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[[SRSS Yggdrasill]] Vacation in the UOC


Inactive Member
While Yggdrasill was being retooled, the crew of the Yggdrasill was transported by shuttle to the Koukotsu II. As the shuttle descended past the glittering rings, they were met with a pristine planet, which had become a resort world.

It was not long before they reached the surface, illuminated by a pair of red stars in the sky. They had arrived in Paradise City, and Toshiro spoke to the group...

"Alright everyone. Our hotel is at the Koukotsu Resort Complex; where there's a spa, ping pong tables, massage parlours, and other things. We have access to both Kiyoko and Mazu Beach as well.

We can shop here in Paradise City for whatever you need, and I recommend swimsuits. Keep your communicators with you so we stay in contact. Questions?"

( https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sy ... oukotsu_ii )
Mel had let a bellhop take her stuff up to her room in the hotel when they arrived and looked around paradise city, wearing an elysian toga-like robe. "Woooooow." she let out and looked around for a moment, looking like the ancient goddess Aphrodite for a moment in the sunshine highlighting her golden blonde hair. "I've never been a place that so closely resembled home." she said excitedly and turned back around with a light bounce that got a few young onlookers staring for a moment.

"And..why? Elysians can't really swim that well, our feathers soak up water and make us sink." she pouted a moment, her large wings fluttering a bit and spread out to feel the breeze through them. A spectacular show of white with a little touch of light blue in the sun shown as they unfurled. "mmmm feels so good to stretch.."
"Well, I think they sell wing covers for your wings...with ballast balancers so you don't float up out of control. They double as a sort of life preserver when needed."

Toshiro said, quite impressed with the city itself. Sure, he noticed Mel's stretch, though he was getting used to her bounciness.

"So...what should we look into buying...swimsuits at the least...oh, and baby supplies. Agrael needs restocked."
Mel nodded to him and offered Toshiro a smile that would've melted dolomite stones. She was happy to see that he cared about Agrael as well and chuckled softly and smiled a bit prettily. Making a few young men stare at her nosebleeding slightly. "I'm going to go off and do that, I'll have them sent to her then." she said and began to head off to go checkout the paradise city.
Toshiro followed along with her, carrying his datapad.

"I need to pick up some battery parts and durable casing materials. I need to design a new power source for some of the NSPs we salvaged...and a bathing suit. I don't have one."

He kept his eyes on his surroundings, while the other people in Paradise City watched Mel...
"Ah that won't be a problem, You could probably just buy batteries...at least I think so. I don't know much on Yamatai weaponry." The huge-busted Elysian said and continued walking, her wings fluttering lightlyin the breeze as she looked at all the shops around them to see where she could pick up a bathing suit.
There were many stores, including a store selling swimsuits...including Lorath Wing Covers which looked like they'd work fine.

"There!" Toshiro said, pointing to the place, which was managed by a Lorath Woman and a rugged and grizzled old Nepleslian cyborg. The Lorath looked to be in charge of the surprisingly nice shop. Theyhad a large selection, with swimsuits from various cultures.
Mel looked around the stores with a muted awe like she'd never been in a place like this one before and chuckled a bit. "Wow there's a lot here." she aid and noticed where Toshiro was pointing a distance down the street. Probably the awe of the Lorath woman, Mel spread her magnificent white wings and hopped into the warm out and caught herslf on them. Being one of the very few patricians whom could physicall fly with her wings due to their large size.

Mel would fly over the heads of the crowds and landed near the shop easily, having gotten used to it back home on Elysia. Furling her wings again the chesty woman headed on inside and walked around some, looking around a bit. "Pardon me but do you have wing covers for someone my..uh size?"
The lorath thought for a moment.

"A tall order, but I do believe so, my dear. Let me check..."
After some scavenging and the barking of orders in Lorath, she appeared with a large box.

*huff....huff* "Try these on, Dear..."
Mel looked at the large box and nodded to the Lorath woman and went into a fitting room to try them on and blinked, they were a bit tight, then again she'd never worn these before. "It's an odd fit..." she said and looked them over. "But they'll due, how much?" she asked after putting them back into the box.
"250 KS...they are expensive, I know, but those are hard to obtain."

Toshiro had found a pair of swimming trunks, green with a white stripe on each side.

"This is a pretty nice selection, right Mel? What kind of swimwear are you looking for, anyway?"
Mel nodded to them and produced shining metallic currency and pays for it.......in elysian currency. But converting to KS, it's enough though. "Thanks." she said and blushed. "I don't have much KS really, so I have to use AR, sorry.." Mel said and continued to look around for a swimsuit. "I dunno what to go for..."
"Fine, fine...conversion is easy. I just said KS because you were less likely to have HS. That is 1250 AR...thank you!"

The cash register made an old fashioned 'ka-ching' sound, and Toshiro also paid for his swimming trunks.

"Oh, you need an outfit to show off your assets! Here!"

It was a white bikini with a thong bottom and designed to restrain Mel's...*ahem*...chest. It didn't leave much to the imagination.

"This one's on sale for 35 HS, or 175 AR!"
Mel turned a bright red at the look at the bathing suit and stared for a moment. "A..are you serious? ...People actually wear these things...?" she stammered. "But how? it looks like it'd cut off bloodflow everywhere.."
"No, it doesn't cut off bloodflow...it just...holds what is supposed to be supported in place, and hides what should be hidden...and not much else. It is sexy! Wearing anything else with your figure should be a crime!" The shopkeeper said.

Toshiro just stood there, looking puzzled.
"If you have it, flaunt it mentality huh?" Mel asked and sighed some and looked around a bit more. She was unsure about it but part of her wanted to get it and just parade herself around, proving how much better Elysian women were.
"I...suppose it'd look nice..." Toshiro thought, trying to see Mel in it.

"See? The bustier and prettier your body is, the less of it should be hidden from view!" The shopkeper said.
"Well...." Mel thought about it for a bit and decided that it might be fun to draw some attention to herself like that and nodded, paying up front for it and went to change. She'd come out in the bikini and laughed a bit despite blushing faintly; stepping with a bit of a strut to make her large boobs bounce as she did. "Now imagine if I had stilletos on too. Well I suppose it's time to go out and show just how desirable elysian women are compared to little yamataian and nekos." she cackled a bit and nodded to the shopkeeper. "what do you think?"
The Lorath woman chuckled.

"Well, you may have some competition from some of my fellow Lorath, but other than that you should turn plenty of heads."

Toshiro blushed a bit, seeing the Elysian doctor in her bikini. "Um...it matches your wings..."
Mel giggled with glee at the fact it did match her features quite nicely and nodded, taking the wing covers and headed out. Since she's paid for everything already, there was no big issue with her wearin git out of the store right? He long blonde hair gleaming in the sunlight, her skin with a fair yet not pale tone to it as she looked around. She was a bit eager to see wha treactions she'd be getting.
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