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READ ME Starmap Update Requests

Requested updated have been added to the WIP and will appear on the next map upload/update.
Error: The Hades article doesn't match the grid provided.
I've looked at the linked thread and it does appears Arieg and I worked out an agreement in November about this, so I'll stick to that. This decision is based on the following:

Perfectly willing to do this and I'll start modifying the articles accordingly @Fred.

Since the articles were never modified, I will do it myself if necessary.

PS: The Hades population is listed as 544,320. This is me as setting manager saying that is fine and canonically acceptable.

I've placed the system on the map and it will be there when I upload it.
  • Star System Name: Hades
  • Star System Wiki URL: N/A
  • Grid Square To Put Star: 2115
  • Faction of System: N/A
  • Faction of System: N/A
  • Image URL of Faction Flag: N/A
  • Notes: The system needs to be removed from the map, as the system’s article was removed from the wiki at the request of its creator, Arieg.
Reactions: Wes
Done on the WIP. It will be removed on the wiki in the next update.
Updated on the master file.
Anyone need starmap updates? I'm doing some work on it soon.
Star System Name (Required): Sanctum
Star System Wiki URL (Required): https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=system:sanctum
Grid Square To Put Star: 2623
Faction of System (If Applicable): New Dusk Conclave(listed as Section 6 on wiki)
Image URL of Faction Flag:
Notes: no actual flag right now, haven't found anyone to make a updated one that isn't just the old S6 emblem.
2623 is currently in the middle of nowhere. Can you do something like 2218 where it's kind of on the edge of the currently occupied space? Because if we put your system where you ask, that basically makes the line in between it and the existing systems unusable because it wouldn't make sense for your guys to be crossing the territory of (insert future other faction here) and not mention it. I can throw in SX-01 and SX-02 if you want to take that sector instead.
Well I plan for them to expand out and create other systems for them to explore when I can. I was just wanting them to have plenty of space to do so.

Also I have no idea what SX-01 and SX-02 are. Are those systems?
Can I see a pic of this sector where these are at? I'm open, just don't want to be too close to other territories. Not because they're isolationist or anything, but for their own safety. They've been reaching out for diplomatic relations with other groups and such.
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