Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Closed Suggestion Suggestions

These suggestions have been dropped by the suggestor or rejected by staff.
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Alex Hart

🎖️ Game Master
This is a set of suggestions for figuring out what suggestions we implement. I am suggesting this in the interest that we have a framework and timeframe for suggestions, and with the intention that we implement only suggestions that have broad support among the community.

Suggestions that remain in a negative threshold for a week or more should be closed, as the majority of the community opposes them.

Suggestions that are one week old or older with two or fewer positive vote points represent suggestions without broad community support, and have already had time to have discussion and voting, and should be closed.

Suggestions that have not reached or passed a vote point threshold of positive 4 after a week but do not qualify for closure under the second suggestion should be re-worded based on community input in their thread and resubmitted if desired by the original suggestion submitter, to allow the suggestion a second chance.

Suggestions that have reached or passed a threshold of positive 4 vote points have broad community support should be implemented or begin implementation if they maintain that threshold for a week.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A second post to explain how I came up with the numbers;

Suggestions that maintain a negative margin for a whole week are obviously ones that should NOT be implemented.

Most suggestions end up with a positive margin of one or two, and few if any responses. These don't seem like suggestions that the community of SARP is excited about or supports broadly.

Suggestions that people don't really have much care for either way tend to end up at around 3 or 4, and those seem like they have potential and can/should be reworked to gain broader approval.

Suggestions that hit 4 tend to be ones that people are pretty positive about overall.
I have downvoted it and with a reason. So do read as to why.

This suggestion is based on the fact of popularity voting, a system that can be rigged into favor for the maker or against him. I already notice folks posting on the servers with “hey go check this out and vote it up” messages And that defeats the purpose in my fair opinion the suggestion system.

We are all registered on this site to see the suggestion and part of discord to see it being posted. A suggestion is not a competition to get the most vote but to improve the community and I rather read the suggestion then get asked “go there and vote it up” without knowing what i’m voting up on.

while I understand that some suggestion feels rushed through, others are being discussed in fruitful efforts. These suggestions got plus 1 vote but maybe 2/3 pages of discussion. In other words it’s still meaningful or even more worth as the community lets hear their opinion. But based on this suggestion it deemed worthless.
I'm not under the impression that the Ideas & Suggestions board is intended to be utilized in the way described in this thread's opening post. Its description says "Propose ideas for Star Army and vote on suggestions so staff can see what is most wanted" not "Decide what the staff should do or not do." The best I can tell, that description means that the things posted here give Wes and his staff team an idea of how to best focus their attention and time with regard to what the community would like to see. Making the upvote/downvote addon's results somehow binding seems to go against the spirit of why this area of the forum was added in the first place.
I'm sure you've heard the words "Choose your battles."

Well, this is me choosing mine. This thread is an example of everything this part of the forum was made to try and get rid of.

This area was designed to:
  • Let our users post CONSTRUCTIVE ideas and suggestions, and upvote or downvote them to create a "To-Do" type list to QUICKLY provide staff a list to implement and deploy improvements.
  • It gives people whose voices have been lost in exactly what this "suggestion, suggestion represents" which is a very small segment of SARP being loud, stomping their feet, and arguing every single arbitrary change that Wes wants for his website. This isn't the stomp your feet and overrides the site owner forum.
Yesterday, you argued with me over tables vs. bullets. You stomped your feet and argued not because you're looking to cause friction. You can claim that's not true, but I've been apart of Star Army a long time, in fact, and I'm not saying this to brag, because believe me it is not a thing to brag about. I helped run this site during a very turbulent time as co-admin, I've faced situations like this before where a small corner of the population has an interest in trying to get Wes to do what they want by stomping their feet and arguing every single point to the point they either get their way or they end up forcing people to leave.

Yesterday you were so venomously resistant, stubborn, and outright destructive in your method of delivering your thoughts that you made me feel unwelcome, unappreciated, and needed on this site. I'm going to be honest, you almost made me throw my hands up and walk away. I've spent every single day I have been back doing something to try and better this community. It hasn't been Andrew's working to improve "yam" (by the way, that's become an offensive slang around here), I spent hours going through product pages entering them into the struct, not because "it's my job" but because the site needed help. I've implemented edits on pages users have made regardless of what faction they play in - because I wanted to help.

Star Army as a community, we need solutions fast. We need new players and we need to grow. We need to recover from losing a chunk of our player base and our articles and we need to do that by coming together and implementing solutions and new ideas to make that happen quickly. This suggestion is just another arm of the continual stream of stubborn "We've never done it this way" resistance. We also need a way to bring the voices of our player base as a whole to the front, not just the ones that are the loudest and willing to do anything to cling to old ideas that if they were working would not be contributing to the loss of players and activity on the site.

There is a correlation between the people who are working against change and the same people who have started the baseless rumor that everything is Yamatai's fault - Yamatai is going to take us over, Yamatai is taking players. No really, what's really happening is the CCGs and front-line documents new users should be using to join your factions are unclear, out of date, and in a state of disarray, sorry facts vs. fiction.

So this idea, this suggestion is not really a suggestion. It is another protest to stop progress and therefore, I used my basic right as a player - not my staff hat...and I downvoted it.

Have a good day. If this post decides to get removed that's fine, but I've chosen my battle now and be the words be spoken publicly or not here it is. SARP will move forward with or without me, whatever is BEST for the community.
Yesterday, you argued with me over tables vs. bullets. You stomped your feet and argued not because you're looking to cause friction. You can claim that's not true, but I've been apart of Star Army a long time, in fact, and I'm not saying this to brag, because believe me it is not a thing to brag about. I helped run this site during a very turbulent time as co-admin, I've faced situations like this before where a small corner of the population has an interest in trying to get Wes to do what they want by stomping their feet and arguing every single point to the point they either get their way or they end up forcing people to leave.
I think you're assigning malice where none exists.

It really irks me that you're going "You and people like you are bad guys, you hate change and just want to fight" because it implies that anyone on SARP is here just to cause trouble or make others unhappy.

The driving ideas behind this suggestion were "Man we've got a lot of suggestions just sitting around still open with few or negative votes, we should figure out how to handle things like that" and "I don't think we should implement something unless a large majority of people want it"

This might have been born from a misunderstanding of the purpose of the suggestion board (I was under the impression that it was a forum in which to submit ideas that, if popular enough, would be implemented by staff, rather than just a guaging mechanism.)

Also, AFAIK "Yam" is just shorthand that people all around the site use, regardless of what they think of Yamatai.
No Alex, you're toxic. That's just the truth of it. I won't be replying further. You should be banned for how you conduct yourself.
@Alex Hart I wanted to come forward and apologize for how harshly I dealt with you in this thread. In retrospect, I was harsher with my words than I should have been and I wanted to apologize if I made you feel like you were unwanted or that your contributions didn't matter. There are things we're going to disagree on overtime, but at the end of the matter, we're all part of SARP and important to the community. Anyway I am sorry for how I handled this interaction.
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