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RP [Survival] Chains

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"Help her, help her, somebody help her!"

Nailah's voice pounded Chisa's ear drums, becoming an urgent metronome of thought in her head; Bockwinkel's panicky feelings returned as her eyes darted to people who seemed frozen in place. Kees still looked disoriented, Nailah obviously in a state of hysterics, Bill visibly horrified and crippled , helpless, and Darian...DARIAN!

The man, the janitor was unshakable; she'd seen a stock pallet of saline crash inches away from him once and the man not even flinch. In fact, he'd laughed the whole thing off as being a "Cartoon Gag" or something. She fixed her eyes on him pleadingly as another scream ripped through the dark from the med lab. Standing slowly, and taking a deep breath, she made her way to Darian.

"Bill's gonna die if we don't get him real help, and if Eliza dies, we're all as good as dead if we get badly hurt!"

You couldn't possibly be thinking of...

"I'm going to open the door, and scream, try and draw him out our way..."

Her voice started picking up speed, and Chisa tried to slow it down, tried to take the shake out of it before she started to stutter again out of shear fear. Grabbing Darian's hands helped, noting the toughness and strength.

"You be on this end of the door, off to the side, when he comes out after me, nail him with your mop...Kees, hit him while he's stunned...punch, tackle...I don't care!"

She was already moving, legs carrying her to the med lab door, and her mind screamed at her.


She keyed the door pad almost absentmindedly...and waited for Darian to fall into place. When she de-pushed the door would fly open...

Darian took a moment to look the situation over, seeing Nailah and Chisa, both women that he once used as inspiration for some of his comic book characters. Bill was severely injured and was speaking about how there was a panic outside. "Starting to sound like a zombie apocalypse..." He was trying to compare things to his comics again, wanting to detach himself a bit once more.

The scream from the med bay made him jump a little. Screams were different in real life than in a movie or comics, they had this unsettling feeling about them. But after the scream came more shouting and yelling from different direction. Bill was worried, and both Nailah and Chisa were starting to panic. Even though he was slowly getting more and more unnerved he tried to keep a stoic expression, it didn't take a genius to realize that everything was falling apart and that some people needed to stay calm.

This attitude quickly became a must as Chisa grabbed him and began explaining her plan. He didn't know what was going on in the slightest, but it was starting to sound like Eliza was in the medbay, and someone was in there attacking her. He did not know who though but things were getting desperate and he was being pressured to action. The young man wasn't sure why he was being relied on and not the much more reliable looking Kees, but his ignorance and pride as a man would not let him refuse. So he stepped up to the door getting ready, however along with his mop in one hand, he had the pocket knife he just acquired in the other as he waited for the door to open.
Not receiving an answer to his question, Kees would have frowned were it not for the worried expression that more readily painted his face. Between the talk of the murderous cook, the trouble out in the lobby, and their own unsettling situation he was rapidly realizing that he was in way over his head. About to go look for a table as he had been asked, Kees was distracted by the arrival of Darian and his report that he had found someone else in the rec room, though learning that they were dead crushed any hope that had bloomed at the idea of having someone else to help.

With the thought that security wouldn't be quickly coming to rescue them and the prospect that they were in the middle of anything from a riot to military action from the Reds was making it increasingly difficult to stay calm. At the sound of a loud crash coming from the direction of the medical bay followed by the shriek of a woman had Kees jump backward into the air before choking a little on his own saliva from an attempted gasp or yell he wasn't entirely sure. Still coughing Kees made his way back into the rec room in motion before he heard the beginnings of the plan and was soon searching about the room as quickly as he could manage for the pair of cue sticks that accompanied the pool table.

Cue sticks in hand Kees rushed back out into the hallway not quite understanding what the lab assistant and Darian were doing but realizing that they were about to open the door Kees dropped one of the two cue sticks putting both hands on the one he still held and moved slowly toward the door ready to help in any way he could.
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As the door was opened, Bill coughed as he heard the plan. "Wait what? No, HELP her you assholes, you're four to one! Don't just-" He tried to move towards the door but stopped when pain shot up from his beaten leg, earning the interruption in his sentence with a pained grunt. He was sounding harsh, but his intent to urge them on was clear enough.

Inside, the vision was a bit dire. IV stands and stools were knocked over, and a splintered chair lay at the feet of the bleeding, but still standing cook who held the mechanic's tool in hand. The tool in question was a recent invention, a long handle with a circular metal case on one end that acted like something of a swiss army knife, the tool that was needed being brought out from it and snapped into place. However the round metal end was heavy and could very easily be used as an effective bludgeon. Which seemed to have been the case, as one of the cots that had someone on it had pools of blood dripping down around it, fresh from what one could only assume was Sebastian's latest victim.

Eliza was backed into the corner behind a knocked over desk, panic and terror in her eyes as the cook turned to her. The broken chair assumingly having been used as a weapon to get him to stop. But it clearly hadn't been enough as he turns to her. Despite the noise in the hallway and the sound of the door opening, his focus seemed undeterred, briskly advancing on her with the tool in hand. Eliza's terrified pleas for him to stay away went unheard.
At the wounded man's urging and due to the lack of apparent activity near the door Kees rushed past Darian and the rather collected lab assistant. Barely taking any time to orient himself in the trashed room Kees locked his eyes on the bloodied standing form of a man holding an odd object that Kees didn't recognize. Bounding forward over the scattered debris Kees rushed forward, swinging his cue stick in a wide arc hoping to hit the man as hard as he could in the back and hopefully bring him down or at least distract him long enough for the others to get in and help.
Darian had planned to wait for Chisa to scream to distract the man but Kees rushed in suddenly on his own. So he decided to rush in with him as well so that he wasn't going in alone, two on one was better than going in waves. Seeing who it was though inside he had wished he arrived a little earlier to head that it was Sebastian, the guy was like a freaking pro wrestler his mop wasn't going to do anything against him. He did have the pocket knife but that was a small little blade there were only a few things he could do with it.

Either way he rushed across the room only steps behind Kees and arrived only a fraction of a second after Kees swung and acted on reflex, doing what every disadvantaged would be hero does when he's out matched, try to stab the bad guy in the arm. Darian tried just that, going for the arm holding that strange mechanic tool.
Once Chisa opened the door and the men barged in, Nailah remained pressed back against the far wall, occasionally jerking forward and then slamming back against the wall as if two people were playing tug-of-war with her motor impulses. It was more than obvious that she was torn between following the majority of the group, and staying as far away from whatever horrors were almost certainly occurring on the other side of the portal. When another shriek belted out from within, she loosed another scream of her own and pulled one of her knees up while she shielded herself with both quaking arms, trying to curl up into the fetal position while still standing against the wall, utterly paralyzed with terror.
With detached wonder, Chisa watched the men blitz Sebastian. Wide eyed and frightened, Nailah's screaming at her back jarred her to the fore.

NOW you fool!

Terror be damned, Chisa ran into the fray, her small form leaping at the crazed cook's broad back.

(Again I apologize, guys; I took too many liberties here and ubered my character too much.)
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The assault reached the cook just as he was winding up for a swing at Eliza. The pool cue smacked into his neck, causing him to stumble as the weapon broke on him. As he turned around, everyone saw his face for the first time. His eyes were wide open, his pupils contracted to nearly a pinprick, which should normally be impossible. As it is, his expression was utterly blank. Not a hint of emotion in him. Even as his lips curl in what would normally be a snarl, the rest of his face doesn't move. This stumble and what would normally be a debilitating shock to one's system turns into a rather quick attack towards Kees.

At this point, Darian reaches him and plunges the knife into his arm, causing him to flinch in the swing he was aiming at Kees, now giving the man plenty of time to react to what would have been otherwise a difficult to dodge swing with the multitool. After quite possibly saving Kees' life, Darian is thrown off by the burly man, his grip on the weapon loosened.

Chisa's attempt to jump on his back is opened, thanks to the other two men, and she is able to latch on to him. Deciding the new threat was the woman on him, Sebastian drops the tool and reaches back towards her, grabbing vainly until he stumbles back into a wheeled cupboard and squishes Chisa in it. While uncomfortable, he doesn't hit it with enough force to injure the woman and with a bit of focus, she can stay on him.
The cue stick breaking over the large form of the chef filled Kees with a momentary rush of elation. However, as the chef turned Kees' rush of glee quickly turned sour and died, causing him to wonder just what he was dealing with. Barely registering the attack toward him Kees tried to move only to end up slipping on something that might have been blood or some other spilled fluid, causing him to slip and fall out of the arc of the multi-tool, leaving Kees unaware as to how close he had come to death. Laying on the ground stunned for a moment Kees flinched returning to lucidity as the heavy multi-tool fell to the ground near where he lay.

Realizing that the threat was hardly over Kees struggled to find something of use as he struggled to his feet, his hand closing around the leg of a toppled stool more out of chance than intention as he sood. Raising the new make-shift weapon firmly gripped in both hands, Kees returned his attention to the rampaging chef, and the poor lab assistant clinging to his back, looking for an opening to hopefully do more damage as his mind reeled uncertain how to fight what seemed to be an unnatural behemoth.

Fright aside, Chis Held on for all she was worth. One hundred and fifteen when wet, Chisa knew she couldn't be slowly Sebastian down much at all. Yet, she maintained her grasp, shifting an arm around the Cook's neck and squeezed. She wasn't sure if it would do much, but if she could create an additional level of distraction, all the better!

Getting slammed still stung.

Her back throbbed with pain, and she wanted to let go more than anything. She wasn't some ISE performer or a kick-boxer, she was an intern chemist, for frick's sake! Violence was also a total terror to her, and yet here she was in the thick of it...and oddly, she felt a thrill of exhilaration at what she had done, at what she was doing.

Oh my God! I'm in a fight!

Despite it all, Chisa clung tighter to Sebastian, onto a living carousel of violence, and hoped it would all end soon. The dark medical room was a swirl of blurring, dizzying imagery. Darian, Kees, Eliza, bloody cot, walls. It all whirled and blended as she and Sebastian swung about together. She could feel her stomach lurch from it.
Darian did not get much time to see Sebastian's expression, if he had bothered with it he probably would have hesitated and lost his chance. So instead he followed through and managed to get the knife into his arm, only to be thrown back moments after. If he was thinking clearly Darian would probably have found it weird that the large cook did not scream out at being stabbed with a knife, however his head was cloudy from teh intensity of the situation, and having landed pretty hard on his back across on of the IV stands. Thankfully nothing pointy was present and pain was all he had to worry about.

He pulled himself up as quickly as he could, groaning in pain as he looked over the situation. Kees was standing up back up and getting a stool leg to fight with. Chisa was clinging to the large man's back trying to distract him. Lastly the knife...the knife was still in Sebastian's hand, Darian's grip had slipped when thrown but it didn't do much damage anyway. Having forgotten about his mop which was throws across the room with him as well, Darian picked up the IV stand and made a quick approach, attempting to swing at Sebastian's knee with as much force as he could muster.
With the door now wide open and flooding the hallway with a cacophony of screams, grunts, bangs, and crashes through the dim lighting, Nailah's own shrieks nearly doubled in frequency and volume. For two or three seconds more she continued her vain effort to climb backwards up the wall, or perhaps push ethereally through it, waving her hands in rapid, erratic, comically ineffective arcs in front of her torso. When she finally seemed to clue in that such a course of action was accomplishing exactly nothing, her legs suddenly kicked into gear as if her mind had been telling them to start running all along, but the message had not been getting through. She took off down the hall as fast as she could shuffle-sprint on her high-priced dress heels, screaming the entire way with her arms flailing to either side effeminately. After she had barely taken but a few strides, she suddenly appeared to realize that she was running full speed towards the broken-legged Bill basking in his puddle of blood, eliciting yet another scream of terror from her. Immediately she spun on her heels and tried to run the other direction, but the sudden change in velocity caused one of her heels to slip and slide out from beneath her. She then went tumbling to the floor, crumpled on her side only a few paces away from where Bill lay. She wasn't hurt, but she wasn't quieting down any, either.
Darian's strike was the first to hit, slamming into his leg just below the knee, but the intended effect was the same; Sebastian fell to that knee, momentarily immobilized. He made no sound of pain or even discomfort. In fact, he was eerily quiet throughout this whole ordeal aside from a couple growls way back when he noticed his attackers. One could admire his focus if it weren't a life and death struggle.

Sadly, as Kees hesitated in his attack, the cook took the opportunity to reach back, grab Chisa and throw her down in front of him. While the landing on her back was surely painful, it likely wasn't a serious injury aside from getting the wind knocked out of her. However, his next move was to reach over and grab the tool again, which no one had decided to get away from him, and clearly intended to use it to finish off Chisa. The time it took to do this, however, left one, brief moment of an opening while he was busy re-arming himself. Still on his knee from Darian's strike, he wasn't hard to land a hit on, at the very least.

Outside Bill winced from the sheer volume of Dailah's screaming. Injured himself, there was little he could do to try and get her to stop for the sake of his hearing.
The events were unfolding faster than Kees had expected and none of the heroics that usually were gossiped about in such situations were present. Darian's attack dropped the chef to one knee, the lab assistant was thrown to the floor and once again the chef had the tool in his hand. Realizing that he had no time to think Kees put his other hand on the second leg of the stool and leaped at the chef putting all of his weight and strength into a blow aimed at the chef's head hoping to at the very least knock the man unconscious as it was becoming apparent that half measures were going to get one of them killed.
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! BREATH!!!

Thoroughly evacuated of breath on impact, Chisa struggled to merely inhale as the violent drama iterated further around her. She saw stars, and dimmer, distorted vision from being dazed, but at least she was numb until she scarfed down her first bit of air. Trading suffocation for sudden, throbbing agony; her body felt like a hot coil. The pain seemed to burn up her topography.

Coughing followed and then the clearing of her vision.


Sebastian loomed over her, with pinpoint dots for pupils.

Her shriek gurgled out as a stifled wail, rolling herself as swiftly to the side as possible...
Seeing that the strike to the leg brought Sebastian to his knees was a bit reassuring, it meant he wasn't some roid raging super man that was unstoppable he just wasn't screaming in pain. Darian didn't have time to celebrate however, Chisa was on the ground in front of the large cook and he was reaching for his tool again, most likely to bash her face in. Killing Sebastian had not come to mind yet, it was why Darian could move without hesitating, he was merely considering saving others, not thinking about killing a man. However this thought pattern meant he didn't see his chance to finish this all and instead decided to take a golf swing at the tool with as much force as he could, trying to send it to the other side of the room and out of reach, probably catching Sebastian's arm in the swing too.
In the seconds after Nailah's tumble and fall, she continued to scream uncontrollably. Relatively quickly, however, she decided to change her tactics from trying to rupture the eardrums of everyone nearby to warding off any potential attacks (real or imagined) by curling up into the fetal position and tightly covering her head with both arms as she buried her face into the floor. Even in her trembling throes of terror, however, she appeared to be making it a point to stay as still as possible. It wasn't entirely clear, however, whether or not the young lady was doing so out of some ill-conceived hunch that she was partially invisible if she was immobile, or if she was actually trying her best to minimize the potential dirt on, or wrinkling or damage to her expensive outfit.
Rearing back, Sebastion's neck bent and head lowered as if considering a bite before he brought the tool down. Darian's swing at his weapon missed, but hit the man's arm instead, the definite sound of something cracking being heard as the weapon flew from his loosened grip. As it clangs against the wall dully he straightens his back to gaze at Darian. Even with his frozen expression there was an unmistakable malice coming from him.

Unfortunately for the cook, this happened just as Kees took his swing, the stool shattered and splintered against the side of Sebastian's head, sending him sprawling. As if the blood flying and the loud impact weren't enough, the cook doesn't even attempt to brace his fall, as if the concept never occured to him or his reflexes. His half smashed head smacks onto the hard tile floor, and the man lies still. The injury is gruesome, blood and bits of bone oozing down his head. He no longer moves, or even twitches. Chisa's roll, while probably wise, proves unnecessary as the din of conflict finally dies down.
Darian cringed at the sound of the man's arm breaking from his swing, but he was quickly met with a far more unnerving, even disturbing gaze comparable for a lifeless doll that looked just a little too human. He was frozen in his place, the magnitude of the situation finally catching up with him at the realization that this man was about to try to kill him. Kees was the one saving him this time as he struck the man with the stool knocking him to the ground. It took a moment to process but Darian stumbled back, looking over the situation and nearly falling back, but he was catch by a chair on it's side. "Oh shit...did we just...?"
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