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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP [Strays] The Higaflan Mutant Crisis

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
Higaflan System
Freehold System - Freehold - Ricinus Factory

Of the few factories held by the corporation, Ricinus was the smallest. Perhaps only 50,000 square feet of interior space the factory was hardly cramped by any metric for the hundred and more Strays that ever garrisoned the makeshift fortress the factory was a combination of industrial workhorse meets castle and depot all mixed together with a little bit of a distorted vision of a military base as gun emplacements jutted out of holes in the walls and on battlements and towards the skies while hundreds of AAP drones patrolled its perimeter and a small army more laid empty and idle just to be inhabited by the Fairys ready to mobile. Ricinus was, lightly speaking, at least one of the top-ten most fortified places on freehold factory.

And the strays, serious about little, took their home lightly none at all. Each adding their own little touches from welded and riveted sheets of starship armor, to some kind of amalgamation of a shield generator. Each stray was dedicated to making sure their little fortress could survive if not the legions of cats that might someday assail it at least hold out against a second glassing of the moon.

And they believed it would survive, too.

But for all its size, and all that the strays had done to it, the fortress was ever really only ever garrisoned by at most a hundred or so strays at most, not including any Fairys in their drone bodies. This made the fortress factory of Ricinus feel if not unlived in then at least very empty. This meant that when not blackout drunk, lost, dead, or double-lost many of the strays could be found congregating in the factories social spaces;

Games of Kill Ball on the factory floor, as the combination boxing-rugby-basketball game was often picked up over conveyor belts and even in catwalks when getting really intense.

Massive video game or media watching in one of the Silos from signals picked up via the InterNep or Fae.

Weapons testing in one of the empty factory floors with one of the reinforced load bearing walls.

The workshop and the mad machines the strays cooked up for their frames.

The depot where strays worked on their mechs.

And the most important one, the cabana. Little more than a cafeteria the cabana was dressed up like a distasteful impersonation of Hanakos world with little plastic palm frawns lining the walls, glass sands up to the walls, pools of murky water in leaking tubs, an honest to freehold century palm that jutted at an angle due to its height and the ceilings lack of height somehow kept alive, and more. The Cabana was one part mess hall, one part party hotspot as it was at that very moment.

The cabana was filled with the smell and also very literal thick smoke as someone busted out a grill and was grilling off synthetic burger meat, liver-brats, mystery brisket and more filtered only by a small series of pinprick holes in a nearby window sucking oxygen through patches of duct tape over them into the airless void of the moon.

A cry of "Come and get em!" went out as the massive Rhinoscerous of a man, both figurative and literally, Rhindol Cruz shouted as he gestured with the tiny beer in his massive leathery hand and the shovel he was using as a spatula the dripped what to others would be a concerning amount of grease back onto the char broiler as it sparked flames of fire onto the floor where it soaked into and petered out in the sands. A small line formed from the grill as everything that could be used from torilla shells, to slices of bread, to just wrapping the ball-shaped meat patties in as every mutant went from the chow line to a table of what was maybe the largest table of assorted condiments in as many forms as possible. With them small tablets of radiation-blockers and antimutagens were downed to keep mutations from flaring unwantedly and the century of strays mingled and partied like it was YE-47.

Which it was.

The reason for the celebration? A job well done!

Not even that morning the news had come in through the Fae from the most reliable of their lot with the nickname Mutant Ruth for its lances triumph in aiding the benevolent grand viceroy-supreme in the unification and liberation of the planet in the Higaflan system. The grand viceroy, a little rixx none of them could pronounce the name of and just called him Twerp had unified his people after years of struggle and oppression after some cats came in, blew up their entire industry base, sent them a bunch of pixelated images someone had to explain to the locals was pornography, declared that the star army was #1, the kuvexians and rixxikor were at least #7, and that the empress herself wouldn't dump trash on them if they even asked real nice like!

Or something like that.

Twerp and his united army of the free folk (name still pending after it was explained that it might attribute them with freespacers) were fighting a war of liberation against the oppressors who denied their nature as star faring people wanting more than just farming and societal stability and had scraped together a rather nice war chest to hire on a company of Drones and a single lance that, while not inherently expensive, had sweetened the pot with the use of their new shipyard and port the people of Higaflan had been repairing after they said the cats decided that the Yamatain act of clear aggression after the Rixx had been doing hardly anything wrong in their eyes had destroyed it.

And then had re-iterated the lewd parts now that Twerp and his commanders knew to be offended by it.

Twerp promised free, unrestricted use of the shipyard by the Corporation who only needed to supply the materials and blueprints as soon as his liberation army won a very one-sided new civil war. Seeing an easy victory Clotho had taken a lance and a company of drones and by the festive atmosphere in the cabana news had spread far and wide that the planet was now under the rule of Grand-viceroy Twerp and his liberators.

With the help of the strays! Freedom fighters and soon to be in possession of a fleet!

"Dawgs are done, Come n' get em!" Rhindol cried out at the next batch of food as some got up for seconds while the others mingled and partied, the digital avatars of Fairys making a light show in the smoke and on the ceiling as they zipped out through the room excitedly.
Yamog only appeared for the second course, looking tired and haggard, though wearing a not-entirely-unpleasant frilly white gown upon their four-armed azure form. Turns out that recruiting for a religious organization took a lot of time and paperwork, not least because all forty of her original vehement admirers had been scooped up from a literal nuclear blast zone. Most of them couldn't read books, never mind operate a computer. The only logical step was to ask Shasta-no-sekai's head quartermaster Phage about giving them all freespacer mindware ports, but that only added to the medical bills and housing costs.

Oh well. At least the country bumpkins were easily amazed and appeased with 'modern' technology.

Four small hands grasped at a comparatively gigantic hotdog. She curtseyed unfittingly towards the rhino-man, himself an incomprehensibly huge construction of meat. Maybe he was related to Luk?

Her large red eye continued to scroll the area for the least actively dangerous place to sit, the spider's gaze landed upon Joanna. The lucky bunny, somehow with all four of their lucky paws still attached.

"Nice to see you in one piece, honey.~" Sneakers squeaked, Yamog gusted onto the metal bench next to her, caressing practically half the girl's body with a wave of soft white curly hair. A far cry from their voice in battle, this version of the petite ball of limbs was chipper and unassuming. "Ain't seen ya since your robot popped it's lid! I dunno how y'all stay... You know, so unmutated... What's yer secret? :3"
Luk was in heaven right now-were he intelligent enough to comprehend such a thing-a tray piled high with just about every edible-and quite a few things that weren't. More than a few strays watched in horrified fascination as he seemed to shove what looked like some kind of durandium block-likely placed there by someone when the big lizard mutant wasn't looking. Wayfinder was using this as an opportunity to see what he COULDN'T eat.

So far he'd consumed 3 hubcaps, 6 tacos, a fusion control system along with fissable material(wondering all the while how he was still alive), and a giant pile of mystery meat. It was quite fascinating honestly. Made her wonder if there was any limit to his stomach honestly.
Joanna, sitting on the metal bench for a rest, deep into thought about how she will modify her Dynamiteon next when she notices Yamog's approach, the sound of her sneakers' squeaking on the floor as she steps closer causes her to cringe a bit before she looks up at Yamog as she sits down beside her. She listens to her question before thinking to herself, with a finger on her chin, about her "secret to staying unmutated". She continues to think deeply for a few seconds before opening her mouth, ready to reply when her Fairy, Ilayd, suddenly materializes beside her face.

"She is still just in the early stages." Ilayd explains to Yamog while doing some gestures with its little hands. Joanna was about to say the same thing as her Fairy, but with her statement already said, she just gives Yamog a shrug and a smile, though even she does not really know how she managed to stay with little mutations for so long.

Fairys in the thousands flittered about like a near rave of multicolored lights as the uncontrollable cyber-youths took revelry in the party atmosphere to come from all over freehold in some capacity when they could get leave, or more often leave their tasks automated.

A lack of ambient nanites kept the local amount to just a few hundred of first-come-first-serve fairys to grab control of them as they could while multitudes more had their own little party in the world mirroring their own in the form of the Fae to the point that the intense concentration of digital entities drew attention from ambient poly sentience dwelling beings right up until one of the cyber-ghosts, unable to contain its curiosity plunged its entity through the veil into the digital world that the fairys inhabited.

Had its representation of an avatar been at all biological appearing when the girls noticing a foreign intelligence in their world tore apart its machine code it would likely have been screaming and in pain as thousands of fairys got their own version of a meal as machine code and layers of data and information were pulled apart and integrated and shared amongst them.

The rest of the onlookers chose to keep a healthy amount of firewalls and conceptual distance from then on as they observed the hornets nest in their midst and actually interfaced with a few of fairys who were currently residing outside of the Fae in freeholds semi-stratosphere in a comical display of netcode entities the equivalent to demigods conversing with a handful of little human-nepleslian analog looking female avatars with cutesy butterfly wings as the old ghosts passed on old software the likes of campfire stories to the little sprites they could not but at least respect who took in the code eagerly.

While this went on, In the cabana, Luk began choking.

It had started off as a long piece of sausage casing catching in his throat. Then in an attempt to force it down several buns, chips, and snacks and hard swallowing. When that didn't work reflex and instinct took over as the large mutant began trying to heave the clog up. When that didn't happen and he was unable to both swallow or heave the mass of food out, Luk began to thrash.

His hand banging against the table was just met with raised glasses and mugs of salutations at him. When Mama Ophelia passed him by the matronly mutant blindly passed down a mug of sasparilla near him and started shuffling over, her bandage-wrapped arms and face and tumor-wracked body with its pale-gray skin doing nothing to stop the friendly old biddy of a caretaker from feeling her way blindly around with a tray of mugs to hand out to whoever she sensed nearby.

"Thank'ye momma!" One of the strays, Jax, called out as the blind mutie turned her maw his way and bared her teeth in a rictus grin with a feral raspy "O̵͉̿̀͝f̸̢̟̗̮̌ ̷͍̂̑̈́͝c̵̹̱͍̖̓͒͗̕ò̴͓̥̮̔ù̶͖̳̋͊r̷̠̠̳͐͒͝s̴̭͊́̕͜e̵̪͍̐͗,̵̬̥̩̅ ̵̧̛͓̱̓͝d̴̼̥̗̓e̴̺̬͂̊á̵̛̱̄̕r̵͎̜̦̊̒ͅi̸̧͇̦̜͑e̵̫̹̯͛.̷̲̳̑ ̴̡̇" back at him with the sound of her voice like a wad of steel mesh being dragged through a brass instrument while trying to play it.

"Hey I think Nick is dead!" Someone called out unconcernedly as a few looked over to the form with its head on the table as the lupine man frothed at the mouth without moving until someone nudged him and he snapped up and fell out of his seat to a chorus of laughter.

With everyone more or less fed or currently feeding the cabana turned from a roaring chamber of noise to a more subdued atmosphere or more casual conversation interspaced by the occasional guffaw, shattering of a knocked over glass, or a weird gagging and wrenching noise from somewhere as each random and unidentical table salvaged or built from scrap settled in. Chips, arriving somewhat late with a dirty paper plate of his namesake and a glizzy lacking any bun strolled up to join his lance and before sitting down put the flat of his hand against Luks back as a wad of something resembling a bundle of napkins and bits of burger shot past Charlotte to hit the back of someones head, causing the other mutant to look about wildly for a culprit before settling down as Luk gasped for breath.

"'S nice, this kinda shindig. We dont get much free time with most of the strays all in one place like this often with everything going on." He commented rather impressively while his avian beak smashed crisp salted potato slices showing his practiced ease at speaking fluent trade despite lacking any lips or teeth in which to enunciate. His statement was true to fact any of them short of Luk could tell. With the dangerous environment of freehold factory, and the lack of resources and training for their job the lance would be hard pressed to place more than a dozen of the almost hundred odd mutants in the cabana as being there when any of them first joined with the corporations security force having a high turnover rate while the Terror Wolves enjoyed only a slightly greater amount of survivability due to their mechs.

Those few like chips all seemed to be of the same mind, always looking about, taking in the others, cataloging them. With a bit of a huff, however, lightly slapped the table in annoyance.

"But a mans got bills to pay after all! The damn alimony and brat-support alone is kicking me in the cloaca, and if you think them syndies wont find you even out here and drag you back for not paying off their loans then you better think twice!" He complained, a good several weeks past their last job with only the base pay of whatever amount someone said they made when they remembered to pay them being the only break with more often than not the Mad Mutants own father, the more or less actual CEO of the company being the most compitent person within ten lightyears and with actual buisness-ing experience making sure that even if they werent paid regularly that when he managed to finally come back to paying attention to the Strays they got theirs and usually something to sweeten the pot.

And the troublemakers always found themselves thrown out on the worst jobs...

"Ah mean, we really need a job soon. Not just for me!" He defended, "But for you lot too! I just know you're all going stir crazy right now!"

As he spoke, someone strode up to the table with the thump of boots on the deck and stood behind Yamog over her shoulder. At about five foot nine the man was not very imposing compared to the weird cyclopse but what he lacked in stature the honest-to-yui Human made up for it in pure aesthetic.

Wearing a Barghest hardsuit the former Rogers World man at arms had added his own flare to the armor with the addornment of a tabbard of blue-black and red with the weirding single eye of Yamog taking up prominence over the breastplate, while very poorly welded on spikes of metal jutted from one pauldron and the hilt of a very wicked blade made of a silicone tube wrapped with copper wire and a large battery connected to wires on the pommel that fed into the makeshift power-sword protruded from a mantle of some kind of combination of unidentified leather and a mane of fibre-optic cables so thin and small it looked like a pelt which only complimented the bandolier of energy cells criss-crossing his chest and the Laslock they powered almost as tall as he was that he rested an armored hand on the barrel of like a staff.

The man was Caleb. One of Yamogs zealot 'Knights' and the cause of just some of Chips own current woes as the four-dozen or so Humans had taken over a small former abandoned Voidfolk outpost and turned it into their own little pretend fort with the help of some of the strays to set up oxygen scrubbers and a couple crates of spare rations and expired anti-rad pills and began acting as they wished.

Out of their element, more than anyone else had ever been in the sector her knights were already cultivating mushrooms and had killed more Tech Scum in the past couple of months than any three lances of the Strays had in that same amount of time.

And they did it without getting paid.

"Mayhapse I may be of assistance if you require it, King Roger." Caleb offered, annoyingly rolling his R's and sounding all pompus and fancy-pants despite the fact that he couldn't even read.

Even if some of the mutants couldn't either...

"With my lady's permission, of course." He added, nodding in deference to Yamog sitting in front of him. "I know of just the quest for your great machines that would prove most beneficial to the realm. What say you, Heroes?"
Luk immediately grabbed the mug-practically shoving it's contents down his throat and finally forcing the chunk of material down as Wayfinder looked on in amazement. Letting out a few coughs he resumed his meal, scarfing down a few more tacos as if him choking on his meal earlier was little more than a minor inconvenience.

He was going to end up with another chunk of crap lodged in his guller, wasn't he? The fae mused as she checked his mech over.
Yamog's brain was subtracted from reality for a while, as their singular peeper just gazed at Luk with a dazed look on their face. The questions of that mutant were twofold- How did he fit all that stuff in his body? What poor wretch was being given the job of cleaning up after him?... A truly terrifying concept.

"...Well, there is always tomorrow."
Her soft tone finally answered Joanna's tone wistfully. "Maybe you'll grow something cool, like some wings or something.~"

It was Caleb that finally snapped them out of it, and she had to funnel down the rest of their sausage, then wipe their hands rapidly.

The willing pilgrims had taken up her banner, her ideas of spirituality- But she knew she had to perform the duties as their lady in return. That was the other half of cults, of being honor bound.

Standing up on the bench so that she was at least about face height with this sterling knight, she made a quick curtsey, before the lower hands deftfully made the threefold signs of the Archaios Anathema. An upper hand transferred a kiss from her blue lips onto the emblazoned eye badge, feeling true treasuring mirth as they smiled upon the man's dour grubby image.

"Sir Caleb, your unit is recovering in strength, is it not? I find myself blessed by your continued dedication." Of course, internally, this came with the nagging idea that we should probably go with them before they burn everything of value down. "Might I ask where your current crusade leads you? Down into the depths of this cursed world, no doubt?"

Did these guys even know about the concept of taking prisoners?...
Joanna chuckles at the thought of growing wings while watching the scene of Luk gagging from the sausage and trying to force it down happen in front of her and Yamog.

Hearing Caleb's voice behind her, she turns her head as far back as it can go to see a person clad in a suit of armor, then from the corner of her eyes, she notices Yamog stand up after eating her sausage in a rush. She watches the two of them interact before returning deep into her thoughts for what additions should she install on her Dynamiteon.

"East, as the stars claim to guide us these days," Caleb despite his hardsuit held out a palm open and facing up as Yamog gently dragged a couple delicate fingers across it, prompting the man at arms to close it gently and make a gesture as if tucking it away into the eye before continuing.

"And not so as of late. In our dealings with the void-folk east of the redoubt we have claimed who have performed their craft to repair what gives our bastion illumination for little more than copper and the right to exchange charts did we pick up tales further east by-"

He continued on for at least another forty of so seconds to essentially say that some spacers had warned some of the knights not to travel too far east due to rampant Tech-Scum activity.

"And when squire Richard, a well-versed scout of the old world did return he did so with a count of three score of the black-metal deathcrawlers as you call them along his travels east."

Chips drew out, not sounding very excited by the prospect. "Thirty or so deathcrawlers? Iffin that's so i'd bet it's whatever factory the tech-scum found and been cranking out tanks the past couple years bout fifty or seventy clicks east. Aint nobody done nothin about em cause they don't come this way much and they're a good buffer between us and Mothership Durrandidallica landed out that way who ain't been all that friendly o' us since the Clang bloddied their noses a year or so back."

"Oh, but this is
different." Caleb assured, taking out a rolled scroll of some kind of blurry-yellow plastic canvas likely torn off some insulation and unrolled it over the table, half covering most of their plates.

On it was some kind of hand-painted map that despite being in what looked like some kind of black lubricant or grease still glittering with the sparkling glass sands outside where it was certainly hastily drawn were a series of landmarks. Several week out of date marks for the Deathcrawlers Dick had spotted and their average patrol routes, a nearby tear into the side of the moon from Aetheric lancing and the exposed lattice under the surface of metal structures not uncommon to the moon, a few exposed entrances to underground tunnels the Knights where using to travel safely under the surface..

And finally, right in the center of the overlapping circles of death crawler patrols was some kind of blotchy, A-symetrical shape of bulbous protruding spheres, large towers, strange machine-shapes, and geometric shapes that made it look like some kind of tiered duck-tractor hybrid with treads and an open ramp on the back.

Chips stared at it long and hard, trying to make out the shape before waving his hand in dismissal and then pausing mid motion, some kind of recognition in his beady black eyes as he carefully looked around, and after being certain that nobody was paying much attention to them very slowly and deliberately leaned forwards and started rolling up the map, his voice disbelieving and forced quite as he addressed the knight.

"Who else knows about this?" He asked.

"Myself and my fellows. As well as some of the voidfolk as of six meals ago." He counted off before remembering something else. "And Ser Joseph whom I met when entering this fortress and did speak with for a time."

At that, chips shot up and began looking around, frantically.

"Shite. Joe and his crew ain't here!" He hissed, turning to the rest of the lance.

"Dont rush. Dun even make a scene. But grab everything ye need for a three-day trip and get to the mech bay in the next fifteen minutes." He hissed at barely above a whisper anxiously.

"Damn bastard and the rest of his lance aint even here. Prob got a head start on us already!"

Mech Bay

The mech bay was a circular, cleared out garage on the first level and was the pride and joy of the strays. While not every stray was a pilot, those of the Terror Wolves of Freehold were. And close to fifty mech cradles adorned the garage in a spiral pattern where each pilot stored their own personal machine from the day it was printed. Some were empty, awaiting new pilots to be trained. Others were marked off with tape or canvas over the machine after the death of their pilot for the machine to be taken apart and recycled for future ones.

But almost all were full.

Except maybe five in a row closest to the entrance, the seventy-foot tall bay doors already swung open to leave piles of black glittering sand to be blown in to the airless garage that barely inconvenienced any of them in their air-tight flight suits and helmet-mask combination.

Chips, Caleb, and two other of Yamogs knights were already there; The knights favoring some kind of grav-sled that was little more than three small sections of short wall on a rectangular bed seated above a cab of some kind for driving with seven grav-plates situated at odd angles. The bucket of a grav-sled looked jank, unarmored, and poorly constructed and was almost certainly some sort of salvage from some voidfolk of tech scum the nights had dealings with and seemed to be the three knights means of transportation if all the gear crammed into it was any indication.

"We are saddled and ready at your convenience King Roger, Lady Yamog." The radios in their helmets sounded on the proximity channel. While the knights were inbred and backwards primatives that didn't understand how anything like a battery or even electricity worked they were quick on the uptake of the 'rituals' to use some simple equipment like radios even if they didn't know how to program them or the concept of riding even if their ride was a very dangerous (to themselves) looking grav sled and not some horse or crab.

Mounting high Highwayman, Chips waited for the rest of the lance to arrive and mount their mechs. The mechs usual three-barrels of hyper laser spinning in a startup diagnostic and the heavy laser on one side beginning to glow while finally missiles in their tubes jutted out ready to fire before sliding back into their silos.