Star Army

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RP (non-canon) Star Army Roleplay - Medieval Setting - Beta 1.0

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Well-Known Member
Fay said:
The rules are simple:
1. PvP action is strongly encouraged.
2. PCs can be revived if a priest somehow gets a hold of their corpses.
3. The setting is medieval, so please try to keep it medieval to the most part.
4. All species do exist, just in medieval versions. There is one following exception, however: The Nekos are just Nekos. Trying to put the different types of Nekos into a medieval plotline is just too difficult.
5. Cybernetics and other such things are now replaced with magically enchanted pieces of armor that can be used like flesh and bone.
6. Have fun! Though this is a serious roleplay, humor and comic relief are always welcome.
7. Just to clarify: Tom is emperor for the Empire, the Yamataian GMs are the high council for the Federation, and the Elysian GMs are the senate for the Republic. Independent countries are ruled by their respecting GMs.
8. If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please contact me via private message immediately!

Note: This is more of a Beta Test then anything else. If this goes well, then I’ll recreate it with a better storyline, setting, etc.

The setting is the same as SARP, except that this will be during the medieval times for something different. Instead of a whole universe, we will be stuck on one planet with archaic weapons such as swords, bows, magic, muskets, etc. The Mishhu “Demons” control half of the known world while the Elysian Republic, Federation of Yamatai, Empire of Nepleslia, and a few smaller countries have split up what’s left of the land amongst themselves.

Fay said:
A young Geshrin mage sat silently outside of a large castle. He was looking out at the bustling city surrounding the capital of the Nepleslian Empire. So many Nepleslians and Geshrin working together, he thought to himself. The Empire would never have come as far as it has without the cooperation of all of its denizens.

A gust of wind blew through his long, platinum blonde hair that is pulled back in a ponytail. His red, ankle-length cape was also blown aside to reveal a green sleeveless shirt and pants covered by thin leather armor. Dead black boots and white gloves with demonic symbols on them could also be seen on the young man.

Fay was a demonologist. He was just taking a break from reading a textbook about a terribly powerful demon named Yzu-karr. He had been one of the Mishhu’s most powerful demon lords… until a handful of Yamataian sages managed to seal him away within a large runestone. That runestone was then carried to a secret temple deep within the Federation. That is how Yzu-karr has remained for centuries.

Fay smirked at his own curiosity of the demon lord. Studying the history, magic, and power of demons was always interesting, but this one was the best of all. “If only I could just look upon that runestone… That would be a chance of a lifetime…” he murmured to himself.

Mola said:
A shadow fell across the greshin and then passed on. It circled back and grew. As it grew the wings and body of an Elysian could be made out and then came into startling prespective as the angel passed close over the greshin's head. His wings must have spread a good eighteen feet, dark brown feathers resembling an eagles. He brought his body beneath him and slowed down for a graceful landing.

Evan folded his wings against his tunic and tured to face the greshin. He eyed Fay cautiously and then he placed his hands on his hips and walked up beside Fay. "I'm looking for someone, can you tell me if you've seen or heard of him?" He said, sounding rather nice. Of course it was completely unsual to see an Elysian hanging out in Nepleslian territory but he was on the search for Sir Storm's sister and the best place to look for a Nepleslian is in a Nepleslian city.

Fian said:
"Your kind isnt allowed here, pagan!."

The source of the voice was a twenty something plus black haired Nepleslian in a heavy grain coloured robe and white armor. The young man had three moles on his left cheek. A double sword insigna on his polished breastplate showed that he was a member of the pristegious 'Vanguard' sect, second only to the Emperror's royal guards.

Fian had seen the Geshrin standing outside the castle looking lost. He was about to ask to see if the boy had needed help and then suddenly the Elysian decended. Putting ten years of training behind him he managed to run towards the pair unnoticed, the thick cloth acting as a cushion to the heavy metal plates which was already securely strapped to his body to prevent jiggling.

He had no issues with Elysians really, but the empire still has bad memories of them and these reflected in the city rules, rules that he had sworn to uphold. Breathing heavily with a slight prespiration, the Vel Steyr bent his knees to assume a stance and gripped the handles of the two broadswords that was strapped to the back of his right shoulder and left waist. He waited for the Angel to respond.

Mola said:
Evan lifted his eyes as Fian snapped something in common at him. He arched a brow and then watched as the man assumed a fighting stance. He decided to play stupid and tilted his head, sure he knew what Fian had said, but he decided to pretend that he hadn't. He said something in Elysian and then werily studied the swords Fian was threatening to draw. after a bit of studying Vel Steyr, he reached back with a single hand and drew the six foot Hand-and-a-half sword, pulling the blackblade cleanly from it's sheath.

He held the sword lightly in his hands and then with a swift movement of his arm he burried the sword two feet inot the ground, followed by two, foot long daggers and a shorter skinning knife. He hopes his meaning was clear. he had his weapons, ture but he wasn't here ont he initive of hurting or killing anybody.

Cora said:
Three people were off in the distance, compleatly unrelated to the current actions near the castle, in fact they were oblivious to it and in turn were not paying attetion.

One, a shortish woman wearing a light brown leather curiass over a white cloth tunic, slacks with leather thigh guard and knee length boots that the slacks were tucked in to, a pair of cloth gloves, her left arm sporting a leather forearm guard, couter and upperarmguard cum shoulder pad. She had an oalk/bronze plated round shield slung over her left shoulder and a cross hilt long sword at her waist. She had short silverish hair that draped over her face, partly obscuring an eye patch. She was attempting to look at what would appear to be a map her compatriot was looking at. "Are you sure we're lost?" She grumbled as she looked from the map to her companion.

The companion, being a taller woman, wearing a mix of red dyed leather and chainmail, with a thick traveler's cloak over her shoulders was scratching her red streaked hair as she attempted to understand the map in her hands. "I'm not sure, these places all look alike from the ground," she said in reply.

The third person, and byfar the strangest of the three, running around from merchant stall to merchant stall, was a small humanoid cat-like person. She was wearing a full body off-white vestment, under an outer robe that was also white, but had red triangles along the cuffs and trimming, on her head, perched between her large catlike ears, was perched a small cylindrical bonnet with a small silver cross on the front of it. She was giggling as she raced about, buying trinket after bubble.

Looking over, the one eye'd woman sighed an exasperated sigh. "Hey! Nei, stop buying so much stuff, we barely have room in a rucksacks for the stuff we're carrying!" This was recived with a dejected mew of sadness as Nei walked back to the others. "So, Feather, have you figured out where we are yet?"

Feather twisted the map left and right as she gave a somewhat hopless frown, "Well, Cam, I think we're in Nelpeslian territory." Cam then smacked her have over her good eye as she groaned.

Fian said:
Fian untensed himself and let go of the handles. Standing up and straigthening his robes, he looked at the Elysian and said: "Anywhere but the castle, collect your weapons from the guardhouse when you leave." Now facing the two newcomers in general he announced. "Welcome to Fu'nki City, the great Emperror's seat in the Empire of Nepleslia. My kind are responsible for keeping the law and order here, but we have other duties as well. Do you require assistance?"

Luca said:
Three humanoid figures stalked the horizon in search of riches, fame and probably some drinks along the way.

One was wearing a chain-mail shirt and he had a fairly long, slender sword strapped to his waist and a crossbow in his hands. His hair was black and untamed, he had large sideburns streaming down the side of his face. The clothing he wore underneath his armour was a subdued tone, lest he give away his presence. However, the huge smile across his face kinda gave him away. This was Luca, the Rogue.

Another, much taller man appeared to be wearing a heavy suit of metal armour and had a huge sword hanging over his left shoulder. A thick, black beard coated his face, which was peering out from under his helmet. He looked tough and weathered, even from a distance. Fear seemed to walk alongside him as he made his way across the lands. This was Luicen, the Warrior.

Finally, a robed man with a iron-bound book hanging in chains from his belt. His messy hair was a shade of brown, with a small goatee hanging off his chin. A pair of darkened spectacles concealed his eyes. His figure rested on a staff, shod with silver and topped with a translucent crystal. Wherever he walked seemed to trail a brimming knowledge of Arcana and History. This was John, the Wizard.

Their trail lead them to Fu'nki City, which was just over the hills. The trio stood atop a hill. Their youngest member looked at the city from a distance.
"Do you think that's it?" Luca said as he squinted over the horizon and saw the city, "Fu'nki City? The realm of the Nepleslian Empire?"
"Aye lad," Luicen answered to the rogue, "A large city it is, full of warriors, ready to fight and die fer their lands." He banged his steel-clad hand against his breastplate in remembrance of those who fought to protect the town.
"I remember reading about this place somewhere, It's got some magnificent architecture," John said as he painted a mental picture of the city in his mind's eye, "I've always wanted to see what it's like there, especially the military academies..."
"Nay, Wizard. Ye heard wrong." Luicen said as he put a hand to his hip, "Our academies are focused purely on functionality. If ye want architecture, try headin' tae them Elysian lands."
Luca chuckled to see that John had gotten his knowledge mixed up, as did Luicen. John went red, folded his arms and looked away from the group for a moment.

"Now what are we waitin' for?" Luicen questioned gruffly, "Let's head down there."
"It'll be about..." Luca said as he tried to calculate the distance in his mind, "Oh, 'bout a half hour's walk through these hills."

They made their way down the slopes of the hills and began following the contours to avoid climbing the hills by accident and wasting stamina.
A few minutes into their walk, they heard an odd noise. Luca raised his hand and motioned to stop, "Shh. I hear something..."
The group stayed silent as Luca tried to find where the sound was coming from... then he realized what they were just as they surrounded the group.

Three of them. Tentacled beasts, floating in the air in a circle surrounding the small party.
By this time, the group had drawn their weapons. Luca pointed his rapier towards one. Luicen had his greatsword ready to swing and John had his staff pointed at one of the vile beasts.

"Bring it on!"
"Die, ye foul demons!!"
"There won't be much left of you after THIS!!"

The one facing Luca had floated down to his level and attempted to strike at him with a tentacle, which the rogue artfully dodged and riposted by piercing a vulnerable spot in its anatomy. He jumped over it with a flip and then landed behind it to deliver the killing blow, cutting off most of its tentacles and probably stabbing the heart.
The one facing Luicen had decided to stay where it was. To which, the Highlander leapt into the air with his sword over his head. The Demon attempted to lash at him with a tentacle, but it bounced off his thick armour. Luicen bought his sword down on it's shell, smashing it with a sickening crack and came crashing down. In contrast, the Warrior landed on his two feet.
John was busy chanting verse and focusing energy into his hand, "Dark beasts, black as night, feel my wrath, with toxic blight!" He outstretched his free arm and a green ray leapt from his arm, striking the Demon where it floated and disintegrating a fair portion of it's body. The flesh around the area of impact was foul, decayed and rotten by the Wizard's Spell. It landed with a splat.

The group had looked around for more, but had seen nothing else approaching them.
"That's all of them," John observed.
"Good... how could they have reached these hills, so close to the city?" Luca replied.
"I dinnae lad. We better get to the city as soon as we can tae warn 'em!"
"Good idea!" John said as he began to grit his teeth with grim realisation.

So the group hustled with due speed towards the city with their news. They made it to the gates.
"Oi! Sir!! We've spotted demons in the hills!! They might try tae attack the town!!" The highlander called out to the gate guard as his companions followed him.

Mola said:
While Fian had his back turned there came the soft sound of metal on metal and sword and knives were slid back into their concealed sheathes.He glanced in turn at the eight people closest to him and was begining to feel a bit awkward around them all. He eyes each in turn and then backed off a bit, spreading his wings slightly. When he heard one of the men saying something about demons it caught his intrest and he wandered over to hear a bit more.
He had a friend that was a demon, not your typical demon but a demon none the less.

Fay said:
Fay had lost his train of thought as an Elysian called out to him. He had remained silent, especially since a vanguard was investigating the Elysian's arrival. The Geshrin had tried to wander into some shadows to get away from the imminent battle. Suddenly, he heard someone crying out about Demons. Fay silently sat into a corner and chanted, "Let what cannot be seen, be seen, what cannot be heard, be heard, what cannot be known, be known... with the Third Daemon Eye." After a moment of nothing, Fay's forehead then morphed and separated into another eye. This eye, however, was a crimson color that seemed to pierce a man's very soul. Fay closed his two normal eyes as he concentrated to envision the battle between the Demons and the three strangers. This will be interesting, he thought to himself.
Citlalli said:
Another set of eyes watched the group that had battled the demons. A pair of crimson red eyes watched the three as they made their way closer to the gates. Earlier that day she had been on the trail of another group of three, a neko and a woman and one like her. She wanted to find the one like her badly...

Making her way twoards the gates, she made no show to hide whom she was. Imposing to say the least the woman stood atleast a head and a half above the gate guards, a dizzying 6'7, especially for a woman. She looked like a tank in her armor which like her eyes, was a crimson red color. Her guantlets each held a ruby, as well as certain places along her armor though the ones in her guantlets were the largest. Just as big as her fists the gems seemed to glow with a dull light. Strapped to her back were two swords that seemed to be great swords, or maybe a bit longer grosse messer, with two more shorter blades at her hips. Both blades were curved. Luckly her helmet was opened having hit the golem switch back atop the hill to pull back the protective sheets that slid into place when hit.

She didn't look that scary up close though...the dozens of braids falling over her shoulders and down the front of the armor which she moved with a practiced grace in. Everything about her armor, all the joints, seemed to be articulated to give her a larger range of movement. Such a detail was noticeable up close, especially as she gave the guards a bow.

"Greetings, might I gain entrance?" The two guards gave the woman a nod as she again bowed. Brushing past the two she made sure to tuck her black wings closer to herself as she pressed past the gate and into the city.

"Now where in the name of the goddess did they go...?" She began her search then which seemed to be fairly easy, since she was standing above the crowd. She didn't know exactly how she would react upon seeing her, but Obelisk didn't really worry about that too much, she had never been as cruel as her sister used to be. Shouldering her pack, she took care not jostle her things inside around. She had some ground to cover and quickly. It wouldn't be too tough though, her kind stuck out in crowds if only for their wings. Now to start her search.

nevaraon said:
Another pair of eyes watched from a nearby cave. Their owner watched the group kill the demons and head towards the city. He wished he could help but the sun was too bright for his poor eyes. Even in this half light his head was already spinning. "Damn, this thin cloth." he muttered to himself.

Fay said:
(Haha, someone finally responded to the last post lol)

After the battle was finished, Fay moved resealed the Third Daemon Eye and slowly walked into a random direction. He didn't really care who won the fight, but he did want to study the Daemon corpses. If he could view the specimens, then his understanding of these creatures would increase greatly. Especially... if he could catch a live specimen...

Koenig808 said:
"You're joking..." Ran stared at the messenger over one of the massive brown pauldrons that were the signature appearance of the armor of the "Teufelhund", the shock troops that were considered the backbone of the Empire's military forces. The sun that shined through the window of the armory reflected off of the glossy blue armor that Ran wore, and the large war hammer hit the wooden floor with a huge "THUD!" as he set it down in frustration.

"Well, lets head out on a patrol then, soldiers. I'm sure some of the citizens must be concerned over how close those damned Demons got to Fu'nki city."Flanked on both sides by two large and heavily armored ID-SOL, the Sergeant seemed very dwarfed by the two red-clad juggernaughts. Squinting his eyes as the sun's brightness assaulted his vision, Ran sighed to himself, as the mix of red, blue and white-colored soldiers snaked their way down the narrow streets of Fu'nki city, knocking over several citizens in their way.

(OOC Note: Teufelhund is a nickname for a Marine. And being the faithful NSS player that I am, I -totally- had to force them upon this awesome thread.)

nevaraon said:
Nevaraon continued to stare at the light outside the cave as it began to fade. He grinned as his headache lessened. He'd be able to leave the cave and complete his adulthood ritual and bring back the tentacles of seven demons.

(OOC The avatar of Kohana ought to be REALLY interested in this post. Hey i can see if i can help out with the magic problem kohana has.)

Fay said:
(OOC: Well, this thread is still alive. I'm impressed. Thanks for the compliment, Koenig. ^_^)

Fay walked briskly through the crowded streets of Fu'nki City. His red cloak wavered as he brushed passed several citizens. He then noticed several Imperial brutes pushing people out of the way of a soldier in blue armor. The young mage grimaced as he moved out of their path. He leaned against a shoddy building and waited for them to pass.

Cipher said:
Meanwhile, the sleeveless and black-cloaked figure of the merc William Howard Harrison cut a swath through the path, the 6'4" man cutting an impressive figure with his large crossbow and double-handed mace. He reported to the palace and drifted into formation with the other Teufelhunds.

nevaraon said:
(OOC of course this thread is still alive. It's a great idea. I'm jealous I didn't think of it first.)

Nevaraon darted out of the cave from shadow to shadow heading towards the village "Better to let myself be known so I can get help if I'm injured" He grinned at his own wisdom and continued at a leisurely pace.
"Mm." The armor-clad Ran pulled a rather large jug of Mead from a loop around his belt, drinking the wonderfully sweet-tasting liquor in, escaping from the oven that was his armor. "Man, why in the hell are we required to wear this shit -all- the ti-" His question was immediately answered as a rock glanced off his right pauldron, thrown by one of many discontent peasants. "Damnit..." He sighed to himself. If peasants were so angry at being oppressed, why do they always throw crap instead of just work harder?

"Under Direct Mandate from the Emperor himself, I am given the authority to perform disciplinary actions against any that may harm a warrior of the Empire." Ran said rather robotically, gripping the warhammer in his right hand. He -knew- that he had to somehow bring harm to this peasant, since there were always people watching soldiers like him to make sure their loyalty to the Emperor's policy was unwavering. Ran simply stood by as the peasant's windows were smashed, and were simply thrown through a fragile-looking fence into a pig pen.

"Move on." He sighed, pulling the face plate of his armor down. The mage that had made way for them was the only real person to catch his eye, but his attention was soon diverted to one of the ID-SOLs that rejoined the formation.

"Sir, Mercenary Harrison has joined our formation." Was all the ID-SOL said, reflecting Ran's distrust for Mercenaries.

"Keep an eye on him."
Harrison's place near the center rank of the Teufelhund formation remained unchanged as the soldiers rampaged through the house. He merely stood by and did nothing as the Teufelhunds tore the house to Hell.
The sight of these ID-SOL soldiers pillaging the property of someone that they should be protecting sickened Fay. He decided that he had no time to deal with this. He slowly made his way through the horrified crowd. As he turned his back on the Teufelhund soldiers, the white crescent of the Royal Nepleslian Sages could be seen on the back of his red cloak. However, before he could escape from the crowd, a muscular Nepleslian peasant halted his progress. "Hey, I bet ya' in cahoots with them ID-SOL!" he said as one of his hands wrapped around Fay's neck. The young mage gasped for breathe as his throat was being squeezed tightly.
Will caught the man assaulting Fay and, in one fluid motion, swiveled on his heel, withdrew a knife from the neck of his boot and threw it. The rotating knife whistled as it hissed slightly through the air, the snake-like, serrated blade slicing evenly into Fay's captor's face- right between his eyes. The Nepleslian cried out in pain and, startled, released Fay from his grasp and fell, groping at the shining blade in his face with failing swipes at the hilt of the blade buried in his face. Eventually, he died, his ruddy face covered in dark blood.

Will broke formation and slipped the small kris back into the heel of his boot, wiping it off on his pants as he went. He then sheathed it back in his boot and walked over to the mage.

"Are you alright?"
Fay coughed hoarsely before he answered, "I... I am alright." He took several deep breaths before his legs would let him rise again. He brushed his hands over himself, since his blood red cloak was now all dusty. He eventually took it off, revealing his sleeveless green shirt as well as the gloves with demonic symbols on his hands. "Th..thank you..." He managed to say to the mercenary that had saved him.
"Good job, Harrison." His voice reverberated inside the armor, with his face plate still down, making him sound almost robotic. Two regular soldiers, dressed in blue armor, made their way through the ranks and carried the dead man off somewhere, probably to that giant ditch in back of the castle. The two ID-SOL next to Ran, however, had both noticed the markings on the mage's arms as he took his cloak off.

"Sir." One ID-SOL tapped his right shoulder, pointing to the mage's arms.

"....Mage, I'm going to have to ask you as to the significance of these markings on your arms." His hand gripped the war hammer again, unsure and tense that these markings may show this mage's affiliation with the Demons.
Fay smiled coyly at Ran as he replied, "These are demonic symbols etched into my flesh. I am a mage of the Nepleslian Empire. I have been studying demons and their powers for the past few years under the direction of the Royal Imperial Sages." The Geshrin mage dusted off the rest of his cloak and put it back on. His attention then returned to the commander. His smile had not faltered for a minute.
The balanced trio of a Rogue, Magician and Swordsman had entered the Emperor's City.

They advanced through the streets, past peasants, guards and other mercenaries like themselves and decided to book a room for the night at the Drunken Duck. However, they'd have the afternoon to spend. They were sitting at the bar, getting rather drunk.

"So. You'll be stayin' here for the afternoon, drinking?" Luca asked the group's 'tank', also known as Luicen.
"Aye." He replied, "'s part ov'a balanced meal!"
"True that!" Luca said, raising his mug in the air. He took a look at John, the magician, "So, will you be sticking around?"
"No." He said as he took a small sip of his drink, "I need to study."
"Hmmh, lighten up a little, okay Johnny?" Luca told him and then took a huge gulp of his beer.
"No, Luca. You don't understand." John attempted to reason with him, "The study of arcanery takes devotion in Mind, Body and Soul."
"What? It's soul consuming?" Luca snapped back. He and the Scotsman laughed heartily.
"Ah, of course." Ran simply said, trying his best to hide the annoyance in his voice. Amongst the Teufelhund, the Royal Imperial Sages were regarded with a intense grudge, with them receiving most of the praise from the intellectual community within the Empire. "Studying Demons? What for? Their skulls crush only slightly more difficult than any of ours." Ran grabbed the faceplate, which had shown to have six eyes painted on it, and pulled it back down.

He then twisted his mouth into a smile, with that large scar across his mouth disfiguring it into more of a sneer. "Do you require any assistance, Mage?" He lifted his right eyebrow up, hoping to get a move on.
"I think he's alright. Probably just a little shaken." Harrison said with a half-mocking, half-showoffy grin, as if he was scoffing at fate itself.

"No thanks to you and the rest of the Turf Hounds," Harrison added, obviously unable to pronounce 'Teufelhund'.
Fay perked up an eyebrow at the strange mercenary before answering Ran, "If we can somehow harness their power, it will give us an edge over the Yamataian Federation that will never be rivalled." He looked past the commander at the ruined home. And we wonder why they call us brutes... he thought to himself.
"Yamataian Federation? Pfah! Those pussy willows wouldn't stand a chance against our Turf Hounds in a head-on confrontation with me amongst their ranks," Will said, pointing a thumb at his chest in the process. Typical hoo-ah chestbeater discipline.
"Ah, yes. Well I'm sure, somewhere in Yamatai, there's some recruit shivering in fear of you." Nevaraon quipped as he walked out of the alley where he was listening. He had taken off his cloth veil and his eyes shined their light blue.
"More than one, my fre- Hey!" Harrison rounded on the mage and scowled. "Was that meant to be an insult or did it just come out that way?"
Nevaraon struck a thinking pose and then answered with all seriousness "Yes. Anyway I understand that you have been attacked by demons? And I am not a mage" He growled as he flashed his sheath holding the family shortsword. "I'm the best swordsman in my city."
"Your city? You mean some little hick town in god-knows-where?" Harrison said with obvious insulting intent, returning the favor for his 'Recruit shivering in fear' crack.
Nevaraon, seeing the angle from where Harrison was coming from, let the insult slide and replied "No, my home is right under your nose. I live in the caverns underneath the city. but we digress are you not under attack by the demons?" Nevaraon directed his last question towards Will, who seemed to be in charge.
"We -were- under attack by the demons." Ran had stood by and let this little conversation go on for far too long. Stepping out from behind two of Red-clad ID-SOL, Ran's deep blue armored figure stomped it's way over to Nevaraon. "That is what the Teufelhunden are for. To protect this city. If you wish to help us, either enlist in our ranks or join Harrison here as a mercenary. Just don't expect -us- to provide your equipment."

Ran turned around and heaved his warhammer in both hands, only to let it rest on his right, armored shoulder. "Let's continue patrolling. We're heading out of the city into Demon territory to scout and report back. Wedge formation once we get onto the field. I want you Blues in the front of the formation, with the Reds backing them up as a core group. Whites are to form the outer edges of the wedge. Let's go."
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