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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Silent Legends


Well-Known Member
RP Date
4日 1月 YE 43
RP Location
Battle of Glimmergold
Battle of Glimmergold
4日 1月 YE 43
The sleek for of Candon's Spectre power armor swiftly navigated the growing debris field of the clashing fleets. His pair of double aether beam saber rifles dominated his forearms and extended outwards like a pair of evil blades as his held them outstretched, throwing his weight into the erratic maneuvers he needed to perform to avoid collisions. The occasional flash and pinkish white beam lanced the debris as he picked off stragglers and combatants sneaking their way through. Wasted time.

"Jinja, there's nothing here. Rolland moved," he radioed the deputy director who monitored the situation from her aging Nozomi-class Scout. Old but gold, the stealth converted ship silently prowled the battlefront, and occasional Kuvexian gunship falling to it's torpedoes as it would fire and disappear back into it's cloak. "Stay the course, Candon. He fired that shock array less than thirty seconds ago. He's there," she answered, her CIC abuzz with activity as the tall armor clad woman perched over the holographic table. Startled she yell out, "above you- evade now!"

Candon's helmet illuminated the target and sounded alarm only a moment before the PA scale aether shock array fired, it's golden beam burning past the evading Spectre who rolled hard to the right and returned the favor with 4 bright pink beams of his own. The attack scored the heavy metallic shields of Rolland's Hostile, now plated in Kuvexian gold hull paint. "Gonna need to do better than that, Torēsu," he shouted over the radio as the shields retracted to the sides, "you broke your mother's heart, boy. Just stand down, she still wants you back!" His plead ended with his twin gatling cannons barking to life. "The only way we'll truly beat the Squiddies is under strict leadership! Unified by force!" he cried as his guns tracked the Spectre's fleeing form, "stop resisting the inevitable! She's the best of us and we'll never stop!"

"Damn you Rolland, you're a Nepleslian patriot! This isn't you," Candon retorted stressed from the immense exertion of evading hails of explosive ballistic rounds, "it doesn't have to end this way!" Activating his wrist mounted graviton projectors he began collecting debris and throwing it into the streams of incoming bullets as his shoulder fired laser guns began tirelessly shooting the projectiles. Raising his own weapons he responded with 4 streams of rapid fired aether pulses, overwhelming Rolland's own fire and scoring more hits which glanced off of his golden coating.

Rolland's heavy shields snapped back into cover as his energy shields failed, the two halves of his aether shock array connected over his head. As the weapon began charging Candon halted his fire and charged in close, accelerating into a kick as his rifles formed beams of aether into coherent blades. The mighty shock array fired wildly overhead as the Hostile missed Candon completely, slamming against the heavy hull of a destroyed SAoY gunship. Candon brought the cutting beams down on his foe then slashed across his shields violently, roaring as he swung again and again. Rolland's heavy shields glowed red hot as they intercepted the savage assault, watching helplessly as stray hits chipped away at the zesu spear of his shock array. The left shield arm finally gave way, then the right sending both careening from the battle. With Candon fully in sight and pointing one of the ABSRs dead centerline on his target he warned the man in a tone as cold as ice, "my brother.. Don't make me kill you.. where- is- Sana!"
The huge armored man laughed hysterically. His powerful PA suit not yet crippled but now missing 400 kilograms of protective metal was still a threat that could never be underestimated. Rolland collected himself, "I spared you and you spared me, looks like we're even. It's been nice knowing you." Candon's battle honed instincts took control. He'd seen this before. His teleporter charged and engaged as an aether-edged ōdachi lanced the space where his chest had been. Instantly reappearing behind Sana his armored boot greeted the small of her heavily modified M2-2a's back, launching her blade first into Rolland. Sana deactivated her blade only in time to not kill Rolland outright, yet too late as her ōdachi ran him through the gut. He screamed as the super heated blade lanced him and Sana cried out a curse.

Candon floated behind them suspended in the micro gravity of their environment as 6 other SAINT Mindy's appeared in three dimensions around the theatre of their duel. "It's over Mom, just come home willingly. We can fix this." Rolland and Sana looked at each other for a few quiet seconds, private comms obviously the obvious reason. Tension filled the silence, soldiers knowing this could go very badly. Sana touched Rolland's chest plate gently and slowly removed the sword from her ally, gel sealing the puncture. "Candon.. are you really so blind to my goal?.. We can unite the Kikyo Sector and create true and lasting peace. The Kuvexians are just a means to this end. Once I attain command of Yamatai we will wipe out all who oppose us and I will reunite the warward Nepleslians in our empire. Society need only surrender its freedom for a generation. Is that price truly to great for an eternity of peace and security?"

"Mother, your plans are flawed. You and I are the same. We are agents of chaos, addicted to the fight. People like us do not find peace, only chaos and conflict. The only peace we find is through absolute force. Unsurprisingly this leaves us at an impasse," he replied harshly, igniting the aether blades on his heavy rifles, "we both know that you and I can't cheat death anymore. Surrender or die." The two faced off silently, neither willing to budge. Her sinister red and black M2-2a's skull face grinned with malicious intent against the will of the Spectre's holographically projected jaw-less skull. Two legendary bringers of death staring off, neither ready to engage first the other lest it all end in one quick moment. A moment to determine not only the fate of Yamatai, but the future of the sector as people knew it...
In a flash it happened, without the slightest trace of warning. Using his Push/Pull system Rolland catapulted Sana toward Candon with force, the two clashing hard and causing the Spectre to be propelled back as she continued her relentless assault. The SAINT operatives had tried to gun her down but the unexpected speed of being shove by the downed Hostile PA had caused their shots to miss and Rolland would seize the opportunity.

Leaping from the fragmented section of hull he rained the full range of his suit's ordinance upon the heads of his foes. HE rounds streamed from his gatlings as a bloom of hundreds of mini-missiles spewed from the top of his armored backpack. In moments the entire formation of operatives were saturated in a shocking display of explosive carnage. Three of them died immediately as the missiles impacted, while countless flares filled the space with their light as the other 3 troops flew evasively from the assault.

"Perfect," Rolland grumbled as the two halves of the aether shock array connected into their deadly spear and charged, "a nice wide angle shot should thin the heard." Taking aim the spear-like device sparked and crackled to life, the operatives in open space making no attempt to scatter, "too easy." The shock array flooded the space ahead of him in a brilliant white flash, the intense heat overwhelming his shields and burning his flesh through the armor. He knew without his solid shields it was a risk but underestimated the heat as much as he underestimated his opposition.

As the dazzle of the intense aether release cleared the operatives were not only still alive, but a crackling energy field had lingered enough to reveal a silhouette of much larger proportions. He knew what it was even as the optical cloak was dropped. The Nozomi-class Scout ship revealed itself just long enough to confirm the man's fear, he was staring down the barrel of a Type 29 Phased Pulse Cannon. "A classic," he resigned, and looked into the distance where Sana and Candon had gone, "finish what we started. I will soon see the end of war." Releasing his gatling weapons he held out his arms in relief as a 15 meter wide purple-white flash enveloped his entirety and painlessly reduced him into nothingness.

It had taken every single flare in his wing pod and two teleports to evade the single largest missile volley he'd ever seen from a PA suit and what was worse, he'd also lost track of Sana. Candon repeated it as a mantra, the sadness of seeing Rolland, a man he'd previously fought alongside as a trusted friend, would have to wait but knowing that 'later' would not come for him made it all the harder. The stress of the battle was only making his fragmentation spread farther and increasing his dependency on the Spectre's systems. It was getting hard to tell who was wearing who at this point. His mind drifted to how much he missed his wife already. The pain he was causing her by pursuing the fight rather than spend his final weeks with her racking him with guilt. It was wrong and he knew it. It was selfish, but necessary. His fellow operatives didn't know what these people were capable of and on that point he steeled his resolve. "Jinja, I need eyes on Sana!"

The reply came a moment later, "spotted, she's almost to the Izanagi and spoofing a friendly IFF! Point defense won't engage her. Jump on the Soaring Windflower and hang on!" Rocketing at full thrust for the ships hull the two intercepted harshly sending his saber-rifles spinning into space. It mattered not to him as he used his forearm graviton projectors to lock himself to the hull as it rapidly sped off at speeds unattainable greater than he'd ever experienced without being inside the vessel. The acceleration strained him as his own propulsion system struggled to keep up. Searing pain swept his muscles as the stretching of his suit tore sinew and flesh but maintained it's integrity. As his drug injector engaged his focus returned and his target came into sensor range with a positive lock. "Let's do this!"

"Hei," the captain answered knowingly, "godspeed." The ship slowed and Candon shot of the hull like a launched missile at speeds uncontrollable for power armor. The strain now removed from him he drew his sword Koku Ken and guided his course as best he could while applying full reverse thrust. Igniting the bright blue distortion field on his katana he swept across her spine, her shields sparking helplessly as the energized beam bisected her attached wing thrusters. Her shields down, he grappled her with the graviton projector on his left arm, its dark beam distorting her image as it jerked her along with him as they both careened toward the hull of the YSS Izanagi. At this speed Candon was sure that the great ship's shields would evaporate them both, ending the conflict for good. Until...
"Dear allies, we got ya," came a voice a mere meter from impact as a tractor beam arrested both of their fall, "any closer and you two'd have been dead! Go inside and rearm and repair, soldiers, we got you covered!" Candon frantically tried to raise the colossal ship with Sana laughing manically as he failed to penetrate the bureaucracy of such a station sized crew. "That almost worked, son!" she scolded, "now do you get it?" Candon drew his aether sidearms and began firing desperately at her as she returned the favor. Shields and armor sparked and ablated as the two fired as best they could while unable to control their vectors.

"Deputy director Jinja Emi of YSS Soaring Windflower to YSS Izanagi. Power down Tractor 377 immediately and do not interfere. Highly classified, lockdown all sectors where they are. Copy?" A disgruntled voice replied, "we should have been notified. Tractor 337 is being shut down. What are you doing to my ship?" Jinja recognized the captains voice and softened hers just enough to imply respect. "It is a very long and classified story. To make it short do NOT let the red one in, it is using a stolen IFF and the operator is extremely dangerous." A pause later and the voice returned, "that classified actor wishes to harm my ship, do they? Well have them back! Your secrets are your problem deputy director!" A moment later the tractor beam reversed with the intensity of a cannon, launching the two away from the vessel.

Momentarily free of the tractor Sana teleported and Candon did as well, tackling her as she appeared on the hull of the Izanagi. She rolled onto her back and fired the pulse gun on her wrists one after the other, Candon dodging left then right only for her to sweep out his feet with a kick. The clad man dropped hard to the hull in the low gravity, pistols bounding across the plated deck. He drew his sword again in perfect time to parry her ōdachi and deliver a graviton punch that drove her back several meters. Jumping back to his feet he released his sword and used his graviton projectors to snatch up his pistols in time for the retaliation of her wrist guns, his small suppressed aether pulses appearing as like more than distorted streaks until they connected with solid matter. Shots flew as they both ran for cover behind deck guns and appearing on the other side only to charge one another, diving through the low gravity to remain evasive yet still trading shots.

Regaining their footing the two began punching and countering each others punches, their guns firing with each missed strike. It appeared as a well practiced dance, and indeed was seeing as Sana had trained him. The occasional flicker of shields announced a successful hit until both of their shields were down. Candon knew what she'd try and improvised, this time letting her take his right pistol but in truth had his projector charged to deliver a colossal punch to her face, catching her in his other projector and pulling her back in to hit her again. Only this time she accelerated into him taking two shots to the chest and delivering a career ending kick to Candon's neck.

He tumbled end over end stunned by the strike, unable to gauge his position and vector to correct. Checkmate, he shunted power from one of his capacitors to shields for the coming onslaught. Sana drew her ōdachi again and charged, teleporting behind him and slicing his wing generators clean off and lancing his right leg. Candon screamed out in pain as it deep into his flesh as he fired blindly behind himself, trying to limp from her to no avail as he collapsed. "Let's face it, Torēsu. You never really were on my level,"she bragged, kicking his last pistol away and stabbing him twice more in the chest with the blade off. Losing her composure she cried out, "I wanted you to join me! We could have been a family again! I faked my death and killed my husband for this, and you just want me to rejoin the system!?" Sana stabbed him six more times in the back as he attempted to crawl, his life support layer working overtime to resist the vacuum of space. Sana kicked him hard in the stomach, his limp body drifting 3 meters in the low gravity surrounded in a spray of blood.

Teleporting again to him she grabbed him by the helmet and slam
"Dear allies, we got ya," came a voice a mere meter from impact as a tractor beam arrested both of their fall, "any closer and you two'd have been dead! Go inside and rearm and repair, soldiers, we got you covered!" Candon frantically tried to raise the collossal ship with Sana laughing manically as he failed to penetrate the beaurocracy of such a station sized crew. "That almost worked, son!" she scolded, "now do you get it?" Candon drew his aether sidearms and began firing desparately at her as she returned the favor. Shields and armor sparked and ablated as the two fired as best they could while unable to control their vectors.

"Deputy director Jinja Emi of YSS Soaring Windflower to YSS Izanagi. Power down Tractor 377 immediatly and do not interfere. Highly classified, lockdown all sectors where they are. Copy?" A disgruntled voice replied, "we should have been notified. Tractor 337 is being shut down. What are you doing to my ship?" Jinja recognized the captains voice and softened hers just enough to imply respect. "It is a very long and classified story. To make it short do NOT let the red one in, it is using a stolen IFF and the operator is extremely dangerous." A pause later and the voice returned, "that classified actor wishes to harm my ship, do they? Well have them back! Your secrets are your problem deputy director!" A moment later the tractor beam reversed with the intensity of a cannon, launching the two away from the vessel.

As Sana teleported Candon did as well, tackling her as she appeared on the hull of the Izanagi. She rolled onto her back and fired the pulse gun on her wrists one after the other, Candon dodging left then right only for her to sweep out his feet with a kick. The clad man dropped hard to the hull in the low gravity, pistols bounding across the plated deck. He drew his sword again in perfect time to parry her ōdachi and deliver a graviton punch that drove her back several meters. Jumping back to his feet he released his sword and used his graviton projectors to snatch up his pistols in time for the retaliation of her wrist guns, his small suppressed aether pulses appearing as like more than distorted streaks until they connected with solid matter. Shots flew as they both ran for cover behind deck guns and appearing on the other side only to charge one another, diving through the low gravity to remain evasive yet still trading shots.

Regaining their footing the two began punching and countering each others punches, their guns firing with each missed strike. It appeared as a well practiced dance, and indeed was seeing as Sana had trained him. The occasional flicker of shields announced a successful hit until both of their shields were down. Candon knew what she'd try and improvised, this time letting her take his right pistol but in truth had his projector charged to deliver a collosal punch to her face, catching her in his other projector and pulling her back in to hit her again. Only this time she accelerated into him taking two shots to the chest and delivering a career ending kick to Candon's neck.

He tumbled end over end stunned by the strike, unable to guage his position and vector to correct. Checkmate, he shunted power from one of his capacitors to shields for the coming onslaught. Sana drew her ōdachi again and charged, teleporting behind him and slicing his wing generators clean off and lancing his right leg. Candon screamed out in pain as it seared his flesh as he fired blindly behind himself, trying to limp from her to no avail as he collapsed. "Let's face it, Torēsu. You never really were on my level,"she bragged, kicking his last pistol away and stabbing him twice more in the chest with the blade off. Losing her composure she cried out, "I wanted you to join me! We could have been a family again! I faked my death and killed my husband for this, and you just want me to rejoin the system!?" Sana stabbed him six more times in the back as he attempted to crawl, his life support layer working overtime to resist the vacuum of space. Sana kicked him hard in the stomach, his limp body drifting 3 meters in the low gravity surronded in a spray of blood.

Teleporting again to him she grabbed him by the helmet and slammed him to the deck. drawing an energy knife she cut through the back of his helmet with surgical precision. "No, now it's time that I have everything I've ever wanted and you will love me again!" she declared passionately sliding the knife into delicate circuitry. Warnings filled Candon's visor, among them 'PSC Offline'. Candon could feel it, the very real hand of death. That thing that happened to other people but never to him, the thing he feared most. But this time it was different. This time it was his decision. Lifting him to his feet Sana pulled their helmeted heads face to face and opened a psionic link. Her datastream rushed through his mind, the symbols, numbers, and letters filling his vision once again. Psionically Torēsu said one final message to his mother. 'I forgive you.'

Koku ken pierced through Sana's backplate and out of Candons, energy field at 120% power. The blade's unstable field exploded as a small grenade chaining the reactors of both suits in a flare that matched the simultaneous sight of Glimmergold erupting under Izanagi's aether shock array.

Candon Suites, YE 23-43