Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 So.....yeah, the dog is my sister now.

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
----//188604//Section 6/Saber neighborhood//Pine house//midday----
Jack sat on the couch waiting for Amit to come down stares after he had called him down to talk, as the Neera situation needed to be explained. She waited in the kitchen behind him out of sight until she was to come in for her part of the explanation and neither seemed sure about the outcome of the talk to come.
Amit had no idea why he was called downstairs, the child had been acting like a normal one for a change. Playing a game of make believe with companion. The large plushie was in the process of flying through a 'asteroid belt' when Jack had opened the door to call him down; course what had greeted him was Amit dangling off of his bed by one of the posts with Companion held out as far as Amit's short arms could allow him to reach. Of course, having to end the game earlier than expected Amit merely leaned backwards to land on the bed on his back with a sigh leaving him.

"Party poopers, eh Companion?" Amit mumbled to the cat like plushie as he pushed himself off the bed.

Carrying Companion in his arms down the stairs, the boy was unaware of what was going on. So when he got there, nothing felt off or anything negative of the sort. For now, he'd be a docile little child.

"Okay, I'm here." Amit said, not yet going near the couch.
"Sit down son, we need to explain something to you. Something happened recently that I want you to understand. Now it involves Neera, and we just hope you can understand why this happened." Jack said rubbing the back of his neck.
A uneasy brow was raised to this but as the child shuffled his steps toward the couch and eventually climbed aboard. He fidgeted with his placement for a moment before going a little still. Though he then propped Companion up to where they'd be sitting there and adjusting the plushie's head, had it look at Jack as well. Making sure Companion was stable in their funny position, Amit would look up at Jack.

"You killed the wolf didn't ya?" Amit questioned, a displeased look growing on his young face.
"What?! No. I didn't kill her, but she has undergone a recent change that I know is a touchie subject given what you went through. I wanted to prepare you for this. She will be the one to explain the why, I just want you to know she had her reasons and that I hope you can still love her given her recent yeah, I'm gonna let her explain this one and I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Jack said awkwardly on the last part as he waited for Amit to react before he left the room.
"Well with the way you're acting, kind of implies that you killed her." Amit retorted with a small shrug.

Course as the man went on, Amit's displeased look started to change. The sound of the collar on his neck beeping was a strong indicator of his currently rising emotion; mainly the negative ones. His eyes went wide and the collar's beeping grew rapidly louder. If you stared at those wide green eyes, you'd see them start to water up meaning that tears weren't that far away.

"NO!! YOU FUCKING JACK ASS!!" Amit snapped, quickly getting off the couch and running for the stairs.

Course in his fit, he didn't realize he was leaving Companion behind. THough Jack had time to try and grab hold of the child to stop em from escaping to their room.
"Amit stop! This was her choose and it was out of the need to protect those she cares about, and that includes you. She is still Neera and she did do this because she didn't like who she was. She did it because she couldn't protect me. In a time when I had to suffer through immense pain and torture she felt helpless without anyway to help, so she decided to change. Amit just talk to her, you two are going to have to deal with this sooner or later." Jack said pleading as he grabbed Amit by the shoulder as the ten year old hit the first couple steps of the stairs.
"Let go Let Go!!" Amit pleaded as he squirmed, though Jack was stronger so he was caught by the shoulder and currently stuck there.

The annoying beeping of his collar was louder, a great deal so. He felt a strong jolt go through him that made him cringe and sit on the floor. His tears were leaving his eyes as he sat there, rubbing his eyes trying to get them to go away.

"You've been home for however long it's been since she did this....what could you have possibly done to get yourself tortured? You can outrun tanks!! What would possibly do anything to you?" He questions through sobs.
"We were testing a new implant at work. I was the subject. It worked, but in the process of it working and enhancing, it caused great pain to an extend that I couldn't even pass out from the pain and was forced to be awake even as I screamed for it to stop. Neera was there with your aunt and your new aunt in law, with all of them feeling as helpless as her. One can't outrun his own foolishness when digging into science that quiet frankly oversteps some borders. I may be able to outrun tanks, but that doesn't make me invincible, and even I can be weak." Jack said trying to calm his son down as he took a seat on the stairs next to him while still holding him there.

"You know there were a lot of things that happened, or changed in my childhood that I didn't like, or was upset about. Even I ran from home as a kid. The orphanage really seemed like a cold place, and nobody cared. I had to live on the streets and there were a lot of things that changed then that I had to deal with to move on and survive. But like you and companion, I had a best friend that I could rely on to have my back when things got hard. I hope you get to meet your uncle Zeke some day." Jack continued hoping he could show how he had been where Amit was in a way.
Well it was true, everything was weak. Companion was weak to a lot of things, he could get torn and shreaded just by getting snapped on something. One loose thread could cause him to unravel. And honestly, that was true for all beings. A loose thread for people might not be actual thread but it could be something more. One big mistake by choice or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Both of those happened to Amit. He made the mistake of running form home and he'd been in the wrong place when the man offered him a place to stay, he once again made another big mistake when accepting help from a total stranger.

"Why would you make yourself the lab rat? Don't you know that is the stupidest thing you could do? I'm good proof of that..." Amit questioned, sniffling a bit as his tears still fell.

This was one weird family, and it was only gonna get weirder it seemed.
"So no one else had to. I'm used to pain, to seeing it, and I don't want to see others have to go through with it. I played the lab rat so no else had to take the risk. And that is why Neera did what she did because she couldn't do anything, but watch as I suffered. That's why I think it's about time you two talked about this. Are you ready for this, or at least to actually talk to her?" Jack said before calling for Neera.
Amit just sat there, trying to wipe away the few remaining tears he had left. Though he honestly wasn't sure if he was ready for this. This whole mess was caused by his parents wanting to change, for a stupid reason. Granted from the sounds of it, the reason here wasn't stupid. At the moment it didn't sound stupid. Sounded reasonable.

"F...fine.." he weakly replied.
Jack lead the child back over to the couch and stayed by his side as Neera left the kitchen and entered the living room. Standing at 5'4 with crimson eyes, snow white fur, a very humanoid curvy figure, and dressed in shorts and a T-shirt came and sat on the opposite couch.

"Hey kid, I know this may seem weird, but this was a choice I needed to make. Dad was in trouble and I couldn't do anything, so I made a change so that I could something next time." Neera said somewhat nervously.

"Um, yeah I forgot about that part. Because of the laws of species moving to more developed bodies and a rather young one at that. I had to adopt her in order to get her transfer approved, so your siblings now." Jack said following a light cough.
Amit glanced up though he quickly looked away. He didn't like it. What was so bad with being on four legs despite not being able to help? Sure it was a good reason to get this but...still. He didn't like this. He didn't like the fact that she opted out for a new body in the end.

"Just great...." Amit groaned to Jack's comment.

Reaching for Companion, he grabbed hold of the plushie and brought it back to his arms. Looking at the ground, he just stood there. Not saying anything else as he just wanted this all to be over with.
Jack sat quietly watching things unfold.

Neera noticing Amit's reluctance got up from her couch and walked over to kneel before him, "Hey buddy, it's still me. Granted I can't sleep at the foot of the bed anymore, but I'm still the smart mouth you know. Were siblings now too, so I can hope you'll still learn to love me as so, cuz big sis is gotta watch out for the little bro." she said before putting her hands on his cheeks.
"I just...want things to stay somewhat.....stable...." Amit whimpered, his eyes watering again. "Why can't something...just...stay as it used to...? do I just cause...everything to have to change?"

Amit wasn't really looking at her, he just sat there with tears leaving his eyes in big blobs. He was just a child, a mere child who didn't want anything else to change in his life. Everything had changed for 'bad' in his life before. He just wanted something to not change.
"This wasn't your fault, I did this myself, my decision. Dad was in trouble and I could do nothing, so changed so I could do something. I am still me Amit, and that isn't going to change. My body may have changed, but my mind remains the same." Neera said trying to explain and calm the child at the same time.