The NMX ship seemed quote out of position, the rest of the NMX contacts started grouping up throughout the system, starting to form a loose ball of ships.
The NMX ship under attack, however, did not turn to join the rest of its fleet.
The pillager class ship would have to twist so that the top was pointing towards the incoming missiles as it banked away at a slight angle, trying to maximize its point defense fire. This brought it further away from the rest of the NMX fleet. The barrage of missiles was quickly cut down in size, only for the last two to streak through followed by Hellcat herself, the explosions tearing off the point defense turrets along the top of the ship. Secondary explosions took out the fighter launch bay in the rear of the craft, after it had launched a handful of fighters.
At that point the ship had to roll onto its side to bring more weapon turrets to aim at Hellcat, quickly dropping her shields with accurate close range fire right before she made her escape.
There were a handful of enemy battlepods near the Necromancer itself, most of which were busy being blown apart by the hail of missiles launched by 8-Ball, or the point defense fire coming from Ronin's mecha.
The Hounds were also assisting, moving in groups of two and volley-firing their own missiles against battlepods that strayed too close to the Necromancer itself... their leader was all to happy to accept 8-Ball's terms for their bet, but for the moment she was busy barking orders at her squad, yelling at them to stay in line and not be pulled out of position by the battlepods.
"Sir!" The sensors operator called. "That distress beacon is on the move, transferring track to Tactical."
The XO nodded. "I got it. It is a pod of some kind and it is moving fast... too fast." He looked to Werner. "I advise blowing out the sky with our CIWS."
Werner lokked about the room. Then he looked to Raphael. "Admiral, this is your show. What do you want us to do?"
Raphael looked thoughtful for a moment. "Helmsman, have we completed our turn?" He asked.
The Helmsman nodded. "Aye sir."
Raphael looked to Vier. "Vier, if we going to catch that pod where do we need to be? I want to catch it with the port side hanger." He asked, looking over at her.
"I will have my drone prepare to receive the pod in that hanger." Vier replied, letting her Junker drone move into position, building itself a rather large catcher's mit using some of the metal scraps still laying about.
Raphael turned to the Tactical station. "Commander, what is the pods trajectory?" He asked
The XO nodded and drew a line across his console. On the large display it showed the path of the pod.
"Helmsman, turn 90 degrees to starboard, and put us on an intercept trajectory. I want this as smooth as possible." Raphael ordered. He turned then to the Comm operator. "Comms, get me Security."
"Aye sir." She replied linking the call.
"Security, Bridge." Raphael said as he was linked in.
"Bridge, Security. What can I do for you Admiral?" The Security chief asked.
"Chief, I need a full squad in the port hanger bay. We are receiving that pod... at high speed. Keep your men at the airlock, as soon as we recieve the package, secure the area. I will be down shortly." Raphael said looking at the map plot, watching as the pod neared.
"Roger that Admiral." The Chief said, terminating the link.
"Sir, maneuver complete. We are on course." The Helmsman said.
Werner looked impressed. "Well done Admiral. Head down and meet our guest. I will handle things from here."
Raphael nodded and stood up. "Captian, you have the deck." He said walking past the saluting guard. He moved quickly and suited up in his new set of power armor, seeing as the last one was a wreck. He then moved and meet up with the security team.
Werner watched the display. Sevral minutes later the pod was coming up fast. The XO started a countdown. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Impact!" He said as the pod flew threw the hanger and slammed into Vier's makeshift net. The net strecthed to its limit, then the pod fell to the deck with thud.
"Move, move, move!" Raphael called as he and the security team moved in and surrounded the pod.
The junker drone would quickly move up and start disassembling the front of the pod, removing the metal in the way under the assumption that whatever was inside had already lost most of the atmosphere keeping it alive.
As the junker drone tore down the front of the pod it revealed the interior of the container. An Origin gekido mecha painted white with orange highlights bore a label on the left side of it's chest piece. The label read LNC-01T. Beside the mecha lay a stasis capsule whose indicator lights showed that it was occupied.
The large mechanical spider would suspend itself over the mecha for just a moment, glowing green eyes moving over the surface before determing that it was indeed deactivated. The drone would then move over to the other pod. The green eyes would examine this as well, the tendrils extending out from the main body starting to unfasten the control panel on the pod so that the drone could directly connect and begin the wake-up cycle.
Slowly, he woke up. Sensations; bright light and hectic noises assaulted his senses. He could partially make out a figure standing over him. As he tried to process the situation he was unable cobble a sentence together before his overworked brain gave out and he toppled to the ground, revealing the implant in the base of his spine.
Raphael looked over his soldiers. "Corpman!" He called. Several medics ran over and brought out a stretcher. They quickly scooped the man up and began wheeling him towards the medical wing also known as blue deck. Raphael looked back to several of the Security members. "You four guard him. The rest of you get this damn thing out of the way of the flight deck. Lock it down." He said moving to follow the medics. "Vier, Raph. Meet me in blue deck ASAP." He ordered.
The Sphere
The NMX ships were quickly gathering together, a fleet of 15 Pillagers, creating a sphere of ships around their fleet's two
carriers Directly behind this sphere was a group of anti-ship
Bomber Pods that were being launched from the two carriers, forming a giant wall formation several kilometers across directly behind the fleet.
The ships had formed multiple overlapping walls of point defense weapons, flying close to them would be a deathtrap...
The Pillagers would then launch their first wave of torpedos towards the ship, everyone's HUD lighting up with priority targets as the wave of 90 fast moving missiles accelerated towards their targets.
The hound squadron would break off from engaging the battlepods near the ship, their leader using a very firm tone to give orders, "Hounds, This is what we're here for. Everyone take a target from the priority target pool and engage!"
The list of priority targets available would drop considerably, as each squadron member took 'ownership' of some of the incoming torpedoes, firing off their own missiles and setting them on an intercept course...
Necromancer, Bridge>
"It would seem that we may not need your help contacting the I'ee...." Vier said, holding out the juice boxes for the two I'ee on the bridge, "I was worried we may have had to deal with convincing them not to shoot at us, but it looks like the NMX have that covered.
Captain, We have the required information regarding enemy fleet strength, I would recommend we withdraw for now.