Star Army

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RP [SOFT 555] Wish A Kuvexian Would

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Inactive Member
RP Date
Undisclosed Point of YE 41
RP Location
Night time

The glamorous display of pint-sized idols kissing, winking, flexing and showing off made for a fantastical cover. Months of driving around and showcasing the amazing cultural exchange of Doki Doki YSA! to the planet had made for a pleasant showing of idol force in some minute parts of the planet. Mame had to admit that building up a planetary network of undercover idols had been challenging but an experience altogether rather... relaxing.

It was only when she wasn't shaking hands and working for the best undercover arrangements to assemble her forces into proper spying locations that Mame got to do dirty work again. It was here that she got to stretch her toes, relax, and kick back with a nice gun in her hand and a mission underway to kill bastards opposing the grand glory of the Yamataian destiny to unite the stars.

"Mother Nature to Branch, come in -- sound off, butterflies."

Baku flashed and paced across the situational monitor as the sprite processed information, relaying and handling all encryption actively whilst relaying the video feed from every stealth-suit stashed Neko. It had taken them so long to get the perfect window of operation but now the cards were laid out and all ready for them to not only infiltrate but to also handle the dispersal of justice. Today, they would knock out just one of the Kuvexian propaganda-fueled cells and likely find some of the first Kuvies to desecrate Yamataian borders with their ideology. The van rolled to a halt beneath a vendor canopy -- thankfully turned in for the day -- and shut down. The only one not among the team was set-up on the roof of a local grain refinery, sprawled out inside a camouflage fabric sniper's nest. The black, tight Type 31 suit she wore no doubt made her look appealing to outsiders but it wasn't anything close to the Shibui the other squadmates wore. Unlike theirs, she was intending to stay still and provide fire support using an old-fashioned but modified Type 33 -- something about being discrete meant giving plausible deniability and such a weapon could be acquired publicly. Even modified with a suppression system for its gauss projectiles and sound muffling in the makeshift sniper blind would make it easy enough to discard the weapon and deny any outright actions.

Ringlet carefully adjusted her sights, spying up the complex in night vision and adjusting the gun into automatic. "Ringlet, in the nest. Points of entry into compound include over-the-walls, south-entry and scaling complex, number-one. Windows of its second floor are exposed to the outside -- rooms look empty and lights are out. Main gate has two guards -- two minkans chilling out... drinking coffee and reading comics. Urgh."


Nanao might have been a bit annoyed but it didn't affect her reporting -- the ground team had arrived from the east since the buildings along it concealed the approach barring from the top floor and roof of complex #2. The tightly packed streets of suburban Anisa made an ideal approach method and their shibui were next-generation infiltration for a reason. Even the compound's nine-feet tall walls wouldn't slow them. With the van parked and its active camouflage kicking in, all of their HUDs kicked in with an infiltration timer of 15 minutes. From infiltration to extraction, this number was paramount in ensuring their window of control and information lockdown were used fully and effectively. Casualties made it sloppy but if they could keep their timescale small then SAINT could make them disappear. If things went south and beyond 15 minutes, then the team would end up no doubt triggering either alarms or being sighted as the gridlock wore down.

Shibui -- the woman not the suit -- took a deep, relaxing breath before finally whispering through the comms.

"Commence. Get that pollen and extract -- no traces. Once we have proof of guilt, begin disassembly of any and all foreign assets. Captures over kills."

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"Hairstreak here, about to take the stage. Too bad we can't make a flashy entrance. I look great in this suit! It's a real waste to not even show off a little..." Venus tsked inside her helmet, as she gracefully piled out of the van with the others, stealth suit unfortunately making her tightly covered assets invisible. "Guessing we're not going to charm our way inside, huh? Following your lead, Monarch. I'll try not to step on your feet~" She might've received some SAINT training before this new assignment, but it was already rather obvious that Tru treated her missions like performances. But, considering her ticket sales, that might not be a bad thing.

Hasewega finished loading in the last cartridge into her SiZi before holstering it. It wasn't for the main mission, but for the worst case scenarios. Scenarios she was hoping to avoid during the mission with a nervousness she didn't want to give off. "Monarch, reporting in." She said in authoritative voice as she activated her own Shibui's stealth suit before exiting the van. "We are going over the east wall and clearing out the primary longhouse. Stealth and speed is of the essence so no getting sloppy." She put her hand the on the wall before quickly jumping and clambering over it with the assistance of her own minkan levitation.

"Ringlet, keep us updated on any movements you see around the compound. Hold fire until I say otherwise. Everyone else," She said as she looked around for entry points in the longhouse.

"Prepare to breach."
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