Retired Staff
@Legix I was thinking about that earlier and I do agree that pretty much the fix is making a division between personnel and mecha grenades. That would solve it, but we have the problem of, "PA scale weapons can't be used by a unarmed person" when a grenade by all counts totally should be able to be used. Also as of right now we don't actually have "PA specific grenades" so it would involve a lot of wiki work to get it up to speed quickly, but it would be the most comprehensive solution.
However the main problem with the T3 Grenade thing isn't actually PA's cause as @Alex Hart stated they would take damage. The problem is vehicles. Yes shields do laugh at grenades, but even an 'infantry grenade' by current earth standards would do damage to tanks. It's not "Kill it with a head on shot" but tanks can't just ignore a grenade, they have to make sure it didn't hurt. Pretty much my point is most modern frag grenades IRL would actually count as 'anti-PA' or 'Anti-vehicle' if we implemented this, rather than anti personnel. In general any damaging explosion is out of the 'personnel' category in the first place.
@Wes thank you for the clarification.
Now that we know this DR change is designed to target 'average conventional rounds' then I see no problem with an Average conventional pistol round being T1 and the same for a rifle being T2, as long as there is room for going up and down without having to resort to exotic tech it doesn't really effect SARP, cause you're still allowed to make intentionally under or over powered rounds at the expense of recoil.
(I will say though that a gun can change the DR of a bullet though, because of barrel length changing muzzle velocity, but that is really complicated and annoying)
In short, I think grenades are going to need a serious and separate consideration, and likely we will have to change their implementation if we want them to work right. But conventional fire arms rounds for pistols and rifles, I agree with this as it's meant to represent the average round not intentionally extreme ones.
However the main problem with the T3 Grenade thing isn't actually PA's cause as @Alex Hart stated they would take damage. The problem is vehicles. Yes shields do laugh at grenades, but even an 'infantry grenade' by current earth standards would do damage to tanks. It's not "Kill it with a head on shot" but tanks can't just ignore a grenade, they have to make sure it didn't hurt. Pretty much my point is most modern frag grenades IRL would actually count as 'anti-PA' or 'Anti-vehicle' if we implemented this, rather than anti personnel. In general any damaging explosion is out of the 'personnel' category in the first place.
@Wes thank you for the clarification.
Now that we know this DR change is designed to target 'average conventional rounds' then I see no problem with an Average conventional pistol round being T1 and the same for a rifle being T2, as long as there is room for going up and down without having to resort to exotic tech it doesn't really effect SARP, cause you're still allowed to make intentionally under or over powered rounds at the expense of recoil.
(I will say though that a gun can change the DR of a bullet though, because of barrel length changing muzzle velocity, but that is really complicated and annoying)
In short, I think grenades are going to need a serious and separate consideration, and likely we will have to change their implementation if we want them to work right. But conventional fire arms rounds for pistols and rifles, I agree with this as it's meant to represent the average round not intentionally extreme ones.