Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 [Star Wasp] 9: Operation Bright Venom

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
"If you're a cute Neko-Mishhu and you surrender the carrier now I guarantee you'll be treated well," Akemi broadcasted for fun and the zillion in one chance there was a Neko in charge or one ready to shoot the commanding Mishhu and assume control that would actually be willing to do something other than fight to the death or attempt retreat. "I've already employed and befriended some. You'll get whatever hours you want and all the delicious food you can eat. The pay 's really good too."
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The Eternal Pilgrim

Hearing Akemi's announcement Spacecase turned his ship so that most of his heavy weapons faced the carriers. With his Junkers returning with escape pods and putting the occupants in the med bay for treatment he decided to open a channel to the carrier. "Greetings I would like to let you know that I currently have my guns aimed at you fully charged. If you do not surrender I will fire. I already have some of your pilots aboard my ship and am providing them with first aid."
His ship is called "The Merciless":

As the last round of combat came about, the remainder of the mercenary fleet maneuvered into position to fire a full volley from their main guns. Three lances of light piercing through space to rake one remaining Pillager from stern to bow, then turn upwards to cleave the wing from the last remaining. Two ships taken down in a single round of fire... Of course, no one had actually communicated to this backup fleet that there was to be any negotiations.

Pulling around the wreckage of the second carrier, the boarding and mech crews darted from one ship to another. Mechanical and power armored feet soon clanging to the hull of the last remaining active ship in the Misshu fleet. Carving their way towards the bridge, the negotiations were well underway as a lead of their boarding vanguard drew a mech scale sword that gleamed a hellish red, and drove it brutally into the hull protecting the carrier's bridge, as beneath the most intact ship of the mercenary fleet moved to fly beneath, unleashing a volley of torpedos into the ship's underbelly. Although with depleted stocks from the battle it wouldn't be truly sufficient to do lasting damage.

"Good work, everyone." Daniels' voice came over the all hands channel, as out in space their two light carriers moved forward to scoop up the captives left adrift by their boarding teams. "We'll be picking up prisoners and arranging the bounty payment in fifteen minutes."

For the Sammys of the World!

Once again, the lack of communications came to be a problem as Arccos wasn't kept in the loop of the negotiations being done by Akemi or the Spacecase. As the hull of the Lament was scored with deep cuts from debris and wreckage, soon swarming with its own junkers moving to mitigate the damage; the mothership came about, opening its manufactory bay and turning its bow towards the last remaining carrier, giving Gut Stripe a clean shot... Even feeding her ship targeting information.

At the same time, inside the vessel; the White Lament's communications core whirred to life with the sound of cooling fans as Arccos punched in the commands to crunch the numbers. Accessing old data from the time when the Independent World's League turned its ships against the NMX after the loss of the Great Lighthouse. This was how the Freespacers fought, and if they didn't have an answer to missiles being fired they never would have won a single battle...

Arccos' mind swam with information being dumped directly to her mindware, synchronizing with the dozens of nonvolitional SI copy-pasted on short order to parse through combat data. Eventually, she came to it. Old codes, dozens of them. It was difficult to stop a missile in flight but no one made a dumb torpedo. Set to broadcast, Arccos bombarded the missiles with a signal disguised as targeting information from the carrier itself. Commands set to change the missiles to detonate at proximity rather than on contact, this in conjunction with a second signal to project a false reading on the missile's sensors. An image of a large enough body sufficient to trigger detonation.

With hope, the false signal would cause the missiles to detect and detonate prematurely. Of course this all rode on whether or not the NMX had changed the targeting systems' encoding. Did they rely upon tried and true systems? Or did the NMX innovate in their time since the last great Misshuvurthyar horde?
With No Survivors!

While the Lament's maneuver was an effective means of protecting Gut-Stripe's small, under-armoured vessel, being effectively trapped inside of the manufactory bay was driving the Thi-Thi commander crazy. Arccos had received a great many messages from the I'ee vessel asking for, and then demanding targeting information and/or release from the White Lament. Gut-Stripe knew better than to threaten the White Lament with a point-blank shot; instead, she was going to shoot without telling, charging the main cannon for a suicidal blast into the Lament's innards.

Thankfully, the bay doors had begun to open, and the raging Gut-Stripe was provided with the information she so desired. "We will fire." was the only reply she gave. The hull of the little corvette shook as its cannon fired at the Misshu carrier, sending its deadly particle burst in its direction with no regard for friendly fire. Gut-Stripe might have been told that Uso intended on taking prisoners. Whether she remembered now or not didn't matter to her in the slightest: The time had come for the invaders to die, one and all.
Still not appreciating the Gut-Stripes of the world:

Seeing the stream of messages which are broadcast to the Lament whoever was manning the doors made a judgement call, as Arccos was too busy aiming to protect the planet. Gut-Stripe's shot was given its opportunity to shoot off, before the ship was propelled bodily from the mothership's engineering bay. A single message broadcast to the Corvette reading:

"Don't let the door hit ya where the great maker split ya."

The armored bay of the Lament snapped shut immediately after it had jettisoned the little space boat.
Necromancer Bridge:

"Systems: Redirect all drones to defend the I'ee ships. We will move ahead and kite the enemy." He ordered to his systems officer and Helmsman. "Take us 45 degrees up angle. Let's attack their topside." He added.

"Aye Sir!" Came the reply from both.

"Tactical, snapshot tubes 1-4 again, continue railgun fire on the pillagers. I want a full spread of missiles into their ranks." He ordered.

"Snapshot tubes 1-4 aye!" Kovac answered.

The Necromancer pitched up 45 degrees and fired her main engines. The large main guns rocked the ship as her guns spat out salvo after salvo at the enemy. 4 large torpedos flew out and away from the Necromancer and corrected their path, heading for the enemy pillagers. The Necromancer was then alight with the telltale glow of missile exhaust as several launchers fired their racks of missiles out and away from the ship. As the missiles took off towards the ships, the casing of the missiles broke apart and hundreds of mini missiles bathed the horizon in light... with no sign that the Necromancer would stop the onslaught.


Cyrus smiled at Corgan and nodded to Raph. "You heard the man! Let's go! All Ragnarock troops deploy!" He ordered as he and his personal guard squad jumped head first into Hell... Raphael sighed. "All Operators begin deployment. He too jumped along with his own squad of black ops operators following closely behind Cyrus.

As they fell towards the Carrier, they all fired anti armor weaponry at the enemy fighters and shuttles that strayed to close.
Even from within the well-insulated cockpit of the M5 he was piloting, he could almost feel the effects of the starship he was in being torn apart around him. With the carrier's shields having been knocked out in the beginning of the skirmish, the combination of Vier's drones finally tearing through the hull, Hound Squadron mopping up the last of the battlepods it had hastily disgorged and the last of its weapons being sheared off almost certainly gave the impression that whatever small threat the carrier had posed to the fleet was now gone. Overlooking the destruction that he and his twin had wrought on the hanger, broken wrecks and mangled bodies of NMX soldiers littering the floor while whatever meager forces remained retreated back into the scant safety of the vessels depth's, Jason might have agreed with this assessment. That was before all hell decided to break loose.

The roar of igniting thrusters and metal grinding against metal reverberated throughout the structure as the two gunships, obscured by a series of obstacles that included starship hulls and pieces smashed through what the Mishhu had certainly written off as dead weight after the EMP attacks and into outer space. The M5 leapt out of the way of a container flung by the charging escorts with the short flare of one of it's Vernier's, skidding along the floor for a short distance once it landed, any parting shots it tried to make on the escaping craft going wide for fear of further damaging any cargo flung in their wake. Normally, given the local dominance the U.S.O Navy had displayed he wouldn't be too worried about dealing with a few light craft, and would have been happy to leave them too the Necromancer's guns or the Tacit's missiles if he didn't receive a certain message.

"Guys, I got some incoming gunships. The kind that can turn a PA into scrap. Might need some assistance."

The voice of his one of the few friends had made on the desert world called out through his comms, which probably meant that the Ragnarok had sent in an insertion team behind his own once it seemed the fighter-craft had either been scrapped or routed, an assumption corroborated by Vier's tactical network. Next thing he knew his 'brother' had sent a feed of some ship he couldn't identify phasing through the god damn ceiling. Apparently in this line of work when it rained, it rained acid. Atleast Alex knew to have Vier keep track of it in case it decided to show up. "Focus on keeping the gunships off the boarding party, but be wary of any weird blips on your sensor in case it tires to ambush us." Secure in the knowledge the Junkers he had requested for backup could repulse any attempt to retake while they were away, he pulled out of the hanger, seeing that the pilot who had elected not to follow them had already engaged one of them. Having already witnessed Ronin destroy one shredder, he had high hopes that the man could pull a hat trick.

Meanwhile, the team leader set it's eyes on the second hostile, it's 'assault rifle' and all four turrets spitting a hail of electromagnet propelled shells towards it, doing it's best to keep out of the arcs of its foes deadlier weapons with its movements. Jason cursed himself for not bringing his torpedo launcher, but luckily a clever use of their enviorment by Corgan had managed to weaken their shields and he still had a few aces of up his hole. All eight of the Kirin feathers launched their full compliment of thermonuclear missiles, all twenty-four weaving through space, Aether-converted plasma drives lighting up the void behind them like miniature suns, supplemented by their smaller antimatter cousins from the frames own launchers. They weren't the only missiles he had cast out, as the power armor team could see a number of particle cloud infused warheads, hoping to release their vast sensor disrupting payload in area's leading to their destination, giving them some cover to advance where there were no shattered wrecks to advance between.

Opening a line to the Ragnarok soldiers, the young man sent a message. "You guys can leave this to my team, just focus on getting to the carrier before you get torn apart ."
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Pumpkin Eater Bridge

Forty-Six manned the bridge with her Captain and commander, who was taking care of actually flying/fighting the converted freighter. Her part was largely the pedestrian job of managing the sensors, handling communications, and the other tasks that shouldn't occupy a Captain's time. Couldn't occupy her time with every other duty that filled it.

Yet, as their missiles carved into the smaller Mishu craft they were rapidly running out of targets. As ordered, she started to queue up some of the larger combatants for Aashi's weapons.

"Think we need to start shooting at the big stuff, Captain," she called across the bridge, "We've got their attention."
Operation Bright Venom: T+ 30 seconds

Pillager Squadron

The Necromancer's strikes would hit the few operational pillagers. Their point defenses already taken out by the mercenary fleet, leaving them quite vulnerable to fast moving torpedoes breaking up the armor that kept the crew alive. The drones would follow closely, along with Hound squadron, focusing their remaining firepower on any pillager still attempting to move. In moments, they ceased being ships and simply were wreckage.

The hive fleet descended on the remains of the pillager gunships, their directed nuclear explosives tearing apart the ships into manageable chunks, no doubt irradiating anything nearby. People unlucky enough not to be behind sufficient shielding... those that were in the middle of escaping... were turned into rapidly expanding clouds of vapor. Chunks of the pillagers were now floating through space... with only a handful of NMX remaining on board.

There were nearly half a dozen of the advanced type mishhu left, the floating squids maneuvering themselves behind the slowly spinning chunks of starships They were only armed with small hand weapons, barely capable of damaging the approaching spacer ships... so instead they laid in wait, hoping for the spacers to get close enough that they could board the ships during the salvage operation.

The Eternal Pilgrim

"Fuuuck, someone get those missiles!" Uso shouted over the all hands channel, getting the I'ee killed was going to ruin her reputation as 'the person who saved the I'ee.

".... and you... spacecase and space-ace.... Go start scooping up whatever prisoners you can before they all get turned to soup... DON'T TELL THEM YOU'RE GOING TO SHOOT JUST SHOOT! STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR FOOD!"

There were small groups of soldiers and escape pods floating in space where the pillagers used to be... though after the Spacers closed in there were considerably less of those soldiers still in escape pods.

When the junkers approached groups, they would find varying responses to the approach. NMX nekos, especially when floating alone, seemed docile... having surrendered themselves to their fate. Small groups in life pods tried to make a get away, attempting to use their engines to put some distance between themselves and the approaching junkers.

And then there were the advanced type Mishhu, squids that would immediately try tearing at the any junkers that got within reach, even going as far as to chase after them looking for a kill!

Mecha Team

"Target is not visible."

The response from Vier regarding Alex's 'ghost ship' was perhaps a bit understated. There was a lot of information being conveyed by Vier through the tactical information network. Overlays showing distance, sensor coverage, even estimated time of arrival for light bouncing off the enemy ships. The sheer depth of information was staggering, and could only be effective communicated through much abstraction.

If something was there. Vier was capable of seeing it.

Uso, meanwhile, only had a few moments to look at Alex's feed and respond, "Just shoot it with something!"

The two remaining shredder gunships wouldn't get far, darting past Jason, only to get hit by missiles from behind, and Ronin's cannon fire from in front. They didn't even have time to launch more than a handfun of defensive missiles before the combination of attacks would bring down the craft's shields... followed by the EMP from Ronin's mecha frying the sensitive senors on the exterior of the craft... along the the remainder of the missiles that now simply flew out of the bottom of the shredders, dumb-firing into the void.

A large barrage of cannon fire from the shredders would head in Ronin's general direction, powerful beams passing by all around him... lacking the accuracy needed for a solid firing solution.

In mere moments the combination of weapons fire would gouge large gashes in the hulls of the shredders, leaving the ships to impotently coast forward, firing at nothing.

Vier's next set of warnings would come quickly.

"Target visible, near carrier."
"Target Shock Cannon Firing."
"ASC jamming failed, retrying."

In the span of fractions of a second, the arrow head shaped ship would reappear. This time in front of the Ragnarok soldiers. Its momentum would carrying it right into their path, instantly killing any that were too slow to get out of its way as they splatted against the ship's shields. Out of the opening in the front of the ship, a large cone of white would jolt forward, covering a nearly 45 degree cone in front of the ship.

Ronin was caught right in the edge of the blast. His shields nearly instantly overloading, the remaining energy simply removing several exterior layers of his mecha, blinding any sensors that happened to be facing towards the ship when it fired.

Alex and Jason were a bit more fortunate. They were inside of the carrier when the energy wave hit. The junkers on the exterior were simply gone... along with the outermost top layer of the carrier itself, large portions of the flight deck were now exposed to space.... just in time for the I'ee's particle cannon to strike! The NMX weapon did not seem to cause any explosions, leaving the carrier to lazily continue drifting forward until the I'ee particle cannon struck, igniting something deep inside of the carrier, causing a large blast wave to blast through cracks cut by the junkers, sending the carrier spinning even faster, bits and pieces being thrown out into space.

NMX Carrier.

Fhion continued to send orders, doing her best to remotely control ships while at the same time...


A large, metal, pike pierced the top of the bridge, cutting through the console and one of the bridge officers in front of her. In moments the helmet attached to her belt would fly off, centering itself over her head and latching onto the collar of her uniform.

"Hlveneer ffllurug gguurggh...." The NMX language was fairly incomprehensible, but she did manage to say something, calling a heavy metal case nearly a meter and a half long, to her side...

With a loud crunch, the pike was withdrawn from the ship's bridge. The majority of the crew was simply ejected into space, however Fhion was quite capable of controlling her flight, immediately heading back towards the hull of the ship after being ejected out into space. Advanced type Mishhu were also floating out from where the ship had been pierced, some making it back toward the hull of the ship, using anti-tank weapons to fight back against the mercenary mecha.

I'ee Home World

As the carrier launched its torpedoes, the junkers and death crawlers attached to the hull of the tanks-a lot would open fire, a barrage of shots picking off a handful of the objects. The rest would streak past towards the I'ee home world.

As they were presented with the heavy ECM from the white lament, they would start to struggle with what large rocky target they were supposed to go for, the entire spread of torpedoes starting to fan out, some chasing the sensor ghosts put up by the white lament, others heading right for the I'ee home world. While most ended up harmlessly flying off into space, two remained on course, headed for I'ee's equator.

The most Vier could do at this point, was provide targeting information, sending it towards the home world in hopes they would be able to shoot down the two incoming projectiles.
Pillaging the Pillagers

"Hive squadron, stand down. We are now engaged in recovery operations."

At Nirvana One-One's command, one wing of gunships broke off their scattered fire toward the torpedoes sent to the I'ee homeworld, none of them having scored a hit. The other ceased hunting battlepods, and at last returned to the main group, with Nirvana and the three corvettes. Of the squadron, only the corvettes had any equipment for salvage work. With two gunships escorting each one, they moved to corral the broken wings of the pillagers, and catch any scrap that looked nice on the spectrometers, while Nirvana waited, observing, its crew offering suggestions of where to find loot.

It was only the beginning of the operation, however. The squadron was not able to store or perform work on the debris of a single cruiser, let alone a whole fleet. They still waited for the vessel that Uso had rented for them to arrive, a freighter large enough to take all their prizes, and melt what was worthless to slag. To many present, including those on Nirvana's bridge, anticipating this work was more exciting than the battle had been...

Next to Fhion's Carrier

Though Akemi had not been close enough to pay attention to and shoot at the very fast torpedoes that had come from the Pillagers he was right next to the carrier when it launched its own. Seeing them he stopped his attacks on the ship and shot whatever had sufficient speed to reach them. His two Pulse Laser Arrays, Positron Beam Launcher and Large Ordinance Projector with a missile speed of .85c all fired at them. If his two forearm plasma chainguns had any chance of landing shots he'd use them too. While he fired his lasers he flew towards his target until it was out of practical range. When he finished trying to hit it he'd simply return to attempting to strike whatever seemed to be the weakest and most valuable point of the carrier. "Hey Vier, should the big guns hold their fire on this carrier yet? Mind telling the bad guys too if we're holding fire?"
Outside Carrier -> Hangar

Corgan didn't expect his shots to do so much damage. The destruction brought a big smile to his face. He was relieved to hear Jason's voice. "Thanks, Jason. I'm almost there. I owe you some beers after this is over." He would have missed the ship coming right at him if not for the upgrades to his armor. Corgan shot down below the incoming ship, narrowly avoiding instant death. He watched as the Carrier took a direct hit of some sort of white energy blast. Unexpectedly another shot came out of the blue and triggered massive explosions of debris from cracks in the armor. "How the hell can we salvage anything if you guys blow it all up? We have friendlies in there for fuck's sake!" Corgan growled over the fleet channel.

It was difficult for him to think in three dimensions. Thankfully he had an AI to calculate vectors. He matched speed with the ship's rotation and flew into the hangar, dodging a wave of debris. Corgan looked around for any immediate targets. When he couldn't find any he slung his HPAR over his shoulder. His arms free, he started tossing whatever he could lift out of the open hangar.
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Future Miniboss Squad:

As the mercenary mechanized vanguard finished piercing the hull and started to take fire, a couple of things happened at once. When the burst of bridge crew evacuated from the newly created hole in the carrier, the mech responsible set its stance and triggered a blast from a series of shaped charges along its armor plating. A blast of flak from it shredding those unlucky enough to not catch their orientation of gravity and cling to the hull. From there it was... A controlled retreat. The mech team taking a few shots on those coming out to resist them before turning and leaping from the hull of the carrier and firing engines down, using the carrier itself as cover from unguided fire before landing with a clatter upon the upper plating of the mercenary vessel.

And as the NMX anti-armor team found the largest, juiciest targets soon safely shielded from fire behind the bulwark of starship grade barriers... The mercenary armor teams moved in along the hull to pacify.

From Akemi's perspective alongside the last surviving but now bridgeless carrier; with torpedo fire and shots from the I'ee vessel crashing down around them two distinct armor teams made their progress. The fighting was fierce, but steadily a stream of incapacitated and maimed Misshu and Nekovalkyrja started to drift away from the carrier's hull. About as many mangled corpses of the mercenaries drifted off as well. At the head of the vessel, a rather familiar fighter erupted into action. Clad in a suit of power armor that was either a Yamataian Daisy, or a Misshuvurthyar Reaper suit with a set of custom plates launched off the hull of the carrier, and was abruptly dropped back down from the force of a sword being fired from its scabbard to cleave an advanced type Misshu in twain... And continued to cleave a bloody path towards what seemed to be the remaining surviving bridge crew. A neko, even. Maybe a cute one...?

Despite his preferences in this scenario, if that was the commander and all these wrecked ships were indeed still full of survivors there would be a great loss of either life or resources here. Without someone to order those dug into the wrecked ships to stand down, it would require a lot of lives to dig them out, or alternately a huge loss in the salvage that those Freespacers were after if they had to be blasted to pieces... If there was to be any hope at a willing surrender, that crazy neko he'd failed to impress in the woods would need to be stopped.

From Fhion's perspective... No sooner had she touched down on the outer hull, had an enemy presented itself. A scrawny looking neko, tiny even by that race's standards clad in patchwork power armor and clinging to blade that gleamed the same infernal red as the huge blade which had breached the bridge. And they looked excited to introduce Fhion to that weapon.

Arccos tried:

Over in the back, aboard the Lament, Arccos looked over to the projected HUD within her own mind. Staring at the sensor readout as she watched the torpedos fly south. Only two left flying that way, which for the ship's usual ECM capabilities was well above the average rate of protection. She'd done all she could and probably more... And really had nothing else she could do for the battle.

Leaning back in her cargo-netting turned hammock seat, Arccos reached into the white robe she wore and pulled out a big fat stogie. A nice smoke for a change. Biting off its end with a little 'snip', and lighting it with her little laser lighter. Almost as an afterthought she kicked back, swinging her legs back and forth causing her to wobble in place as she opened up the feed to the ship's PA system.

"Mission complete people, we just saved a civilization from use as breeding stock or slaves by the Misshuvurthyar." She said. Cutting the feed to everyone before finishing the statement quietly to herself.

"At least... You know. Mostly, anyway."
Friendly Fire

Gut-Stripe did not respond to the snarky farewell from the White Lament. Did she even recognise it as an insult? Did I'ee even insult each other, or just make extremely critical observations? In any case, for her, there were more important things to do: Namely, destroying that last Misshuvarthyar ship. The I'ee was unaware of the teams operating nearby, or even that the ship was wanted for salvage. Gut-Stripe wanted every last trace of the Misshu wiped from her home, and nothing was going to stop her. "We fire." she announced again as another shot finished charging and was launched from the corvette at the carrier.

Ee'ee Space

The I'ee fleet was confused and alarmed by the targeting information sent their way by Vier. Each family's fleet had been expecting an enemy fleet to attack, not a spread of tiny munitions headed for the planet itself. Each family received the targeting information and assumed it was intended for them specifically, launching their ships in a desperate effort to stop the torpedoes. Though the stakes were high, it couldn't be described as anything less than an overreaction, as whole fleets of I'ee ships converged and fired upon the tiny targets. Countless projectiles streaked through space, most missing, some striking unlucky friendlies who drifted into the line of fire. Other ships crashed into one another in a rush to block the path of the torpedoes, while others still rushed boldly forth to intercept the projectiles directly in a suicidal move.
"Aaaaaaah! Guys stop shooting! All of you guys!" Akemi broadcasted in all directions. "Gosh just wait till our commanders say something. If you're willing to surrender and work at a restaurant and bar as an ordinary employee mention the name Akemi, my name, like it's a promotional code."

Seeing what looked like Kiri facing off against an enemy Akemi moved to stand between and aside from them. "Kiri! Ladies! Please! Don't fight. You might get paid more to take a prisoner! Plus I've got weapons that could vaporize either of you. Just chillax. I wanna make a mess of both of you but not like this!"

Having a super fast computer brain Akemi electronically sent his messages in Yamataian, Trade and Mishhu figuring saying them out loud only could take way too long given how much could happen in a few seconds.
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The Eternal Pilgrim

"I'm losing a lot of Junkers here. They had their chance to surrender and they've made their choice. I'm firing." Spacecase would then fire at the last carrier aiming for its engines. He would then turn his attention to watching over the recovery operation moving closer to his Junkers.
Alex vs ghost ship.

Alex raced toward the latest emergence of the enemy ship, swinging around behind it and loosing the last of his missiles before going into close range.

"I'm trying to disable its engines!" He shouted over the comms.

Once in close range he latched onto the enemy hull with magnets and began to pound the thrusters with the pile driver over and over.
The fact that a large chunk of his brain had been replaced a defining in Jason's life, one the at accounted for a myriad number of abilities that made him useful to his current leader and held the proverbial chain that bound him to her will regardless of his own, or at least did if the Shipkeeper was to be believed. One of the most advantageous benefits of his cerebral implants, the features of which he often takes for granted considering it had been a part of him for his entire existence, was it's capacity to record all of his experiences. Unlike his ancestors, those humans who had existed prior to when mankind had unveiled the mysteries of the mind and sought to enhance it with artifice, his memories never faded or grew twisted by the touch of time, nor did what information he had garnered slip from his minds greedy grasp.

As events continued to unfold around him, each victory seeming to herald a greater disaster, every new bit of data fed into his mind making the situation seem more desperate even as the battle as a whole was nothing but a triumph, a memory that might have long faded without his mindware echoed in his head. One of the first things he'd been told by his instructors was that a plan neve survived contact with the enemy, and though perhaps a record of one unfinished battle didn't leave him in the best position to judge, the old cliche sounded true enough to his ears.

As the ship he was in was sent hurtling through space by the strike of a particle beam cannon, he wondered why they had neglected to mention plans had a poor track record when encountering allies too.

It had all seemed to be going swimmingly just a moment ago. The initial ambush had allowed them to all but capture the carrier with little if any damage, the efforts of the ragtag but obviously effective fleet that his empress had put together keeping whatever units survived the first several seconds from relieving it. Sure, not being able to stop the gunships from launching was a setback. A particularly ill-timed one considering the Ragnarok troops had been in the middle of their transit, but his team's counterattack had exceeded his own admittedly pessimistic expectations, rendering the need for concealment he had hoped to provide the troops with particle clouds moot. Just the last desperate, pathetic flailing of a dying beast with its jugular cut, hoping in vain to cause even the tiniest amount of suffering to the enemy that had been its death.

At least that's what he had thought before a number of Impulse signatures suddenly dropped out of his sensor feed only to be replaced by the mystery ship that Vier had been tracking in their place. That would have been enough to sour whatever small bit of satisfaction he had felt from neutering the last of the shredders, but the new enemy wasn't satisfied with stopping there. Before any of them could react, it had fired some superweapon incredibly wide cone that sheared any Junkers from the carrier's hull Ronin's sensor had just been knocked, out of the tactical network, and if his readings were right the attack that had sent them careening hadn't even come from it. He wasn't sure if it was his bleeding rover slowing his perception down or the AI taking the initiative before him, but a quick burning of the M5's thruster managed to send it into a hovering position within the rotating hanger.

Tracking the emissions to the I'ee Corvette, Jason opened a direct link to it. "Cease fire, we have people inside the carrier. Ceasefire!" There was no time to wonder why the I'ee hadn't been informed of their mission beforehand, given he remembered a group of them in the briefing. Not when this thing had just taken out most of the local forces in a second flat. "Ronin, pull out." The young man ordered, hoping the comms system was still intact on the wrecked unit and patching the M1 into his own sensor feed to help navigate. "Requesting immediate fire support." Was the next thing to come over the fleetwide channel, allowing his AI to send targeting info on the unidentified hostile.

Between the only guy with a dedicated anti -hip weapon taking the brunt of the blast and the fact they had spent the majority of their missiles in the prior engagement, they didn't exactly have much of a means to meaningfully damage it. The gunships likely had a fair bit of unexploded munitions and its aether generator would make a hell of a boom if compromised, but It wasn't as if hey could pull the same trick Corgan ha-...Well, maybe they could. "Ale-" Before Jason could say anything, even via the sped up perspective of their mindware his subordinate was out of the hanger expending the last of his missiles and apparently under the impression he could punch through a starship's shields.

Undeterred, Jason had already activated his machine's first stage limiter release and then poured all of the excess power, the machine's starship grade and 4 auxiliary reactors booting up to dangerous level of stress as he rocked into deep space. With the speed only an Ai could muster, Elohim had already informed Vier of the plan and asked for help from in remaining drones in a position too. "Alex, help or get out of the way!" A once listless shredder was pushed through space once more, acting as a shield and soon a sword for the Seraphim's, it's overboost leading it towards the 'Ghost Ship.' Assuming it got within range of the calculated explosion engulfing the ship, Jace pulled back with haste while detonating his savaged would be bomb with some carefully placed AM or relativistic rounds.
Alex was too busy to talk, but in response to Jason's warning he switched to the side of the enemy ship opposite to the incoming attack and began to push.
Trying To Save A possible Mishhu Neko Waifu

Considering how bloodthirsty and animalistic Kiri and Mishhu could be Akemi figured he needed something to act fast should either side refuse to stand down. He thought it'd be super cool to fire a big death ray between them like characters in his Yamataian cartoons would but he figured that was way too risky and decided he would just dedicate one large pulse laser array to each woman. Hopefully if either went for the other shooting a few laser pulses between them would make them think twice.