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Implemented Submissions - Priority to what Star Army Needs


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Alright, I know this is not the most popular topic or idea. I know no one is going to be bouncing on the upvote but hear me out.

Star Army needs more culture, location, and event articles. We need to flesh out these factions beyond the Starships and Weapons they have.

Where do people live? Shop? Work? Civilian Life? Holidays? We're coming into global peacetime on Star Army. I think now is the time for us to make a decision that creators should drive towards creating what the site needs. People submit a lot of guns, a lot of weapons, a lot of gear and yes it is all really cool. The site and some factions are missing key culture articles and details. Some Star Systems are just copied text from Star System Generators, they lack plot hooks and interest.

We need to place a priority on the development of the setting.

What I propose is that for every military/weapon-based submission you submit. There should be a need for 1 submission of a non-military oriented article in one of the above categories.

and YES, I did downvote weapons submissions on the NTSE. When I see someone who is repeatedly submitting weapons, submits military submissions (and sometimes lacks RP posts). I will downvote and move that into a lower priority for review. Lower priority doesn't mean they won't be reviewed, it just means priority will be given to other categories of submissions.

So consider this a plea from someone who tries to work hard to get your submissions through, to help enter data on your wiki structs. Help me and help Star Army.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
How would you? It's all good. I honestly see this rule as a stepping stone from that rule. Ways to kill are important wiki assets in a combat based RP but ways to live are, too. I see you talking about Nep's barren planets but to me, most of the Nep RP I have done is in Funkycity. Some good articles for Nepleslia would be businesses in Funkycity, places to go. There's a lot of generalization about the areas but not a lot of nitty gritty on sole places in each. Beyond locations/businesses, what are some things specific to Nepleslia that could use branding? There are a lot from the past (this is a callout to @The KrimsonWulf to think about the pamphlet and what you could do that is similar in that it gives you joy) but what hasn't been tapped on, yet? Even the brain spider update would be beneficial. I'll find that for you right now, Krimson.
I think Andrew is on the right track with this, but Alex brings up a pretty good point, however at the same time, we should actually be encouraging the people who are bad at writing non tech articles to write non-tech articles so they can expand their skill set, rather than just going "Well you're not good at it so let someone else take the burden till it's tech time again." So instead I suggest a timer system. You write a military weapon article, you can't submit another military weapon/ship article for X amount of time. However if you get an article approved from one of the "we need this" categories, then your timer gets zeroed. This will not only make people think about submissions more (because the NTSE gets a lot of submissions that aren't actually well thought out) but it will also -encourage- people to make types o articles they normally wouldn't because they get incentive to do so, rather than being punished for not doing it.
Just to put it up there as I got mentioned, yes I am looking into the civilian side of things for NDC and Nesh I love doing that side and don't mind submitting things, thought I cant do all the factions. But I will try to help where I can!
Just because I don't know where else to write this.

I will help design anything for anyone (within reason) for SARP. I don't care what faction it is or whose name it is going under. Just ask.
I find this to be a way better way of accomplishing the same goal.
This will likely feel weird to enforce if we go this way. Just want to call that out. It's a level of policing that we don't do a lot of and puts some additional burden on the NTSE reviewers to keep up with. When Ame brought it up the other day, it felt really strange to be on the receiving end of - and she had good intentions.

If we go Syaoran's route, maybe a better way to do it would be that we limit the rate you can submit military stuff, but we don't limit the rate you can submit non-military stuff. I understand the interest in encouraging people to make non-military articles, but making people 'pay' to do the things they want to do feels weird. Even the 'one civilian ship for every military ship' thing feels weird, because while it helps the site it may make people spend a lot of time on something they aren't passionate about - and that's not a good way to keep people creating or participating on the site.

I think the problem is that we're a military RP, our players like to think about military stuff, and we haven't historically done much that isn't military while I've been here. If this was 'a civilian sci-fi RP site' we'd probably see a lot more culture submissions. If we want to encourage more culture, locations, etc, then I think the best way to do that is to take steps to encourage non-military RP or find ways to take our military plots into civilian circumstances more often.

This is likely just as contentious, but submissions could be required to have some sort of plot relevance or plot hooks. They don't have to be central to a plot, but while making something that never shows up in RP is fun, it's also kind of a waste of the creator's time and the reviewer's time. A simple addition to the submission form, "this is for the so-and-so plot" might help. Plus, it might encourage people to run (or find a GM for) more plots to feature their shiny ideas. It would at least ensure that stuff is getting used.
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