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Approved Submission So-M2-1A Sahti VANDR


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Frame
Submission URL: Click Me! Be gentle~

Faction: Iromakuanhe Commonwealth/Astral Vanguard
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? It had art, but it seems to have gone missing.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nada
Contains New art? I wish
Previously Submitted? Nein

Please be gentle, it is my first submission in many years on here.
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I was told by Soresu he wanted feet. I thought I'd think of something that'd be finlike, but could kind of extend out to match that need.

Not drawing feet is far easier. It all depends on what the machine is meant to be like.
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Feet that will become a solid piece once transformed. The Sahti's size is more in league with the Haidan as well so I figured it may assist if balance was an issue should the GE-Lifter systems were offline.
Give me the week and I'll see to having something concrete enough to permit approval - based on art, anyhow.
I'm not going to complete this in a timely fashion, so what I made so far is all that'll be available for the foreseeable future.

If you know of other artists, feel free to have them take over, or build something anew.
@Ametheliana @Soresu
I kind of picture it as one of the smaller Medium Mecha (armored).

It has a Conformal Barrier
I don't think it deserves being two-facing due to its transformable nature and 2 extra modes of protection;
personally, I'd use the secondary shields as an excuse to diminish beam damage to 'one step less' to respect the flavor of the items and allow them to work together

The Repel function looks to me like something that could be grenade-like, so I'd flag it as Heavy Anti-Personnel. I have some trouble picture it doing a shove hard enough to kill someone in a power armor.

The same goes for beacon flares. I know it does pyrotechnics, but harming people seems a secondary purpose to actually being hot and bright.
And again the same for canister missiles. Impact could count as Light Anti-Personnel. Direct contact with something fairly big compared to a power armor could be harmful.

As for the actual weapons:

So-M2-W0935 "Shockmaul" RCPA Cannon
That feels Medium Anti-mecha. The kind of gun you use to reliably kill another VANDR, maybe?

So-M2-W2936 "Star Adder" APaLa Missile Rack
That looks like your big heavy-duty missile/bomb. Seems to go square into Heavy Anti-Mecha. A generous store of ammunition too with a rather frightening firing rate. I kind of get why small starships would be leery of those too.

So-M1-W1784 "Divine Fist" CIVWS
I'd count those as Medium Anti-Mecha. It looks to me like, they have the scale to be a serious problem to another VANDR.

So-M1-W1935.B "Phantoma Needle" VT Fang
Those feel Medium Anti-Armor to me.

So-M1-W2784 "Searing Ray" CELB Laser Array
They might be Light Anti-Mecha. I see them as a secondary weapon that was mostly dedicated to destroying tanks. Being able to cause some harm to large shuttles/small starships seemed possible, but not the focus (considering that it has stronger weapons that can do that better and I didn't want to dethrone them).

So-M1-W3784 "Storm Ray" LEMB Laser Array
Those feel Light Anti-Armor to me.

So-M1-W4784 "Star Locust" PASD Missile Pods
I'd rate those as Heavy Anti-Armor.


Now, if you assign values to those weapons of the Sahti's article, don't forget that those are problably used on other VANDRs too. You might as well add the same information on the weapon articles themselves.

I personally recommend 2 things.
1- Write whatever you want to add in 'Secondary Purpose', but make sure the main 'Purpose' line lists the values relevant to DRv3. 'Purpose' is really what we mainly rely on in DRv3 to express the damage the item might be capable of.
2- Secondly, renaming articles could help quickly figure out that information. At a glance, a non-Iroma-knowledgeable person doesn't grasp much from "So-M1-W4784 "Star Locust" PASD Missile Pods" aside that it fires missiles. But if it was named "Heavy Anti-Mecha "Star Locust" Missile Pods" I'd nail it in my mind much faster. It's a nomenclature I'd like to encourage.
I amended the DR ratings for the weapons. With the Purpose areas highlighting Exp: Anti-Mecha, Armor etc etc. Under damage I've added a T for Tier, and a corresponding number. Same for the shields, and the hull with the secondary shields decreasing damage by a tier. As for the KORD System, it isn't really meant to be used to kill power armor. By poorly protected, I would hazard a guess at people in body armor. Nothing with an inertial dampner system or shields. All in all, I hope that makes it satisfactory? If not, just give me a shout and I'll do more edits.