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Approved Character Stark, Artan: New Character

This is an excellent and exceptional bio with obvious care and time put into it.

Approved with no issues.
I have a few notes to have.

My first was alarm at the surname "Stark", which is one of the major families portrayed in the 'Game of Thrones' TV series. I understand it could've come from nowhere, but that's the first time that came to my mind which could have a negative impact (just like calling your character Drizzt, JamesTKurk or Legolas in some online game).

Secondly, we try to make a few references to gods as possible within SARP. In his physical description, there's a reference to him loosing his 'god-given' pair of eyes.

Also, considering his family: nepleslian women are rather uncommon. Having a mother and a sister to make an actual family unit can happen, but is out of the ordinary. That doesn't require any changes - just telling you things as I see them.
Well, Stark is also the last name of Tony Stark from Ironman as well Fred. What's that? A Stark in a power armor? It's a common name so no worries.

At any rate, it's a good bio, it has the FM's approval.
I just want to add that Power Armor Operation isn't actually a necessary skill since it's been rolled over into the Physical and Fighting section. So that's a free slot for the character to either add another skill or simply leave it blank for the future.

- Corrected some spelling mistakes (mainly for the word "Nepleslian")
- Changed your pay from 3000 KS to 6000 DA

You should be aware, Kanir, that its your responsibility to manage your weekly pay.
Kind of off topic, but some time ago Yamatai went to a monthly pay cycle to make it easier for players. Would Nepleslia be interested in doing that too Kokuten?
Just to address the issues raised:

I am pretty hopeless with names. I have trouble coming up with any decently unique or even fitting names, especially when dealing with more then a squad. So, I tend to reuse names that I know, or like with a change and variation. Stark I got more from the description of the word then either Tony or Eddard, Rob, Catelyn, Bran, (yes, I do enjoy the books very much. )

And the thing about being mostly man-inhabited, I'll try and keep that in mind for the future. I just have trouble picturing a male or female dominant race that doesn't co-live with another. Guess it just hasn't hit me that there are clones and bio-engineered people running about in the degree that they are.
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