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I ask because I'm about to update a character, and they're in a PA involved plot, and I remember seeing a line somewhere about owning PA but not sure which thread it's in.

So the question is; do SAoY soldiers own their PA, if so under what conditions?
No, they do not own their power armor. It's assigned equipment, and restricted technology at that.

Here is a relevant bit from the Mindy 4 article, which doubtlessly applies to all KFY designs.

That said, some players have written about their assigned armor following them between assignments.

People can buy whatever commercial-grade power armor they want, though.
That said, some players have written about their assigned armor following them between assignments.
Keep in mind that it's not personalization, though. An armor -- generally a Mindy, but could be another model -- is directly assigned to an applicable soldier. That armor could follow someone through assignments and/or tours if it lasts, or could be reassigned.

Yukari's Daisy has remained assigned to her throughout her post-Miharu career, though she didn't possess it.
Right. Similar to the real military, the Star Army owns almost all of the equipment its soldiers use. This includes power armor. Equipment is issued to soldiers for their use but if they change assignments or leave the military they have to turn it back in. In the case of power armor, the Star Army will usually assign power armors to soldiers as standard issue and lets the soldiers bring it with them to wherever they are assigned (if that makes sense) because power armor, being a wearable item, is pretty personal. Also, many of the newer armors are being custom sized for each soldier so it makes sense to keep the armor and soldier together.
Alright, then that brings up the question, people using the Mindy 2, do they keep their old armor or get the new one? And though not the main question, what are pros/cons of switching to the Mindy4? I never got around to reading the whole article.
Wes will know best. I don't know if we're supposed to still see 2A armors. SAoY only built a billion of'em. I can't check the history so quickly on phone.
The Mindy 2 is slowly being replaced by the Mindy 4 and can still be used for now, but the Star Army is trying to give all front-line units the 4. The 3 is now considered obsolete too so the Star Army is exchanging them for the 4. The old power armors might be used for "reserve" units made of whatever old stuff the Star Army has lying around.
The Mindy 2 is slowly being replaced by the Mindy 4 and can still be used for now, but the Star Army is trying to give all front-line units the 4.
I originally thought the Mindy IV's outline was as a speciality unit. Is the Star Army's strategy truly to replace millions of Mindy II with super-expensive zesuaium plated replacements? (there's a reason why the Mindy II initially defaulted for Durandium beyond its lightweight during the middle of the Mishhuvurthyar wars)

That alone could account for the delay in replacing the Mindy II, I guess. Though, since ships can stuff armors in fabrication bays and recycle them, is something stopping the Star Army from prefering to field yama-dura plated Mindy IV until more zesuaium becomes available? It's hardly a downgrade from the Mindy II, and it helps put the majority of the armors being serviced on the same logistic plateau (same technical specs and manuals, same parts to fix, everyone ends up on the same page). Or are they not bothering with a mass-replacement like that because the Mindy II is actually not that obsolete?

It's not a critique. I'm just trying to understand, because this doesn't seem to add up together from where I stand.
Is the Star Army's strategy truly to replace millions of Mindy II with super-expensive zesuaium plated replacements?
That seems like a concern for real life militaries, not the post-scarcity Yamataian Star Empire that can fabricate matter from energy at the push of a button.

It's not like it's a mass replacement, anyway. Wes did say "slowly" in his post. It's just that units seeing immediate action are getting Mindy 4s while older suits are getting put in mothballs.

tl;dr: there's no reason for Yamatai to settle for anything less than the best.
I think a more direct question would be, can a SAoY personnel bring their PA from one plot ship to another (mine, so that's why I'm butting in)?
My question is: If the Star Army owns all standard issue stuff, is my neko wearing the company underwear?
The Star Army basically never asks for your underwear back. They're considered an expendable item like a ballpoint pen or a can of engine oil. It's on the list of issued items but not the list of turn-in items. Ergo it's basically yours. Actual uniforms, on the other hand, are on the turn-in list. It's okay to wear non-standard underwear too as long as it doesn't cause issues (e.g. weird bulges/lines/etc.) with the appearance of the uniform that's worn over it.
Yes. Especially those going to fight Kuvexians.

And think of it as "upgraded" rather than "replaced."
It basically depends on your plot's supply specialist. They can hit Star Army Logistics up for newer armors via the Star Army Communications Network and a logistics ship will come and deliver them. Alternatively, when your ship visits a major Star Army starport, your GM can say they were swapped there during that time.
I've had to write up formal communications for Logistics before, so that's not a problem. But if they're just now entering the plot, this was likely handled off camera before the first post. Usually it's only a big deal if it's happening right in the middle of RP and the change needs to be explained.

Mitsuko is still stubbornly using her Mindy II, as well.