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Some newbie Question


Inactive Member
Have some little question:

1)Can I play as Thaxarians now?

2)Power Armor are a space fighter jet or gigantic robot?

3)Can I use sword? Or maybe even customized it?
Welcome to Star Army.

1) Yes, you can play a Thaxarian. They're pretty rare but not restricted. I'd suggest sticking with a human-type character for starters though.

2) Power armor is what it sounds like--armor. It's a mechanized, armored exoskeletal suit that moves under its own power.

3) You could use a sword, and you could have a custom one if you wanted.

I can tell already that you'll probably have to watch your grammar in posts; so, when you get ready to submit an RP message, you might want to run the post through MS Word and proofread them just to be safe.
Welcome !

In addition to what Wes said; you may find the following link useful as you prepare to become involved in the great RP here.

New Player's Guide

Also the following gives a good description of Power Armor and their role in SA and other applications:

Power Armor & their roles

Hope to see you around.
It's a metter of preferance with Thaxarians. There are some things that need updating with the race but if you choose thaxarians don't expect to get anything less of being called a variety of descriminating terms... or atleast my characters are subjected to them anyways. If you happen to choose Thaxarian please speak to me about it...

Also a useful tool is OpenOffice I use it myself.
Well, Skhaal, people on Nepleslia just are not very nice to each other in general.

Welcome, Methrun.
I agree with you on that, But It was Ryuuza of Stararmy I was referring to. Heh, anyways I must go and do things with that thing that occupies my cranial cavity.
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