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Approved Submission ST Data Fragmentation


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Hey @Wes, can I borrow 0.1% of all Neko?
I finished an idea from a long time ago that I’d really like to use. Is this something you would approve of?

For reviewers, I used a modified “drug template” for formatting as it was the best I could think of using at the time I started the article.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
.1% is one in every thousand neko, not one in unknown millions, just a minor correction.
FM approved.
want to make sure I got this right, essentially this is an article for a 'disease' correct?
Okay looking this over there are a few things. The symptoms section, I think you need to make it more clear that this is not normal 'personality issues' cause that's kinda what it's coming off as, and it feels like it's saying that this is the cause of any 'personality disorder' any Neko has. I know that's not what it's trying to say though but others might not. Also under 'cure' and unborn child isn't an 'infant', I think it's technically considered a fetus even at the very late stages, but 'infant' is used post birth.
You’re right, I definitely need something special to make this stand out. I gave it a lot of thought and remembered the great plague that was all telepathically spread... don’t worry, I’m rebooting the plague!

I had an idea to make telepathy a more active part of it by adding a danger and dangling carrot by adding in some telepathic shenanigans that could be really powerful but also drive the character further into insanity and realistically increase the likelihood of hurting a loved one.

This is kinda just a twisted concept. @Wes, I would need to know your feelings on this before refining it to prevent abuse.
Well before Wes chimes in, you don't have to have something special. What I was trying to say was, the way the article is worded, it makes it seem like all personality disorders a neko has are from ST-Frag, and all personality disorders will lead to suicide. It's just the article needs to be a little more clear that the order of things is reversed, that this disease happens to be one of the causes of personality disorders, but not all personality disorders are ST-Frag.
Oh. Well I guess I understood that one wrong. I’ll see about wording that better too.
Okay looked this over again and did a grammar check as well. Honestly everything looks okay for this to be a 'disease' for ST type lifeforms.

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So it gets APPROVED
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