While I know I didn't speak on this earlier, I would like to now.
I can perfectly understand this process for all the ships and massive uber-weapons and power armors that get thrown around on the forums, but I think it's utterly outrageous to try and dump every little drug, hand-held pistol, and all the other tiny little nuances in the setting that will rarely see use on that council.
It's just inefficient and a bit of a waste when the exact same verdict could easily be come to in 1/8 the time using the old forum.
I know this might sound like a complete damnation of the idea of the mystery box, but it's not. I think that the huge ships that were being submitted and causing so much pain and so many tears on the forums definately need a refinement to their review process, which is exactly what the box is.
But, at the same time, a drug that gives your character a bit of a rush shouldn't require careful parsing by 9 different people and a large vote. It should only require the submitter, a moderator, and possibly one or two other members giving their feedback.