Osman Palace, secluded Area
"You could say there is a lot of me to go around," Vier responded, keeping a straight face the entire time. Vier wasn't entirely human, being just as much machine as she was person. There were even additional Vier bodies moving about the party area though for the time being she wasn't drawing attention to it.
"I have been automating as many processes as possible, and finding who I can outsource the work to for the rest. Since the Vekimen left, our resourcing operation has been taking up the majority of my Junker drones which in turn has been putting a premium on my time and attention. Though Alex and Uso certainly have taken an intrest in running some aspects of the operation, they tend to focus in on one area at a time while I handle the majority of the mechanical parts of keeping this organization running."
Vier would pause for a moment, observing the wings on Araxie's body for a while before returning to her conversation,
"Elysians, Yamatains, even Nepleslians tend to put a premium on being warriors. They tend to view things as continued combat operations. It is certainly rare to find someone who views themselves as an expert in logistics. That being said, do you know what project you are wanting to work on next? Alex has been quite insistant about building more starships and has gone through a lot of trouble to start construction, however we do not have training facilities for crew, nor do we have the long-term logistical facilities for supporting a fleet. For example, we do not have long term storage for food avalible which will limit fleet operating time to only a few days."
The Osman Truffle Shuffle
"Have you two really not met yet?" Uso asked, thinking it over in her head... TruffleClub and Errowyn had both been around for a while... but neither had quite seemed to run into the other properly. "Truffleclub, this is Errowyn. She's the first pilot we hired on and has been a dependable friend since the begining.
Errowyn, this is Truffleclub. We found Truffle on that space-ship that landed here and released all the junkers that tried to tear people apart. Truffle is adorable."
Introduction acomplished!
"So uh... what is it?"
Osman Palace, Bar
"Or maybe we could setup an area for the spacers? Irradiate a small part of the planet and... " Werner would get up and run off at that time, "...I suppose he has somewhere to be... Have you considered switching bodies? Or trying to lower the amount of radiation you need?" Sute asked Spacecase.