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RP: 188604 State of the USO Address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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Osman Palace Bar

"Got a place picked out?" The bartender asked, "I know a few of us have been taking up space in Nath tower. Its kinda nice to live right next to everyone. Lots of space, great view too... most of the tower's unused right now!"

She would turn her attention tot he new comer, pouring out a glass of brown andplacing it infront of him before adding a single, large, sphere of ice.

"Feeling down Mr. Werner?" The bartender asked, "My spacer friend and I were just talking about finding a decent place to stay here. Maybe you have some ideas?"

Osman Palace, a slightly less crowded area

"Do you prefer to go by Araxie or Serai?"

The question was left at that for the moment, the woman approaching the Elysian not having introduced herself. She had on quite the professional outfit, coat, skirt, button down shirt, everything in tones of black and grey including her eyes and hair. This woman matching three of the others exactly as they moved about the crowd.

"I am Vier, Uso suggested that I introduce myself as we will likely be working together regarding logistical concerns."

Osman Palace, Truffle-hunt

Uso had made it to one of the side areas of the palace... before realizing she had no idea where Truffleclub would be. Something that big and that orange shouldn't have been too hard to find, "TRUFFLES! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Uso shouted... looking down at the goo-pile, "Hey little guy...thing.... where's the orange one?"

She'd then set it down on the floor, hoping it would known what to do.
"Araxie, please, Miss Vier. Yes, it would be prudent to know who my coworkers are... Tell me, how have you kept this place running for so long? This data alone's been giving me a light headache." Revealing herself from under the feathery obstructions, Arx stood at her full height without the support of the wall behind her, lowering her pad and looking up towards the woman's face. Dressed in an arguably must simpler garb, comprised of a faded, wrinkled blue T-shirt and a navy cloth skirt over a beat-up pair of shoes, the one with swirling hair seemed more to come here because she was told to than on her own full accord.

"Or are you newly hired here as well?" She continued after a short pause, "From what I was told I had perceived that most of these concerns were handled by Uso and Alex themselves." Serai tossed a quick glance in the direction of Uso's shouting, something about truffles? The ones still in stock were just redistributed ten minutes ago... Back to this strange greyscale lady. "Not much about me is that interesting, I'll say that. Unless, you find my noctournalism interesting, where then... Yes."
Osman Palace, Down The Side

The teal blob thing just made another happy fart sound, and stood there, staring vacantly.

Only a few seconds later, through, and there was a woosh of air, before the towering humanoid form of Truffleclub thudded to the floor about ten feet away. They kinda looked like they needed a wash, and there were all sorts of extra little parcels and chests belted to them. Had the robot really had gone native?

"Friend Uso. I am here, is. The quantity of time has been short, but... eventful?... Cloudy am hoping you... are not in... despair?... Is..." Sitting down cross legged, with a series of extra creaks and thuds. It was kind of necessary just to make the two of them meet at eye level. They had the same calming monotone as always, at least. "The vent friend has found you?... This is good, is..."
Osman Palace, Truffle-hunt

Errowyn tagged along to see what this Truffles person looked like at least it was farther away from the SAINT Dude. She would have to get a pic of him and run it through 18K Network to see what is unearthed. She giggled a bit when the pile of goo just farted at Uso.

"No respect...even from a creature such as...." Her voice broke off at seeing the arrival of Truffleclub. It looked (at least from her perspective) a Free Spacers drunken attempt at robotics. Apparently it knew of Uso from past encounters. She stayed alert for any undue hostile attempts on Uso.
Osman Palace:

Corgan considered the question for a moment. "Initially we stopped the natives from killing each other. Then we stopped them from killing Uso. After that, we pretty much became the de facto army of USO. It's not exactly what Cyrus promised when I joined Ragnarok, but I have come to think of this as home. That was what I wanted all along, I think."

He laughed. "Who would have thought a gang member groomed for leadership would become a leader in a legitimate army? Anyway, what brings you here, Mr. Suites? Are you pursuing a relationship with the Empress?"
Osman Palace, Bar
"No I haven't found anywhere in particular. Not really much in the ways of Freespacer rooms. Not many people want a room choked full of radiation so I pretty much figured I'd live out of my ship. I have areas that I have sealed off and radiation free so I can host or have some people live there with me." Spacecase was staring to get buzzed and it showed on his face as it grew redder with each sip.
Osman Palace, Bar

Werner sipped his drink and looked over to Spacecase. "Yeah... I don't think we could just flood a room with radiation. Maybe see if someone could build you your own place." He replied, when his datajockey buzzed. He looked down at it and he was shocked.

He opened it quickly and read over the message. The glass in his hand dropped and shattered on the floor as he stared down at his datajockey. In a flash he sprinted out of the room and opened his comms. "This is a priority 1 alert. Shore leave is canceled. All hands are to report to the Fenrir STAT!" He ordered.
Osman Palace, Bar
Werner's outburst caused Spacecase to fall out of his chair onto the floor. Any buzz he had was gone now. "Whats going on? Why the rush Werner?"
Osman Palace

Candon chuckled, "I haven't invested a hundred thirty million KS to bunk with Uso, if that's what you mean."
In the back of his mind he knew it would be a bad idea but bad ideas had a tendency to appeal to a certain damaged piece of his mind.

"I'm primarily building my corporation here to reinforce the frontier for when they return. You know we're in a bit of a risky location."
Corgan realized now who he was talking to. "Oh, you're the guy that owns FSC. Shit, sorry. It's good to meet you. I do wonder how you met Uso and got involved with our little organization." He trailed off. "Who exactly do you mean by "they", though? The Mishhuuvurthyar?"
"Of course, the Mish. Sorry, I fought them twice. Sometimes I just assume everyone else has," he explained his mentality, "so Uso got pinged on SAINT's radar when they caught scent that she may have been in contact with Wazu, who has been on the same ship I'm assigned to. Problem was that there was a certain lack of information and I wanted to make sure there was no danger so I figured the best way to do that was to just meet Uso. So last Halloween on Yamatai Prime I found a way to contact her with an invitation to an excessively expensive penthouse suite for dinner and thus blossomed that skeleton of a space station floating above us."
It was about the quickest way to summarize the story.
Osman Palace

The Nepleslian nodded slowly. "So that was where she went. You should have boned her when you had the chance, man! I know I would have." He frowned at an indicator on the HUD in his head. The message played in his head.

To: Corgan Garret
From: Flynn Blackburn

Corgi, I need an extra gun. Pronto.

Sarena might be in trouble with the Black Syndicate, and the only help I've got right now are two natives. I'll fill you in if you get to the Dove in the next ten minutes. I'd feel better going into this with another Nep watching my back.

Besides, you still owe me for stealing one of my beers.

Get to the starport, ASAP.

He smirked and shook his head. Guess I do owe him. And I know Sarena is new but I couldn't live with myself if the girl died.

"Sorry Mr. Suites, got to go repay Flynn for drinking his beer," Corgan said. He patted Candon on the shoulder. "Your company is doing a lot of good for these people. Don't forget that."

Corgan ran downstairs to his room and grabbed a duffel bag containing his body armor, HHG, a shotgun, various holsters, and a few boxes of ammo. Ragna-dog jumped up and ran over to him, tail wagging. He sighed. "Come on then, boy."

The man and his dog hurried to the spaceport before Flynn left without them.
Osman Palace, secluded Area

"You could say there is a lot of me to go around," Vier responded, keeping a straight face the entire time. Vier wasn't entirely human, being just as much machine as she was person. There were even additional Vier bodies moving about the party area though for the time being she wasn't drawing attention to it.

"I have been automating as many processes as possible, and finding who I can outsource the work to for the rest. Since the Vekimen left, our resourcing operation has been taking up the majority of my Junker drones which in turn has been putting a premium on my time and attention. Though Alex and Uso certainly have taken an intrest in running some aspects of the operation, they tend to focus in on one area at a time while I handle the majority of the mechanical parts of keeping this organization running."

Vier would pause for a moment, observing the wings on Araxie's body for a while before returning to her conversation,

"Elysians, Yamatains, even Nepleslians tend to put a premium on being warriors. They tend to view things as continued combat operations. It is certainly rare to find someone who views themselves as an expert in logistics. That being said, do you know what project you are wanting to work on next? Alex has been quite insistant about building more starships and has gone through a lot of trouble to start construction, however we do not have training facilities for crew, nor do we have the long-term logistical facilities for supporting a fleet. For example, we do not have long term storage for food avalible which will limit fleet operating time to only a few days."

The Osman Truffle Shuffle

"Have you two really not met yet?" Uso asked, thinking it over in her head... TruffleClub and Errowyn had both been around for a while... but neither had quite seemed to run into the other properly. "Truffleclub, this is Errowyn. She's the first pilot we hired on and has been a dependable friend since the begining.

Errowyn, this is Truffleclub. We found Truffle on that space-ship that landed here and released all the junkers that tried to tear people apart. Truffle is adorable."

Introduction acomplished!

"So uh... what is it?"

Osman Palace, Bar

"Or maybe we could setup an area for the spacers? Irradiate a small part of the planet and... " Werner would get up and run off at that time, "...I suppose he has somewhere to be... Have you considered switching bodies? Or trying to lower the amount of radiation you need?" Sute asked Spacecase.
Osman Palace, Not really a secluded area

"Mining with Junkers? I guess if you were really short on manpower..." Aside from being a Caelisolan, Serai's body was in all definitions natural-no apparent implants, cybernetic or otherwise. "Regarding the planetary infrastructure, I've barely managed to, er, scratch the surface on these things-I've some plans for keeping the cities supplied with what they need, which mostly seems to have been taken care of but did need a bit of touching up. When you said automating, did you mean in regards to manufacturing? I've little experience in building design, nor do I know much about the more... conventional building codes. That fleet likely won't be even close to being operational for a few weeks if not months, and by then preferably we'll have the systems required to keep them running for extended periods. The difficulty is not entirely what buildings and structures are needed; where they can be best used is often the bigger factor here, I've noticed." Having turned slightly blueish in the face the young one took a deep breath, or at least as deep a breath her shirt would allow her-Arx internally noted that having her chest under constant pressure isn't healthy and she needs a new wardrobe...
Osman Palace, Two Cats, A Mushroom And A Stress Toy

"Err-o-weenn." The mechanical giant made a conscious attempt to pronounce her name correctly, as if struggling to find RAM to hold this information on. A large hand moved to shake hers, through two of it's fingers alone were the size of an average human appendage. "We... Met at the water side, maybe?... When the balls had come to be vollied..."

"Yes. The small friend is a present to you. To you all." Was the response back to Uso. "It is... Like the microbes in a spacer's body. It eats the radiation. It eats the microbes. It eats the contaminants. It exudes the air..."

A really offbeat pause. If they weren't a robot, one might swear they had narcolepsy. Perhaps Cloudy was just not designed to talk like this.

"Yes. The metal junkers, they cause despair... This is because they need complex parts, is..." Awake once more. "New friend... not like this. New friend can live anywhere, like friend Uso. He is small and he is organic. He will fix, and help the organics, and not be a danger..."


A single finger, ponderously pointing towards their chest.

"Doctor and engineer, is."
Last edited:
Osman Palace, Secluded Area

"That is a fair assessment," Vier responded, observing the Caelisolan's apparent discomfort, "Some efforts have been handed off to small AIs or the local government. Automation takes whatever form it needs to. However the touching up required is extensive. Though there is sufficent food and water due to the Algaeia in the water supply this city is mostly lacking in running water, electricity, and other basic creature comforts. Increasing quality of life is one of my main concerns here. While Uso did purchase a Nepleslian clothing vendor and moved it here I do not feel like 'Holsters and More' is going to be a long-term solution."

The Osman Truffle Shuffle

Uso nodded, she understood the why of the thing. Truffleclub was clearly still sore about losing its previous crew to the junkers... and having those junkers come to the planet looking to take spare parts from the local's bodies. This new-model was clearly intended to be safer. No doubt it took some engineering know-how that the likes of Vier, Wazu, and maybe Aesu didn't poses. That certainly meant it came from somewhere else, but there was that wonder still. Truffleclub likely couldn't produce something like this itself, and that meant there were some more spacers around. Perhaps the strat-ops mainframe had gotten involved?

Truffleclub had also just invented a fart-machine.

Uso carefully considered all of this in formulating her response.

"Neato! How'd you put this together? Does it have some kinda interface we can use to upload data or does it just do best-guess kinda stuff when it comes to fixing things?" She asked, holding it up and taking a look at the underside, slowly moving the goo-ball around to see how it would react.
"Hm." The young one thought for a moment... "I haven't been invested entirely in the quality of life, per sae-most of my time seems to be spent on bigger things, macroinfrastructure if you will. I've also been a bit busy to actually notice that... Well, the entire capital city has been starved of major services, on top of the fact that I've only arrived a couple of nights ago." She shook herself a little bit, before continuing, "On top of information about what needs to be done not coming in at the rate I'd prefer. It's not like someone is being lax, it's almost as if nobody even thought to note down certain things." The way she chose her words, occasionally pausing half of a moment to choose her next word showed she hasn't the experience to truly run a whole planet yet-considering she looks like a teenager, this actually would make a lot of sense.
The Osman Truffle Shuffle

Errowyn gave a quick polite bow of greeting to Truffle. "Aah..yes. I was there briefly to see what was going on." She grasped the extended finger of Truffle's and released it. She listened to his speech. At least it was understandable, yet it had a quality of being a second language recently learned with some practice.

She looked him over and found that she liked him for some odd reason. She gave him one of her rare warm smiles as she gently poked the pile of goo that they was talking about with her finger as Uso held it. "Interesting." As these things were way out of her league. She listened politely to the two converse. As she thought of the many application for the semi-sentient goo. "I think we should name it... him? Her? *Guew."

She looked at Truffleclub. "Guew don't reproduce does it?"

Footnote: Guew pronounced Goo
Osman Palace, Down The Side

The blob-spider seemed perfectly fine with being tumbled around, floppy limbs just dangling idly like a stuffed animal. It smelled a bit like a new car, and had a plastic-y 'dog chew toy' kind of texture. Holding it the wrong way up for long enough seemed to cause the sockets of the eyes and limbs to start traveling along the surface, through, confirming it was definitely gelatinous in constitution.

It also started making a sort of 'Wappa-Wappa' sound.

"Jelly Junker... Guew... does as told. Not smart, but you give designs, is..." Truffleclub explained ponderously. "No ears. You talk them with mindware... Or radio?... Treasuring spider human girl on poly, they said has program for Neko talk to mindware direct... It all radio, yes... Uso use this, Uso talk to them also..."

"Another friend on poly, them Automata. Them shark of lines... Give us the dream. But they say... They not create like Cloudy does... I like shark friend. They are saying nice things." The memory seemed to be distant to the large machine, by the way their multiple eyes looked up into the air for a moment, but it's not like this could have happened before Arccos gave Cloudy mindware in the first place. After another dormant moment, they just knocked on the side of their waist-affixed medical container, and then looked back down to the pair of nekovalkyrja with all five cameras. "Truffleclub knew the organic fabru-cator on Lament. This I see... many times?... Need only create small one for microbe friends, so... did, this one, is..."

Finally turning to face Errowyn properly. The big golem was a bit slow in the head, but wasn't going to forget her question.

"They making the children only if you tell them to... Only if they job is needing to, is."
With Truffleclub / Uso

Errowyn nodded to Truffle as she listened to him speak. "Mmmmm... Maybe I should get one or two for my Island home here." She spoke softly in a thoughtful manner. "If the extras are not needed... what then?" Looking up at Truffleclub with interest. "How big do they get?" Giving Guew another gentle poke, followed by a caress.
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