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Rejected Submission SiZi Model 38 Special Duty Revolver DRv3 Downtiering


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
🎖️ Game Master
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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  1. I agree
So I see a lot of weapons are having to be down-tiered, this should be no exception

Pinging @raz because they made the original article

And pinging @Wes because well, Yamland stuff
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This shouldn't be "down-tiered." The conversion to DRv3 was discussed and approved in the weapon's submission thread.
A lot of things approved for DRv3 have also been down tiered recently, why shouldn't this be?
You shouldn't downtier this weapon because there is no precedent I know of in SARP for Yamataian weapons being downtiered. Why are we beginning to do so for them?
If Yamataian weapons are exempt from the same rules everyone else has to follow then that is sooo hypocritical, this is a pistol-sized weapon yet it is doing enough damage to almost be able to pierce a mech in one shot? that does not seem fair in the slightest.
I agree that this is far too powerful at the moment, and does need downtiering. Plus the damage values are inconsistent. One table lists them as tiers 1, 2 and 3, and another lists them as tiers 2, 4 and 6.

Personally, I think the highest this should be reaching is tier 5 with heavy cartridges, which are energy based and can only be used in power armor.

Yamatai weapons must be treated the same way as anyone else, which means we need to fight the damage creep like we would on any other article.

I think a good compromise on damage would be tier 2 for light cartridges, tier 3 for standard, and tier 5 for heavy.
In my official opinion, the damage should be Tier 2/Tier 3/Tier 4/Tier 3 for light, standard, heavy, and special cartridges - though ultimately it's up to whoever reviews it. @Alex Hart, do you want to take it, or should I? (I'm fine either way, it's just that I won't be able to get to this until tomorrow, as I'm rather burnt out after reviewing six different submissions today. xvx)
A vocal minority doesn't get to decide that all guns across the board need to be nerfed. The DRv3 on this gun was relatively recent, and I will not see it changed. You don't get to resub my gun, sorry.

If the DRs are changed despite Wes' explicit approval, the M38 will be discontinued in-character and cut off from customer support just like the M30 was. Either the gun does what it's supposed to do or it stops being made.
So does that mean the shotgun I was recently told to change is able to go back to the way it was prior to being down tiered? @FrostJaeger because if this is exempt then doesn't that mean all recently down tiered weapons are also exempt?

If Raz has the right to refuse his weapon being downtiered then surely others have the same right if their weapon was approved with one damage rating and then forced down, so with this logic I can just go revert the changes I thought I had to make?

Either everybody is forced to have their weapons in compliance with the way tiers are being handled now or nobody is, because otherwise it's just super hypocritical and quite frankly stupid.
Either everybody is forced to have their weapons in compliance with the way tiers are being handled now or nobody is
Guess I missed the memo. Let me know when it was that a new standard was announced. Certain people unilaterally updating specific articles does not mean other weapons should be nerfed because they suddenly look powerful next to what was voluntarily nerfed.

Either the M38 does what is was designed to do or it doesn't appear in RP anymore. This is exactly what happened to the Model 30 in YE33: People thought it was too cool and decided it would be down-tiered, so it was pulled because it could no longer be used as intended.

The M38 either stays where it should be, or it shall be discontinued and have all DRs updated to zero due to lack of ammunition availability and interstellar arms regulation (that last part is "you guys").
I do agree that we should avoid hypocrisy here. Even if you're best buddies with Wes or something, that shouldn't mean that you can ignore the regulations made for everyone. I say "best buddies with Wes" because I've seen so many people suck up to a community figurehead (Wes, in the case of SARP) in order to weasel their way out of rules, usually to the annoyance of a majority of the relevant community.
I am locking this thread to prevent further drama from occurring. Any non-staff replies made prior to the thread being unlocked can and will be deleted.

Edit: This submission has been Rejected at the submitter's request.
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