Star Army

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RP: 188604 State of the USO Address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
Osman Palace, Secluded Area

"That is also a fair assessment," Vier responded, "Many of the original records for the city are kept on wooden plates. The important ones seem etched in metal. Needless to say this makes digitizing the historical documents a difficult task. There was also little concern given to discovery and onboarding which means if the USO did not need it, they did not bother to try and document it. The city certainly needs services such as power and running water. This has been setup in the cargo container homes, but not in the city at large.

I would also prefer to engineer the dirt under the city before major infrastructure is applied. Constructing a solid base would help with design later on, however we have not had the time nor resources to start this."

The Osman Truffle Shuffle

Uso nodded again, quite interested in the answer's to Errowyn's questions, deciding to add, "Shark of Lines is a great name..."
Osman Palace, It's not too Secluded but it is an Area

"That seems to be a bit out of my field, then... I'm not a chemist by any standards. Or a forewoman. I'm not, uhh... Formally educated like most of you adults..." Araxie leaned slightly forward, dropping her voice's volume to just above a whisper, "I'm actually surprised Uso hired me..."
Errowyn/Truffleclub/Uso Jamboree

Truffleclub had to think about the question for a moment, leaning back onto one hand. It was quite likely they expected the liquid friends to be immediately cracked by other freespacers, and thus didn't bother putting any hard limits in.

"...Stays this size, if you're not telling it bigger, or smaller, is..." Ponderous tones. They were looking up at the stars, perhaps wondering for themselves how far the creatures could spread. "You can tell them to death, but... It is not what Cloudee would do to a friend! Cloudee would tell them... back in can, you is."

Slouching forward again. The wooden chest attached behind their right shoulder had another two of the 'circuit jars' crammed in, which he revealed to them nonchalantly.

"Feed them the anything, if wanting to grow. Or wanting to children. They will shrink if not eat. Huron will be sparse..."

"...But, yes, this is present to all you, is."

"Present for you and Sharks of Wires."
Osman Palace, Bar
Spacecase picked himself back up off the floor and sat back down. "Lowering the radiation I need is like asking a butterfly to eat something other than nectar. What I can do however is tote around a lot of medicine though I doubt that will be very cost effective, but I can do it."
Osman Palace, Bar

"Have you considered getting some upgrades for your body?" The bartender asked, "Nowdays you can look like whatever you want! No reason you can't change to something a bit more friendly..."

Osman Palace, 2 Secluded, 2 Area

"Uso's hiring preferences certainly are not what I would go with, however it seems to be working for her. Are you worried that you are not up to the task?" Vier asked.


"there is that name again," Uso said, watching as the ball of goo was stuffed back into its container, "Is it someone we've already met..."



"... and uh... is that thing going to get loney in there?"
Osman Palace, Apparently it's like a Bedroom or Something now Because of Seclusionism?

A simple response: "Not all at once. I hope to get better quickly enough to follow through effectively... Running a planet does indeed seem to be quite the task, on many fronts." Arx paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and trying to get herself to relax a little...
Osman Palace, I mean, how private do you want to get with Vier here?

"If it were an easy task, then we would not need capable individuals to conduct it." Vier replied, "... it certainly is too much for one individual to take on. We are trying to staff up, but in the mean time, consider focusing on one task that you can do well. Do you have an area of expertise you would like to start with? You did mention infrastructure, perhaps water or power?"
Osman Palace, This wasn't really Started as a Formal Meeting and the Whole Place is Actually Pretty Crowded Anyways

"Hm. Fair enough... Water would be much more critical. Easy access to potable water would improve the quality of life more immediately than electrical power. I do not recall seeing a water tower on the way in; Constructing one would set up a distribution focus point, and cost less energy than many individual pumps would." Talking about something she actually did have a bit of knowledge over did seem to de-stress the young one a fair bit more effectively than a deep breath, at least on the surface. She seemed... Intimidated by this Vier woman, whether that was an intended effect or not.
Osman Palace, Bar

Spacecase shook his head. "Sorry I don't think I can do that. I'm pretty comfortable with my body I'm in now and would rather not change. But if I have to I will."
Truffle Shuffle

Errowyn gave Truffles a nod as she listened to him speak. Getting her answers. "I'm gonna take off."

She looked at Truffles, "Nice meeting you, Truffles."

Rejoining the Party

With that, she took off to rejoin the crowd of people. She took notice that a lot of party goers had split off into various groups. She moved gracefully through the room, between the various groups. She slipped up besides Cyrus at the bar. "I see you managed to get away from the troops for awhile." She spoke loud enough to be heard

She smiled up at Cyrus as she gave him a friendly hug.
Osman Palace, Bar

Cyrus had snuck away from meeting people and decided to go check on Werner. He walked over to the bar where he left him and was confused when he wasn't there. He shrugged, figuring the man had walked off to go talk to people and sat down. "I'll have the special." He said looking at the bartender.

He was looking around when Errowyn came up and hugged him. "Hey there flygirl." He said with a smile. He returned the hug and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Having a good time?" He asked, signaling the bartender to get her one of the same.
Down The Side

"Did Errowyn want them Guew-friend?" Truffleclub held out the first can, with a simple tone. "If you are liking... spreading them is good, is..."

"The shark lines on Port Hope, I think... Maybe first Lighthouse?... He does not exist here, no..." Was the answer given to Uso, managing a tone of mystery. They probably hadn't met this being in meatspace, either. "He is a secret to everybody, but... Did you want to meet this person? Is it your dream for become friend, his, also?..."
Osman Palace, IT isn't a formal meeting, we're just two people having a casual conversation about infrastructure

"That does seem like a reasonable starting point. Engineer the ground starting at the tower and heading outward. Build in the first tower. Setup a fountain and other distribution systems, perhaps a food distribution facility nearby? It would make sense to have all of our distribution activities centralized." Vier offered. "We could go over the design right now."

Osman Palace, Bar

"Do what feels right," The bartender said again, flashing him her wide smile, "What feels right to you right now?"

Osman Sideboard

"It is always better to have more friends. I would certainly like to meet sharky. He is, what? Robot? Person? A ship? A place?" Uso asked curiously.
Osman Palace, Bar
"Well what feels right right now is to finish the last bit of work I have planet side before figuring out permanent living arrangements." Spacecase looked over to Cyrus. "Good evening. I don't believe we've met before I'm Spacecase." He would hold out his hand for a handshake.
Osman Palace, That Wasn't a Location so I'm Putting Them Back in the Courtyard

"Yes and no. It would save somewhat on cost if we had the water tower in a higher location, but if the citizens need to pick up their food directly we would want to have that place be the most centralized. The water pressure can easily hold up for a few kilometers even with a small tower on flat land; higher elevations increase the effectiveness further without having to make a taller tower. But yes, we should get things planned out if we want to get this started in a proper way." Pausing to take a breath, the silver-eyed girl seemed to focus on the skyline for a moment.
Osman Courtyard then ok?

"Perhaps we could establish a facility for drinking-quality water on the mountainside and pipe it through the city?" Vier offered, "The craters in the mountain would make suitable containers if properly coated with non-reactive materials."
Slightly Less Crowded Osman Courtyard. Slightly.

Arx responded pragmatically, "Good one. We'll need to be careful with the pressure on buildings near the supply though, so they don't ah, explode..." Nervously pressing onto her shirt-probably not the best idea when putting the thing on runs the risk of its destruction-the young angel thought for a moment. "Although, we'll need to shield it from rainfall as well, else the pressure would be constantly fluctuating."
Down The Side

"Yes." Truffleclub answered Uso, 100% unhelpfully.

It was perfectly possible that they were technically all of these things, or that Truffleclub simply didn't know for themselves.

"I will tell him meet us, is." Producing the second of three jelly crab cans, he attempted to gift it to the backwater empress. "There can be many things you souls can speak..."

"But Cloudee assumes it will be a secret, because Wires is also a secret, those..."
Osman Palace Bar:

Errowyn nodded just as another spoke up and introduced himself. Letting Cyrus have a moment to talk with Spacecase. She leaned against him, yet not interfering if Cyrus wanted to talk with Spacecase. She accepted the drink from the Bartender.
Osman Courtyart

"There is also the question of how much water we will need. PLanning for the current population of the city is simple, but long term we may want to consider additional water needs for agriculture and industry." Vier added.

The Side

Uso would end up taking the canister in hand, and opening it up almost immidiately, holding it upside down so the goo-monster could slowly start to oooze out, "Uh, They don't get lonely in there right? I mean. I know I'd hate to be stuck in a tube." Uso asked again, her mind wandering back to the goo-creature, "And I would like that Truffleeooooshit!"

Uso's eyes went wide,

"I never gave you your Usomas present. UH... Hold on right here for a bit ok? I Need like.... ten minutes or so ok?"


Uso would turn towards the starport and set off her CRT organs, the rocket blast sending her flying through the air, the Liquid Ally clinging onto her wrist at the same time.