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Approved Submission Star Army of Yamatai: Code of Conduct


Submission Type: Star Army of Yamatai Policy
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:reguations:code_of_conduct
UPDATED LINK: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:regulations:code_of_conduct

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? No, @Wes
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No.

This is mostly real world, just modified for the setting. There is no copyright on the US Military code of conduct and it is pretty straight forward.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Personally, I find myself kind of disgusted by the directives given. They seem very high on pride and loyalty, and quite low on survival. I know mental backups can give the Star Army the outlook that life is cheap, but the reality is that for the majority of Star Army soldiers, their first death is also their final death. Not everyone gets respawned, especially when the ship they served on is destroyed. On plotships we have it easy because most of the time, we actually do get the plotship to survive (the majority of the time), so the luxury of reviving individuals is present.

But for most nekos, unless they are of high rank and were preserved elsewhere, they only get one life.

Given that context, the code of conduct displayed doesn't seem to give much of a damn about the life of the soldier that has to adhere to that. Past neko programming, since nekos aren't the only soldiers in the Empire, how am I supposed to feel the military cares about my contribution if it'd give up on my life so readily to uphold what most of all seems like pride and apparent infallibility.

You're given practically no way of surrendering as a commander. If you cannot win, that surrender is offered, and continuing to fight would just mean waste of life, why not grab the olive branch if its offered? Not all enemies are Mishhu.

And if you're captured, behave in ways least conductive to continued survival? Most especially, slap away any kind of humane/sympathetic treatment?

Being a prisoner of war isn't the end. If your opponent is the least bit respectable and/or fights while adhering to certain convention, you can survive to be freed later through rescue or even after the war is ended. You can be ransomed too or used in a prisoner exchange.

* * *

I've never served in the military, so perhaps I'm naive in consideration to this article and the outlook of members of a military. I'm also a little appaled that this has foundation on real stuff.
So the directives are geared towards encouraging military members to survive and attempt escape when possible. It's not acceptance of the conditions nor is it surrender. These things were a product of the poor conditions in POW camps that led to the creation of the Geneva convention.

In some instances, surrendering for the sake of the lives of the crew isn't considered dishonorable, as with the Hainan Island EP-3 incident in 2001. A US surveillance plane collided with a Chinese fighter and started crashing as the engines failed. The captain had the choice to crash the plane in way to keep the equipment out of enemy hands or to attempt to take control to land the plane so his crew could survive. He chose his crew and said that nothing he was doing or the equipment was worth the lives of his crew.

The refusal to surrender is more along the lines of not giving up without a fight in the face of the enemy rather than being slaughtered to the man.

SO when we are talking conditions as a POW, sometimes special favors are offered for surrendering information or issuing dishonorable statements. It's a form of interrogation. This is not saying a soldier can't accept decent conditions, food, water, clothing, just not at the detriment of the military or other soldiers. There is more training involved in what is and is not okay.

The history is that some POW were being forced to abuse other POW for food. Tortured to give up military secrets or to identify high ranking or important members in the group to get food.

BUT if you have suggestions for how to make the "don't kill your crew" thing clearer, I'm for suggestions.
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Thanks for the extra perspective on the issue, Kim.

By the way, my early post was not meant to impede the approval of the post. Just to express that I had a poor time relating. Now I do. Thank you.
Not a problem! I was thinking about this while I was doing some Navy courses the other day at work. We have to do refresher training on this stuff just about every year so my perspective will be different. =)
I don't think Kami or other religious references would appear in official documents and policies of the YSE or SAoY.
Is there RP behind this? Will we be seeing news posts about this or anything affected by it? Just idle questions.
Koharu is about to meet with Yui on Irim City. You might see RP about them talking about it. The only IC POW instances that I know of were Chiharu, Iseki and Hanako, so some of that sort of pre-rp exists as a background.

But as far as I know, there are no current POW rp that this would really effect at this moment. It'd be more of a precedent to follow if something occurs in the future. I don't know of someone taken captive ICly that betrayed the Empire. The Tange and Hanabusa went to Angelica and turned traitor but they weren't POW. I am not aware of any plot plans that involve characters being in POW camps and tortured so this may not come up for a very long time.
I'll leave this open for 3 more days for people to give any objections or suggestions to improve this.

In the meantime, it has my faction manager approval.
To be honest, this is one of those things which could probably be a retroactive change. The odds are that in the last 30ish IC years, something like that had already been done. We just - us the OoC people behind this madness - never actually had gone and detailed it.
I changed the OP to include the new url but can you add the approval info to OOC?