Star Army

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RP [SoA: Idol Wars] The Dream Realized; Sinful Bean Forms the Anisa Idols!

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As she heard the comments about her toughness Himiko, of course, had to show off. She would scramble around to take the smaller girl on her back off her and keep a grip on her before she would start to try and military press her overtop of Himiko's head. Yoshimi might be the delinquent of the group but Himiko could certainly be the strongest.

But as their handler seemed to disperse the crowd and turn to offer her corrections and critiques Himiko could only nod slightly to what Shibui said. It would have to be an issue she would need to learn to correct, but she would. She listened to the information that Shibui passed on to the group and pulled up the packets of data they had gotten to look over the blueprints. All the while she would wave to whatever fans would look their way.
Yuki had been letting out a few squeals of delight as Himiko ran around the stage with her, the mini whose hair had been pulsating a bright pink colour from all the excitement sent the mental equivalent of a smile back to their synthetically buxom handler when the praise was given - not feeling nervous in the slightest as the soon to be dispersed fans crowded around.

She hadn't been expecting to get bench pressed though, one hand on her butt and the other between her shoulder blades took a moment to adjust to but soon Yuki was back to cheering adorably "Haha, weeeee, she's really frippledanging strong!".

Colourful and made-up adjectives aside Yuki decided to begin pouring over the information being thrown into her little noggin, listening to the plans and contingencies that were in place as she sent back a mental message, "It all looks good to me miss, anything else you want to share with us right now?"
"Shimmy! You're totally being a big stupid-head already! That's, like, totally rude!"

Oh no.

"Jeez, calm down Crasher. We just got here and you're already screaming. Besides, being rude is obviously her gimmick..."

Oh no!

"But everyone else seems nice! Why's stupid Shimmy gotta be so stupid!?"

The blue-haired Mini fought to tuck some sort of instrument case up against her body as she flew into the area, needing both hands free for the complicated funny face she was pulling, wiggling her fingers and 'pbbbbt'-ing her tongue at Yoshimi. The taller, red-skinned Mini flying next to her just sighed and covered her eyes with one hand, the other holding the handle of a smaller, more delicate case. The pair were wearing matching Type 35 Duty Uniforms, both with pilot blue markings and identical Itto Hei bars.

Their arrival caught the attention of a few customers, and more than a few employees. There was a good chance some of the Minis on stage recognized the two as well. Besides Yoshimi, obviously. They were the 'Avatars' part of 'Venus and the Avatars' after all. Galactic Platinum recording artists and decorated veterans.

And late for the first day of their new assignment.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Yoshimi was taking in the attention she was getting for being the delinquent well. Well some would not see her being the strength of group, should could prove them otherwise at a later time. Now was just the time to be eye candy.

Then she heard some familiar voices. Voices from only year or two ago that she dreaded. Maybe she just imagining it. Maybe it just by chance that out of the billions of voices in the Empire, that some other people sounded just like them. She blinked just in time to have her field of vision filled by Crasher and have all the hope and happiness drain from her soul.

Her hands twitched. All she had to do was reach up, clasp them the annoying one's cheeks, and twist. The personnel officers along with other crew came into focus. A twist and one annoyance would be gone for either execution or a lifetime in jail. Her hand simply reached up and flicked the other mini on the forehead.

"Buzz off, fly, you're getting in my space." She said with a sneer before folding her arms again.

Nailed it.
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Robosumi heard that someone in the audience had seen her thigh after her little leg incident and had to save herself- After all, it was only her first day, it would be terrible to let a mistake like that slide and make everyone view her as a tiny neko in a robot costume. Momosumi might not be able to handle it, but she was Robosumi right now, she was what the people wanted to see. The miniature robot realized that she could use the attention to her advantage to impress the crowd. Her head's electric blue eyes flashed as she spoke, asking "You saw my thigh? You mean THIS thigh?" She kicked her right leg out in style to show the audience, calculating a course so that it wouldn't hit anyone. This time, her silver colored leg was on and not falling off, certainly looking like a robot leg instead of an organic leg.
Takiki Iki sighed in her soul. This was hard, certainly harder than she thought it would be. To have to be vocal, but not too vocal... strikign a balance between everything and everyone, and it didn't help she had the attention span of a gnat in these kinds of situations. With every fiber of her being, she had to stay focused on the situation at hand. And everyone else already seemed to have their personas down so well. Maybe she needed more practice.

Ah well, she thought to herself. Guess I'd best lend a hand to somone's act here yes? After all i'm told I should be more vocal? "Come on, let's uh, not start a fight now yeah? All freinds here... besides I think Robosumi may need some maintenence." The supposed nerd said with a giggle as she chatted up her fellow idols, ensuring the audience would hear. As she talked, she sidled up to the others- in particular making sure she was close enough to grab the next people to fall off the stage again. She suspected the next ones to do that would be tossed by the 'delinquent' as she got more and more into her own persona.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

The dysfunctional display of the stage-bound group was somewhat expected; they were elites trying to fulfill the duty of Shibui's most treasured slice of Yamataian culture. They were amateurs. But amateurs who were some of the most capable and well-trained individuals to ever serve! Members of the Star Army Intelligence!

The sparking battle between rough and tumble Yoshimi and Crasher was enough to make the blonde's heart skip a beat... but only for one before her machine mind enforced a reinforced complexion and stonefaced demeanor once more. Stepping over toward the stage - gently petting sweet Robosumi's head to ensure her that she was simply delightful - Shibui turned to face the crowd. She appeared... much smaller thanks to the arrival of one of the biggest hairdos to bless the stars; but it didn't dissuade her from delivering a single and piercing clap.

The various morale officers set to work, racing to tables and customers to distract them before turning to face the idols and carefully place her palms atop both Caramel and Crasher's noggins.

"Everyone; these two are seasoned stars and excellent members of Yamataian culture; you all will be taking lessons from them. This is onee-sama Crasher - and generally rowdy icon - and onee-sama Caramel; both of them have toured the stars and have plenty of experience... all of you - including our robotic leg-flasher - will be learning from them. Specifically... you all will be learning choreography from them for our first performance. You all need more time to develop songs to call your own but I have the utmost faith in you..."

Her fingers gently caressed down Crasher's cheeks almost obsessively... before her red glare shifted over to Takiki.

"I plan for you and Yuki to be the frontliners for the first set of performances; you will both have to study extensive dance moves. You both seem to be crowd favorites already, which will ensure the others can take notes and begin field analysis. Do you believe yourself up to the important job of distracting, drawing and maintaining their attentions? If not... then we will have to think of a new way for all of you to gain some exposure..."

(@Speeder01 @SageShooter @SirSkully @Reynolds @SirSPT @Noodlewerfer)
Himiko looked to the two newcomers that had floated in with a bit of confusion before their presence was explained. She let her head cock to the side just a touch as she looked them up and down. She had heard of the two, who hadn't on Yamatai, but did they really need trainers like this? She didn't let her doubt show on her face though as she walked closer to the two veterans and stuck a hand out to Crasher with a grin.

"Take care of us will you Onee-chan?" She said as she waited to take the hand. She would look past the fact that she was pushed back to the back line for the first show. After all things could change with time, and her time in the spotlight would come soon enough. Sure this was an assignment for SAINT, but it wasn't like she didn't have dreams of one day becoming an actual Idol like these two.
As Himiko suddenly lost interest in bench-pressing Yuki, the pink-haired neko let out a small huff of disappointment and tumbled from the girl's grasp to land on the ground doing the splits - her ample chest bouncing a little on the cutesy mini's rather eye-catching frame as her hair took on a slightly more muted tone when compared to the pink flames it had been just before.

"I... alright miss Oku Mame! I won't let you down!" Yuki chirped up with one fist clenched from determination as she whipped around to face the two trainers, tail whipping around excitedly at all the new people to meet - though Yuki didn't really see any reason why the crowds would like her more than anybody else.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I'm Yuki!" she called out toward Caramel and Crasher before seeing that Himiko had already chosen Crasher, deciding to get to Caramel before any of the other mini soon-to-be idols could as she bolted forward to wrap Onee-sama Caramel up with a chesty, sweater-clad hug.
Takiki peeked over and nodded as she was pointed out, and a question was asked. "Ah- Hai." She responded with a smile. Front lines? Sure, she could do that. Learning to dance? It couldn't be harder than piloting a sylph. But, very soon she was distracted again, her front line partner going straight for the only actual Idols in the group. Even if they were just extremely recent additions. She had to admit, she would enjoy having a seasoned one here. "Youuuu can... count on me."
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Yoshimi grimaced at thought of having to work with the new arrivals. Dancing, singing, not being the lead, she was okay with; but having to work them had her a bit on tilt emotionally. Physically, she was upright and had her are folded, not giving an inch to Crasher. The mission seemed to have gone from interesting to hell in the span of a few seconds.

Not having much to say, she let out a "pfft" as she waited for the meet and greet to be over like a real delinquent.
"Beep boop," Robosumi stated upon being pet by Shibui. She was once again standing on both legs. Then she heard Shibui call her a "robotic leg-flasher". She would've blushed, but, well... that didn't really work with her silver plastic... face... Wow. Even Chlorate's better than her at blushing. "Well... who wouldn't want to see these legs?" she asked, practically basking in the fame she hadn't actually achieved yet. "Anyway, I look forward to learning from fellow stars." The mini-robo proudly stood on the stage with her electrical cord tail flicking around- and then it slumped, after Robosumi realized she wasn't going to be a lead performer for the first set of performances- and more importantly, that Takiki and Yuki had become crowd favorites so quickly while the chrome girl had not. "You... You mean I'm... not a crowd favorite?" Robosumi asked, sounding so heartbroken it seemed that as if her head's immobile and flashing blue eyes were conveying emotions they should not be able to due to their static nature.
"Ack!" Crasher's hands went to her forehead, relatively tiny instrument case sliding free, clattering against the miniature stage with a miniature racket. "Shimmy, you-" The rest was cut off as a giant hand patted atop her head. Nearby, Mel's mohawk was temporarily squashed before swiftly springing back up to full height.

As their introductions proceeded, Crasher's brief scowl was replaced by a wide, beaming grin. The Mini was practically purring as she nuzzled her cheek against Shibui's hand, basking in the attention. "Mmhmm, that's right. We're totally professionals!" Caramel just sighed at that response. Crasher was going to be impossible to live with if this continued.

"Of course I'll, like, totally take care of y-woah! You're, like, totally huge!" Crasher cut herself off this time, gasping in shock as she finally paid some attention to the other Minis beside Yoshimi. The blue-haired bundle of energy flew a quick 360 around Himiko, taking all of that in, before floating a few inches above the stage to be at eye level. "I mean, not as huge as Tru, but...!"

Meanwhile, Caramel had retrieved the stray instrument case her partner had instantly forgotten all about, and was attempting to balance both bits of luggage when a streak of neon pink suddenly slammed into her. Now both cases went skidding across the little stage, that mohawk standing up straight and rigid, Mel's eyes widened in distress. "...t...two of them!?" Her wide eyed gaze rapidly flickered between Yuki and Crasher as she squirmed in that extremely friendly grip.

"Mel, why are you throwing our stuff around? It's, like, totally important!" Crasher finally had enough of gawking at Himiko, zipping over to take her turn collecting both cases. "We've been working on some, like, totally amazing, totally radical, totally awesome choreo for everyone! Usually we're, like, too busy playing our instruments, but now we get to, like, totally stretch our legs!"

The light was slowly draining from Caramel's eyes as her mohawk began to droop and wilt...
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

Good girls; these are GOOD girls.

The beanlord's smile didn't falter even while Caramel seemed downtrodden; her little mohawk would need copious amounts of inspiration but Mame was certain that would be plentiful even with the energy of Crasher and Yuki. After all; Robosumi was the only innocent smol in dire need of plentiful aid. The beep-booper was innocent and thought stars and fan favorites were born in a day.

Empires needed building. Or destroying, if they were filthy Kuvexian scum.

The obsidian skin of the larger neko did little to hide her growing snarl and its venom - thankfully her back being to the crowd ensured the alarming levels of boiling hatred weren't exposed.

"Yoshimi isn't either but that's fine." Shibui whispered, reining her animosity in with a small shake of her head. "Sometimes an idol shines brighter to their fans even if they have less of them."

Looking to Takaki next - after patting Yuki for being a blessed child-like killing machine - her demeanor changed a bit further toward worry.

"Everyone will have to practice really hard so I will count on you; I want your stage performances to really shine. All of you will - with my help producing and managing - become the faces of a beautiful age in Yamatai. The age of Doki Doki becoming a household name... and the Anisan Idol Squad becoming the adoration of children everywhere!"

Rising up and leaving the group to their stage-frolicking and socializing, Shibui couldn't help but admit that apart from her own personal desires this would be a challenging operation. Becoming idols was a secondary objective in every meaning... even for her idol-loving heart; the main job was finding out who and what their foes had been able to infiltrate and root them out. Until the threat to Anisa was wiped out, they would be funded and propelled through any channel necessary. It was a cover job but one powered by the most powerful organization in the entire sector as far as she was concerned. The prospects of the streets turning into a warzone was all too real if they were discovered...

They were a non-discretionary group that would have to be discretionary.

"Alright, so," Mame claps and looks over her shoulder to the posse, starting to slowly walk away from the stage and them. "You all have some fun, practice and socialize... I'm going to mingle a bit with the guests. Really talk things out, alright? I want to hear friendships blossoming by the time I walk back over here!"
Consider this a free-posting period; I'll swing in after a bit of posting from everyone to kill pick-up the pace. This should give everyone IC time to build character relationships without the need for JPs.
Doki Doki YSA
Tōttori, Irata Continent

"Have fun, Miss Oku Mame!" Yuki chirped back after recovering from the brutal assault on her small, pink-topped head - the bouncy girl's features having screwed up in a rather adorable way for the duration of her rewarding head-pat.

Though why was she being rewarded? she'd only been herself... then the neon Neko paused and looked towards Caramel's wilting mohawk, like a flower that had been ignored for too long - so Yuki released the other girl from her grasp and instead went to support the mohawk with both her hands, holding the tower of hair in place with a giggle before she spoke.

"Wowee you must need a lot of hair gel to keep this up, did you run out or something?"
Caramel gasped, sucking in air now that Yuki's deathgrip friendly hug had been released. That mohawk returned to its normal, proud state with the other idol's help, feeling quite luxurious and noticeably un-gelled against her fingers. "N-no, it mostly...does it on its own. And, you know..." The normally calm idol coughed, still in the process of regaining her composure, while Yuki continued to play with that impressively tall coif.

"...inertia control and everything." With that, the tower of hair suddenly collapsed, loosely draping over Yuki's hands. Well, that explained how she got her flight helmet on, not to mention the standard uniform cap. The veteran reached up and tried to gently remove those intruding digits from her hair, before it suddenly jumped upwards, returning to its proper style and shape.
Dancing, singing... pleasing the crowd. It'd be hard but, she was quite sure she'd beable to do it. She was afterall, a member of the most skill intensive organizations around! she could do anything. Even if it was something like making friends, with anyone and everyone. Probably the hardest thing to do, truly. As long as 'the beanlord' didn't expose them with her gazes full of malice to the adoring public it would probably be fine.

That said... Takiki iki went over to feel the once mohawk for herself to confirm it wasn't gelled, and nodded apreciatively. "Oh that's soft, I like it." She grinned a little as she noted that Caramel had just removed one hand from her mohawk, and now another was disturbing her bird's nest she had for a hair style. She had to admit though, she liked the creativity. Caramel must take a lot of care for her hair. "I need to figure out that trick later, I think. But i don't think it would look as good on me." To all who cared to observe, it looked like the nerdy Idol that appeared so much like a mischevious imp, did indeed have that side to her that her looks would so strongly indicate without her nerdy attire.
What Shibui said seemed to help Robosumi, but she was still disappointed. "But... but... Shining to my fans would require fans- and how can I have fans if I'm not the crowd favorite?" For a robot, her logic really didn't stand up well in this case. She scanned the cafe from the stage with her advanced optical sensors (or eyes, at least) for signs of anyone who might be an early fan of her. Robosumi pouted, worried that the other idols had already won over the crowd while she hadn't. If this was going to be the trend, she'd never be a star!
"Well, yeah, you have to shave the sides and everything first, then..." Cara submitted to further hair inspection without putting up a fight. At least this one wasn't quite as rough about it. The novelty would wear off soon. She hoped. "You? Oh, maybe not. You look more like the pigtails, twintails type." Mel grinned at the slightly demonic meganekko-neko.

Crasher had stacked the two instrument cases nearby, having almost immediately grown bored of that job. With her inspection of the mini-giantess also completed, her attention was drawn to another eyecatching potential idol. She was bent over behind Robosumi, first poking at that cord-tail before picking up the tiny little plug with one hand. "Woah, does this thing really work? Do you need to charge up, or do you charge other things up? Either way, that's totally cool!" She was poking at the metal contacts, trying to use those Neko senses to test for any actual electric activity. While inadvertently tugging on that tail to bring the tip closer to her face as she stood up straight.
Robosumi declared "Yes! I do both with it!" However, while the contacts were metal, any tests Crasher ran indicated there was no electrical activity. Not only that, they'd also indicate there wasn't even a complete circuit connected to the plug's contacts. "ACK! BEEEEP!" the gynoid yelped when her tail was pulled, backing up to give her cord some slack so that Crasher wouldn't be tugging it taught. "B-be careful! I need that!" Robosumi exclaimed, her blue eyes blinking to the words as she looked at Crasher with her noseless mouthless silver robot face.
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