Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Spies and Faction Rights

If I may clarify. It is general populace for most factions since PP has cloning tech anything above that I clear with FMs. The same applies to high level Intel.
Guys, don't engage here.

What Ace said was "PP has a large spy network". Frost just took this as an opportunity to post about USO again.

We can all go back to looking forward to Frost's monthly short RP post to avoid being removed as FM.
In my opinion, making loyal Psychopomp clones of the general populace still violates FM rights, @Ace, because it assumes that...
  • ...Psychopomp ships are able to evade the notice of faction military and security forces.
  • ...Psychopomp personnel are able to successfully conduct kidnappings, regardless of whatever local police and/or security forces are present.
  • ...faction intelligence services would not pick up on said kidnappings.
  • ...the "general populace" as a whole has no involvement in a faction's military/government/etc.
  • ...Psychopomp has the knowledge required to create a loyal clone of every species in the setting.
  • ...Psychopomp has contacts within every faction in the setting.
...regardless of what a faction's FM might say.
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I can solve some of those. PP could kidnap people on trips. General populace could be normal citizens. Through the hybrid tech Psychopomp could clone anyone so long as they get DNA for them. And transferring brainwaves would be pretty easy to do and modifying them is also fairly easy. And I clear info with FM leaders when needed. I am not attempting to infringe upon FM rights but to my understanding spies are a gray area in concern to that and PP would have the resources to accomplish this.
If you would like me to remove them from your faction simply tell me and I'll take them out and RP with you an attempt to accomplish it.
The thing about spooks and spies are that you aren't supposed to know they are there. And governments even perform tradecraft in allied countries under their own noses as well.

That being said i think unless that plot/thread is actively seeking to do something that would affect that faction to the point of needing that FM's approval then it shouldnt require it.

Infiltrating Nepspace to drop some randomly generated NPC for the sake of that thread= Good and shouldnt need to be requested.
Infiltrating Nepspace with a single ship to abduct a someone= All good~

Infiltrating Nepspace to drop a colony on a planet and make it look like an accident= Better hit up the FM and get their permission.
Infiltrating Nepspace to Kill someone that obviously wouldn't go unnoticed (An officer above a certain rank, A politician, Someone famous even if they are a random NPC)= Better hit up that FM.

At least this way theres an exchange of information. I know not all FMs between factions get along or like each other. But at least this way the FM knows and can maybe even give their two cents or some ideas. Or use it to further RP.

(Never hurt to ask anyway to avoid stepping on toes, I know how some people are on this site~)