SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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Alright, I know this is not the most popular topic or idea. I know no one is going to be bouncing on the upvote but hear me out.
Star Army needs more culture, location, and event articles. We need to flesh out these factions beyond the Starships and Weapons they have.
Where do people live? Shop? Work? Civilian Life? Holidays? We're coming into global peacetime on Star Army. I think now is the time for us to make a decision that creators should drive towards creating what the site needs. People submit a lot of guns, a lot of weapons, a lot of gear and yes it is all really cool. The site and some factions are missing key culture articles and details. Some Star Systems are just copied text from Star System Generators, they lack plot hooks and interest.
We need to place a priority on the development of the setting.
What I propose is that for every military/weapon-based submission you submit. There should be a need for 1 submission of a non-military oriented article in one of the above categories.
and YES, I did downvote weapons submissions on the NTSE. When I see someone who is repeatedly submitting weapons, submits military submissions (and sometimes lacks RP posts). I will downvote and move that into a lower priority for review. Lower priority doesn't mean they won't be reviewed, it just means priority will be given to other categories of submissions.
So consider this a plea from someone who tries to work hard to get your submissions through, to help enter data on your wiki structs. Help me and help Star Army.
Star Army needs more culture, location, and event articles. We need to flesh out these factions beyond the Starships and Weapons they have.
Where do people live? Shop? Work? Civilian Life? Holidays? We're coming into global peacetime on Star Army. I think now is the time for us to make a decision that creators should drive towards creating what the site needs. People submit a lot of guns, a lot of weapons, a lot of gear and yes it is all really cool. The site and some factions are missing key culture articles and details. Some Star Systems are just copied text from Star System Generators, they lack plot hooks and interest.
We need to place a priority on the development of the setting.
What I propose is that for every military/weapon-based submission you submit. There should be a need for 1 submission of a non-military oriented article in one of the above categories.
and YES, I did downvote weapons submissions on the NTSE. When I see someone who is repeatedly submitting weapons, submits military submissions (and sometimes lacks RP posts). I will downvote and move that into a lower priority for review. Lower priority doesn't mean they won't be reviewed, it just means priority will be given to other categories of submissions.
So consider this a plea from someone who tries to work hard to get your submissions through, to help enter data on your wiki structs. Help me and help Star Army.