoning:
This could easily slide too close to a “segregation” of cultures and open a real opportunity for a Yamataian Civil War or Secession. It’s generally bad to divide people into groups.
If you are a citizen of Yamatai, you’re Yamataian.
If you’re a soldier of Yamatai, you’re Yamataian.
It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you look like, you’re just Yamataian.
I selected Rizzo's answer as correct because it was the most upvoted! Thanks for the feedback everyone!
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