Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Star Army Awarded The Simming Prize!

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Although it was delayed this year due to a transition to a new judge team, the 2013 Simming Prize results have come out and Star Army is an awardee! We're the only organization that's won this year. For those of you who don't know, simming is a lesser-known synonym for online text-based roleplaying, which is usually used in the Star Trek roleplaying community, which calls plots sims. I actually got the email telling me that Star Army had won during a worldbuliding panel at Dragon Con!


Here's the official announcement:

August 31, 2014 - For Immediate Release

The Simming Prize is the internet’s oldest and longest-running prize for online role-playing. It has a long tradition and its recipients represent the best that simming and online role-playing has to offer. Every year we look for the best and for those who have contributed more than just a “verse”.

This is the SimPrize Committee’s first year administering the prize, as the operations of the prize process have passed from Chas Hammer to the trustees system and it was a learning experience for all of us involved. We would like to express our thanks for your patience as both the nomination timeframe and judging were unusually late this year due to the transition. We are taking our experience and using it to enhance the upcoming 2014 prize cycle with a clearer rule set, which will be shared with the public within the next few months.

This year we had several fantastic nominations and it was a challenge to choose only five awardees. After intense debate and a fair process of voting, our judges have determined the winners from a incredibly large and deserving pool of applicants.

Our recipients are as follows:

David Ball for his devotion to the craft of role-play, his many contributions to the larger online role-play community, and his efforts in maintaining the Ongoing Worlds roleplaying community and Ongoing World Blog, which services the greater community.

Vault 713 for its consistent excellence and devotion to creating and exploring uncharted worlds in a compelling narrative, and for their exploration of a classic literary tale.

Star Army for its fantastic, interesting concept and design, its unique, inspiring setting, and its active, helpful community that welcomes new players openly.

FSF Radio 2 for its enchantment and groundbreaking innovation of broadcasting the lives, stories, and other humanistic qualities which continue to make simming and online role-play an enjoyable hobby for many.

Trek Simming Podcast for its groundbreaking innovation that has created informative radio, honored simming and online role-play culture, and its path of reaching out to the larger simming community.
Winners received the Simming Prize medal and a printable PDF certificate, conferring upon them the title of “Simming Prize Laureate.” They will also be listed on the Roleplay Wikia site.

We thank all of our nominees. Without you we wouldn’t be able to award the prize and we greatly encourage you to apply for the 2014 Simming Prize when our nominations thread open again in late 2014 - early 2015. Continue your great work, explore new opportunities, always remain true and faithful to your community, and contribute your verse. The powerful play goes on.


The 2013 SimPrize Committee: Elena, Falk, Mike, Wes, and Z;
and SimPrize Administrator: Ignatius


The Simming Prize (officially The Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis) is an award that recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations within the simming and play-by-post role-playing community. The Simming Prize is given in memory of Seth Cotis, founder of the Starfleet Legacy Alliance and long-time leader within the Simming League, who passed away in 2005.

After the Simming League ceased operations in 2011, responsibility for the Simming Prize was transferred to Ongoing Worlds, and in 2012, to SimEnc. In 2014, responsibility for the Simming Prize was entrusted to a group of five trustees. The Prizes are now issued in the name of the trustees and are no longer associated with any organization.
I've wanted this honor for Star Army for years and I'm really proud that we've earned it. There were almost 50 nominations so this is really impressive that we came out on top. Thank you to everyone who roleplays here for making this an awesome, award-winning community!


*Blinks owlishly*

Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems to be the equivalent of the Nobel prize of roleplay. Congratulations dear Sir.
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Squeakies, Meow and Gratz!

It is awesome that Star Army had won a prestigious award in the Roleplaying/Simming Community.

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Congratulation SARP players and staff. This is great recognition.
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