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Spaceframe and Hull Design: SIF and IDS?


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
Design consideration:

I noticed that on most of the Star Army ships I have looked at when looking at designing the spaceframe/hull of the Takumi (A ship I am working on for my next plotline) that I dont see any kind of Structural Integredy Fields, or Intertial Dampening systems (for when auxilary engines or other kinds of intertial flight are effecting the vessel)

Now I would assume that these two design factors would be things taken care of by the Combined Field System (CFS) but I thought I would put this out there.
Structural Integrity Fields and Inertial Dampening Systems are Star Trek technologies - They're in the Star Trek Technical Manual. Let's not rip them off, okay?
I was more using those as an example. Does the CFS reduce the stresses of spaceflight on the vessel? Or with the materials we are using are those stresses non-existant?
The CFS generally doesn't create or reduce stresses on the ship.
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