Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Star Army Item Generator Thread


Inactive Member
As some of you know, I have a character which will be involved in salvage and possibly mining. However, these kinds of professions have varying pay and a factor of chance in them.

After talking to Wes, we've decided that I should try and make a sort of table system for determining the types of objects and materials that Toshiro, and perhaps other miners and salvagers after him, will find, and then submit it to Wes for approval.

Once this is set up, I will endeavor to make either a die roll system, or more likely, an easy to use Visual Basic program(with a sort of code system so moderators can confirm that no one is lying about their results) to calculate the tables. A similar system, if needed, might be applicable for determining pirate booty.

What I need is the knowledge of the forum of the technologies and the natural minerals used in the RP, and a ranking from least to most valuable. Also, I haven't decided how the calculations will be made yet, so the odds of finding them would also be good, but are not necessary. Wes seems to be advocating a slightly simpler system, where I've envisioned a little bit more self torture. Ideas on how this is to be calculated are also welcome.

I'm willing to do research, don't mistake this request for laziness, but I don't know all the parts Toshiro or salvagers may encounter, nor am I knowledgable on the natural materials one may find in mining, and what they are worth in the time of the SA RP. (I believe diamond can be manufactured, for example, and isn't near as expensive in the SA RP as it is IRL for example.)

I don't guarantee that a version for pirates will be made, but if you feel a similar booty list is needed for raiding vessels, feel free to contribute that as well, and I'll see what I can manage. I'll be working on the lists as well, it's simply too late at the moment. (2:00AM)

Thanks in Advance!
Yeah, I was thinking something along the lines of the "100 Waterborne Encounters" from a recent newsletter, but for salvage finds.
00 Wad of burnt plastic
01 Disgusting biomass
02 Trash
03 Random severed chunk of flesh
04 Dead human in military uniform, 2 limbs missing or severed at waist
05 Sharp shard of starship armor
06 Frozen bag of neko urine
07 Burnt chunk of wall paneling
08 Anti-matter glob (dangerous!)
09 Hostile enemy mecha (might attempt to kill you)
10 Frozen, dead Mishhu Brain-slave pilot
11 Somebody's cybernetic eye (or other minor body part)
12 Navy carpeting from hallway
13 Lubricant (Mechanical, not personal)
14 Bucket of Paint
15 Control panel, cracked
16 Partially burnt cushion
17 Silver dining utensil
18 Electrical cabling. 5m.
19 Warped radio antenna
20 Intact medical kit
21 Two gallon water jug from escape pod or shuttle, full
22 Frozen food from a ship's galley
23 Survival kit
24 Blanket
25 Shattered viewscreen
26 Sound-powered telephone
27 Dead Nekovalkyrja, frozen, making a sad face (crying).
28 Uniform jacket, ragged
29 Lamp
30 Section of catwalk
31 Foam making device
32 Graviton beam projector
33 Lamia arms or legs
34 Lamia torso
35 Medicines from a ship's medical bay
36 Interior door
37 Enviromental system components, including air cleaner
38 Water pump and filtration system
39 Starship controls from pilot station
40 Nekovalkyrja clothing (stockings, uniforms)
41 Lamia head
42 Oxygen canister
43 Globule of frozen hemosynthetic blood
44 Bullets for Type 28 10mm Mass Production Pistol
45 Mindy armor's left hand
46 Mindy armor's right hand and scalar forearm cannon
47 Star Army rank pin
48 Mindy hips and legs
49 Dead Mishhuvurthyar
50 Psionic control device
51 Oven
52 Torso section from a Mindy, generator unusable
53 Small broken nuclear reactor
54 Maintenance conduit section
55 Volumetric display projectors
56 Rolling chair, cushioned
57 Ship's wardroom table
58 Hatch from a ship
59 Pillow from starship bunk
60 Fully intact Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol or equivalent
61 Weapons system from a power armor or attack pod, fixable
62 Optical sensor from power armor or pod, intact
63 Missile, unfired, from a power armor
64 Intact Fraswortch battle pod
65 Intact elevator car from ship lift system
66 Intact ship's main cannon capacitor (stores a lot of energy)
67 Mass detector system
68 Subspace transceiver, ship
69 Handheld communicator/camera with photos and diary stored on it
70 Mindy armor's helmet, good condition
71 Zesuaium hull piece with several holes in it
72 Transparent Zesuaium window
73 Large viewscreen, some scratches but mostly okay
74 Matress from starship bunk
75 Badly damaged shuttlecraft
76 Someone's desktop sculpture
77 Huge Yamataium armor chunk
78 Fully intact power armor rifle
79 Escape pod, unused
80 Mental backup device, broken (can be repaired; may have side effects)
81 Airlock for starship hull
82 Intact Zesuaium hull armor section
83 Blast shutter assembly, Zesuaium
84 Aether generator for power armor
85 Unfired aether torpedo
86 Intact section of an aether shock array
87 Mostly intact ship-based power armor replication chamber (!)
88 Intact hemosynthesis chamber
89 Hull frame pieces, interlocking Zesuiaum
90 Major components of an AI system
91 Intact aether generator, ship size
92 Ship's bridge
93 Ship's armory
94 Escape Pod with Nekovalkyrja warrior in stasis
95 Fully intact shuttlecraft
96 Large chunk of a warship, mostly intact
97 Fully intact power armor
98 Fully or mostly intact small warship, fairly easy to repair
99 Exactly the item you need
*is shuffling two d10s in hand*

c'mon 94! Papa needs a programable sextoy slash killer weapon!

*lets the bones roll*
a random number generator is impartial to roll. That's why I am thinking about making a program, though I will have to set it to generate random numbers is a specific range.

Also, should there be KS values in case someone wants to resell such materials later rather than keeping them?
That'll work well for now, however, another reason for the program is to implement features against cheating, or taking multiple rolls and only logging the good ones. It's not that I don't trust you guys, but it's too easy and tempting to just roll until you get what you want if there isn't a deterant. ^^

Also, it is likely that each vessel will only be able to take so much matter, so a Vampire-sized ship may be able to store 20 or 30 rolls of materials before leaving the area to empty its inventory, while a larger one could store more. If someone rolls more and throws stuff back into space, they might be subject to an IC "littering" fine, depending on each case. The ship, to dispose of unwanteds, will have to dispose of such matter properly (in the case of bodies, sending the dead to their covernments, and enemy bodies probably to your government for study), and thus leave the field, coming back when disposal is complete. This takes time and prevents someone from rolling excessively.
Maybe you could just ask Wes to do it. *shrugs* I mean, it's not hard to roll 30 times and note the numbers and then leave you to handle the rest...
Well, that could also work, but that'd be more work for the moderators. If Wes wants to do it that way though, that's his decision. ^^

The d100 fits in with this though, except Wes would have to renumber his choices from 1-100 rather than 0-99.
Wooohooo, I like this, I like it a lot.

The Lorath shall salvage, and salvage hard.

PS: Number 11... I LOL'd, and Number 69 sounds like a quest starter from a typical MMO, I like.
08 and 09 add an element of danger and might need to be RPed out with a moderator, but are nice. ^^ Perhaps one should carry a sort of storage mechanism for antimatter...and 09, if defeated, could provide mecha parts.

Also, if tables for Mining, Piracy, and even Archaeology are needed, I'm willing to try to implement them into the program as well, if they are approved by Wes.
Don't forget carrying capacity. I'd like to see you fit a "large chunk of a warship, mostly intact" into a Vampire's cargo bay. :p
I know, that's why I'm saying each ship can only hold a predetermined amount of items. I also doubt that the Yggdrasill could only carry 30 chunks of plastic or biomass. It's an approximation. Going into how much mass a vessel can carry could cause more problems than solutions.

Besides, the Yggdrasill can use its external electrodes to apply power to mostly intact devices, so chunks with thrusters can be moved under their own power with the Yggdrasill if an IC reason is needed to explain that part of the system.
Sorry to double post, but I want you guys to see this: I have the interface, the number generation, and most of the equations worked out already in code. I just need to put in tables.

I am again requesting tables similar to Wes' Salvage Table in the areas of Mining, Piracy, and possibly Archaeology. They need not go from 0 to 99, but it is preferred. That will make the program more versatile, and open up more professions.

Also, the following numbers are missing in Wes' list, and I've filled in their places with these values in the program:

05 - Spent shell casing


Success! The program is up and running with Wes' list.


Only Salvage Mode has been implemented, but once lists are made, other modes like Mining can be added easily!

Those numbers you see are Typecode and Item Code, numbers that can be reverse engineered by a sister program I plan to make for moderators, which can make sure someone isn't just putting down the best stuff, or taking multiple rolls to get what they want. Furthermore it should work in any Windows machine.

What do you think?

Edit 2:

One of the protections was messing things up for the Mods-Only Decoding program, so I removed it, but it is still plenty secure enough for this place. ^^ Here they are, side-by-side.


The mods will be able to see what you got AND how many tries you went through to get it. For example, I ran the program 11 times before I took the screenshot. The Mods Only Decoder is on top, the Generator on bottom.

Edit 3:

Okay, Wes has decided that instead of one list for Salvage and any other types of uses like Mining, Piracy, Archaeology, etc, that we should use a different type of list for each location where one can do these activities. As such, I am asking for your help again in the lists category, and have a few more specifics.

I ask for the data to be in the following format, which I can plug right into the Visual Basic program, in the "code" tags.

                 Case "(Class and Name here)" 
                    Select Case Item
                        Case 0
                            Fin = "(First Item)"
                        Case 1
                            Fin = "(Second Item)"
                        Case 2
                            Fin = "(etc)"
                        Case 3
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 4
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 5
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 6
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 7
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 8
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 9
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 10
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 11
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 12
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 13
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 14
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 15
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 16
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 17
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 18
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 19
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 20
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 21
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 22
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 23
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 24
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 25
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 26
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 27
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 28
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 29
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 30
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 31
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 32
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 33
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 34
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 35
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 36
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 37
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 38
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 39
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 40
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 41
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 42
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 43
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 44
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 45
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 46
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 47
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 48
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 49
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 50
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 51
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 52
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 53
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 54
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 55
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 56
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 57
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 58
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 59
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 60
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 61
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 62
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 63
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 64
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 65
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 66
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 67
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 68
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 69
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 70
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 71
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 72
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 73
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 74
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 75
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 76
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 77
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 78
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 79
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 80
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 81
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 82
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 83
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 84
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 85
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 86
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 87
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 88
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 89
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 90
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 91
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 92
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 93
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 94
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 95
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 96
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 97
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 98
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 99
                            Fin = ""
                        Case Else
                            Fin = "Error, Overflow"
                    End Select
                    Me.ItemBox.Text = Fin

The Class from (Class and Name) means a letter representing the type of activity, such as A for Archaeology, M for Mining, P for Piracy, and S for Salvage. The Name is the name of the planet or location, which is three spaces after the Class.
An example:
S   Old Ralfaris
would be the Salvage list for Old Ralfaris.

Also, due to the programs operation, the lists must be from 0-99 because of the random number generator used. That means each list needs to be 100 items, no more, no less.

However, if 100 items is not enough for an accurate cross-section of the area's potential yield, then I may be able to implement something to allow multiples of 100 in specific cases, though there are no guarantees there.

This program has come a good distance, but it still has a ways to go before it is up to speed. I need tables to work with, and lack the knowledge of all of the areas to make them myself. I request again that people put together lists and submit them to Wes for approval, because they are desperately needed.

Also, please don't make everything the good stuff in pristine condition. Add some crap and mediocre stuff too, to make things fair. Wes' list, in this thread, is a good example.

Edit 4:

Here is a screenshot of the lastest build, as of 9:45AM EST, 8/20.


The Radio Buttons have been replaced with a single List Box, though that list box only has the one table made so far to choose from. However, more tables can be implemented with ease, and of pretty much any type, not just Mining, Salvage, Piracy, and Archaeology anymore.

As you can see, functionality has been maintained. Input? Opinions? Thoughts?
Seeing as the data in the other thread may not be being seen, as the title is ambiguous, I will post new updates here, and request that opinions, list sumbissions, and other related stuff goes here.

Here is a brief synopsis of the situation.

As some of you are aware, I play a character who salvages, which isn't a constant form of KS. To determine what is salvaged, Wes had the idea for using a sort of table. That evolved into a program for determining basic salvaged components, which may in turn evolve into a system in which other occupations, like mining, archaeology, and piracy are covered in a similar way, and it may even become location-specific, depending on the final type of list storage, and a few other variables.

The first version of the program is operational, though two types of table storage are being explored for it. Due to this, I need lists to input. However, I have not been at Star Army long enough to know what materials are in SA space rock, what kind of booty a Pirate can take, or what things archaeological digs will turn up.

But to do this, I need the help of the SA community. Wes has already made one generic list for salvaging, and I would like to obtain a general mining list, a general piracy list, a general archaeological list, and any location-specific lists people may be willing to donate. These lists should contain the types of things one would find, good, mediocre, and crap. See Wes' list for a good example, in the third post of this thread:

Previous program screenshots are also in that thread.

I ask for the data to be in the following format, which I can plug right into the Visual Basic program or update for the other storage medium if needed, in the "code" tags.

                 Case "(Class and Name here)"
                    Select Case Item
                        Case 0
                            Fin = "(First Item)"
                        Case 1
                            Fin = "(Second Item)"
                        Case 2
                            Fin = "(etc)"
                        Case 3
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 4
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 5
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 6
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 7
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 8
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 9
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 10
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 11
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 12
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 13
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 14
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 15
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 16
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 17
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 18
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 19
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 20
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 21
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 22
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 23
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 24
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 25
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 26
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 27
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 28
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 29
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 30
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 31
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 32
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 33
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 34
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 35
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 36
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 37
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 38
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 39
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 40
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 41
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 42
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 43
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 44
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 45
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 46
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 47
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 48
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 49
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 50
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 51
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 52
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 53
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 54
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 55
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 56
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 57
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 58
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 59
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 60
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 61
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 62
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 63
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 64
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 65
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 66
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 67
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 68
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 69
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 70
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 71
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 72
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 73
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 74
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 75
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 76
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 77
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 78
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 79
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 80
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 81
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 82
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 83
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 84
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 85
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 86
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 87
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 88
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 89
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 90
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 91
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 92
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 93
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 94
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 95
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 96
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 97
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 98
                            Fin = ""
                        Case 99
                            Fin = ""
                        Case Else
                            Fin = "Error, Overflow"
                    End Select
                    Me.ItemBox.Text = Fin

The Class from (Class and Name) means a letter representing the type of activity, such as A for Archaeology, M for Mining, P for Piracy, and S for Salvage. The Name is the name of the planet or location, which is three spaces after the Class, or "General" for a generic list.

S   Old Ralfaris
would be the Salvage list for Old Ralfaris.

M   General
would be for a general Mining list.

Also, due to the program's operation, the lists must be from 0-99 because of the random number generator used. That means each list needs to be 100 items, no more. I may be able to work with less, by assigning multiple values to an item.

However, if 100 items is not enough for an accurate cross-section of the area's potential yield, then I may be able to implement something to allow multiples of 100 in specific cases, though there are no guarantees there.

This program has come a good distance, but it still has a ways to go before it is up to speed. I need lists to work with, and lack the knowledge of all of the areas to make them myself. I request that people put together lists and submit them to Wes for approval, because they are desperately needed.

I've made what I think is a starting point for a general mining list. It's not one hundred items, but it the best I can do, and it works in both the program, and as a starting point for other mining lists...Do you approve, Wes?

Note that this is for Space Mining, not Planetary.

                    Case "M   General(Space)"
                        Select Case Item
                            Case 0 To 19
                                Fin = "Iron"
                            Case 20 To 29
                                Fin = "Rock"
                            Case 30 To 49
                                Fin = "Carbon"
                            Case 50 To 69
                                Fin = "Silicon"
                            Case 70 To 79
                                Fin = "Magnesium"
                            Case 80 To 89
                                Fin = "Gold"
                            Case 90 To 95
                                Fin = "Diamond"
                            Case 96 To 98
                                Fin = "Platinum"
                            Case 99
                                Fin = "Neutronium"
                            Case Else
                                Fin = "Error, Overflow"
                        End Select
                        Me.ItemBox.Text = Fin
I'm no geologist or any kind of expert on what's in planets or asteroids. -_- What should the ultra rare thing be then?