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READ ME Starmap Update Requests

I've made the requested flag updates, which will be in the next update, but the rest of your post is ignored because it's not in the map update format and doesn't appear to be a map update request.
Sorry to bother you @Wes but did you see the request to update the west sector map with the Rohini system ?
@Zack are you doing the Western map updates?
Can I and Gunhand have Ulyshi on the Western map, @Zack? I just want to make sure it's on the to-do list as it's on the Kikyo Sector map.
How do we specify things on the western map? I noticed it doesn't have a grid and by late tonight will have several systems I'd like to add.
How do we specify things on the western map? I noticed it doesn't have a grid and by late tonight will have several systems I'd like to add.

@Zekec - Given that the Elysian Celestial Empire was responsible for charting the vast majority of the western map, would you mind discussing them with me via Discord or PM before you submit them to the NTSE, please?
Fair enough, you're claiming some kind of authority over the Western map which I wasn't aware you had.
The Elysians didn't actually have starships until around YE 18 in the aftermath of the 3rd Elysian War. This is when Zack's 4th Elysian Empire broke off to colonize Purgatory and also in the years building up to the 4th Elysian War, which was the first Elysian war featuring spaceships (the 3rd Elysian war was entirely ground-based).

Correction: The 4th GECE was formed in YE 35.
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Would you mind updating the relevant articles, please @Zack? Given what @Wes said, Elysia wouldn't have explored any of the western sector, as it would've kept all of its ships close to home in order to defend against a pre-emptive Yamataian attack.
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I think Zack's articles already say that, but it would be nice if the date was explicit.

Please stop posting posts in this thread that are not in the format in the OP, this thread is not a discussion thread, it's my list of map changes to make.
Also @ Ame PM me the details and I’ll add it. It may be easiest for you to just mark a spot on the map yourself, or you can give me an approximate location and I’ll add it.
Star System Name (Required): Heled (previously Lkihujngfv).
Star System Wiki URL (Required): https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:heled
Grid Square To Put Star: 2605
Faction of System (If Applicable): Asteria
Image URL of Faction Flag: https://wiki.stararmy.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=400&tok=3d0ba1&media=faction:asteria_flag_2.gif

This system is used in the plot Song of Whitemeadow.

The system page is part of a series of edits that I've been working on regarding this plot, so I'm doing the easiest updates first.

Late Edit: Forgot to include updated URL. Did that.
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Station Name: Sanran
Station Wiki URL: 産卵
Grid Square To Put Star: Grid Square 1021 (lower left)

Station Name: Tengoku
Station Wiki URL: 天国
Grid Square To Put Station: Grid Square 1824 (lower middle/right)

Station Name: Nigiyaka
Station Wiki URL: 賑やか
Grid Square To Put Station: Grid Square 1006 (middle near UX-4)

Faction of Station: None
Image URL of Station Flag: It's pink~
Notes: This is because @Wes noticed a few stations and thought they could go up on the map! ^-^
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