Star Army

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RP [Survival] Chains

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It was with dismay that Kees felt his second weapon destroy itself in his assault on the chef. Landing awkwardly after his all out assault hoping that the chef wouldn't get up again as he stumbled his way to lean against the wall and finally get his feet stably under himself. Taking a breath he glanced over his shoulder glad to see that the others were no longer locked in battle with the monstrous chef.

Swallowing awkwardly as he looked about the room Kees heard Darian's incomplete question and responded in turn his voice a little shaky as his adrenaline rush died slowly, "Did we what? Is everyone okay?" He hoped that the lab assistant and the woman they had rushed in to save had made it out alright.
Nailah continued to whimper for several seconds after the last big crash echoed from the medical facility, still curled up on the ground and shaking like crazy, hugging herself tightly. When nothing happened, she timorously lifted her head, peeking up from the floor, and upon seeing nothing, she very, very slowly began to climb to her feet. Her clothes were shifted sligthly on her body from where she had fallen, although thankfully still clean, and a few stray locks of her dark hair had broken free of her tightly pulled back ponytail and now hung over her forehead.

She looked at the open door to the medical lab, then over at Bill, quickly averting her eyes from his injury again. "I-is... i-i-is-s it ov-v-ver...?" she asked in a tiny, raspy voice, still tightly hugging herself as she backed up against the far wall again.
Dragging herself up of the floor, Chisa tried to put the whole thing into perspective.

- Crazed cook killed a bunch a people, and then tried to kill them.

- They killed the crazed cook.

- And no one knows exactly what the Hell is going on!

Her hands were shaking badly, so she clenched them tightly and stuffed them into her coat pockets before joining the two men, all three of them hovering over the still body of Sebastian. She had never seen death before...not like this anyways; funerals were different, and dead pets and the like. This was a man she knew, maybe not personally, but she knew Sebastian. She liked his Cuban Sandwiches, and how he made the coffee the right blend between strong and mild. She remembered how Sebastian once complimented her on always having the best seat in the facility (whatever that meant) and that it had made her feel happy the time, like she was finally becoming a true employee and co-worker.

Get a hold of yourself! You're crying over the guy who tried to kill you mere seconds ago.

She rubbed tears from her eyes and pointed down at Sebastian.

"D-did any of you see h-his eyes? Like the t-tips of needles; that is not natural. I think he w-was on something..."
A foot came down on the cook's back, causing a small spurt of blood to erupt from his head. It wasn't a stomp, but Eliza running over him to check the patient in the medical cot. It only took a few seconds to realize the man in the cot was dead, to which the nurse cursed and squeezed her green eyes shut for a moment. Turning around, the blonde woman exhaled slowly. "Th... thanks, everyone. He was going to kill me... I just wish I could've saved my patient." Referring to her own attack against Sebastian that had turned the crazed cook's wrath to her. She seemed to be in no hurry to help the attacker, if at all.

Nailah Would see Bill trying to drag himself rather painfully into the medbay, clearly unwilling to just sit there and do nothing. Unfortunately for him, it was all said and done by the time he reached the door. A pained grunt from him earned the nurse's attention, who seemed alarmed at first, but Bill's eyes opened and looked at her... normal. "Eliza? Goddamnit, are you ok?"

The Nurse hurried towards him. "Bill?! Oh god he got you too, didn't he? H-here, someone help me get him onto a bed." There were several empty cots he could be moved to. Presumably she meant the nearest one on the east wall.
Darian looked Kees and was about to answer him but instead just shook his head "No...never mind and yeah I'm doing fine..." He pulled himself back up after a moment and then grabbed his broom. "I'm not sure what kind of drugs would turn you on a homicidal rampage...but since it seems there's a lock down or something going around outside it might've gotten passed around." He stepped out to see Eliza trying to get Bill into bed so he cleared a path in the room so no one would trip over anything and made sure the cot was clear after all that mess that just happened.
While Kees heard the question posed by the Receptionist who had been absent, remaining out in the hall during the battle with the Chef, Kees turned toward her his expression somewhat vacant noting distantly that his entire body felt numb. A second voice, slowly attributed to the Lab Assistant signified a second statement or question the meaning of which was lost to the man as he blinked the room around him seemingly slowing down and distorting.

The actions around him of the Nurse and Bill were largely ignored in favor of his own quest, as he lurched across the dimly lit room struggling to navigate the field of debris. For Kees the voices of Darian, the Nurse, and Bill were lost in the mental haze as his unresponsive hands clumsily struggled to right a toppled garbage can. Barely supporting his weight over the container he felt his body shake before vomiting violently into it, as his body rejected the fallout of the stressful frenzy that the recently occurred violence had imposed upon it.

Left sick over the garbage can, Kees trembled slightly feeling something that reminded him intimately of many a night or morning following long parties where the number of drinks had blurred together into a vague memory that always ended up treasured as one of the best times of his life.
Chisa managed to pull herself together. Stilling her hands and evening out her breath, then she nodded at Darian.

"I don't know what kind of anything would do this exactly to someone, either, simply seems the easiest explanation right now, and-"

Stopped mid sentence by the sound of Kees retching, Chisa closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. She couldn't blame him, Darian, Eliza, Nailah, or herself for their own intimate reactions during and after the fray with Sebastian. Hell! She'd even cried over the fact that they killed him! Kees throwing up, being sick over the whole thing, told her what she already knew and attributed to him.

Kees is a good guy...

Getting back on point, Chisa walked over to Eliza and Bill.

"How can I help?"
Nailah, still trembling violently and obviously in shock, seemed to be very slightly calmed by the fact that everyone's energy levels had taken a significant dive from "insane animal frenzy" to "tense, cautious alert," and by the emergence of several of those who had gone into the medbay, mostly unscathed. After Eliza pushed past her to help Bill, she jumped with a mousey squeak, wild-eyed and fearful, every muscle in her body so taut they seemed like they might snap like rubber bands if they were to endure any more strain. As Darian moved to help her, she bit down hard on her lips, trying like crazy to regain some inkling of composure. She felt lightheaded and dizzy, and her breathing was so erratic she felt like she was going to pass out from hyperventilation if she didn't get it under control. Closing her eyes as she placed both of her hands firmly on the wall behind her, she concentrated, focusing on the fact that the people around her seemed to have things under control, reassuring herself that even though this (fretfully) wasn't just a bad dream, she was in good hands. Everything will be okay... calm down, everything's all right...

The sound of Kees retching made her twitch and her eyes snap open again, only to wince and avert them again when she saw what was happening. She stayed where she was for another moment before forcibly composing herself again. Blood and gore was one thing; she'd never seen in before in her life, and never before witnessed violence of this magnitude. But vomit? While it was disgusting, and far, far from her idea of pleasant, she'd been around it enough to only be repulsed by it, and not frightened to within an inch of her life. And after what had just transpired, the sight of someone puking into a trash can wasn't so bad. At least in this case she could be of some use.

Coaxing her uncooperative limbs into obedience, she gradually tore herself away from the wall, taking a few shaky steps away, then bolting across the open hallway towards Kees as if the floor were a river teeming with flesh-eating fish. Skidding to a stop behind Kees, and nearly losing her footing on her high heels once again, she wrapped her arms around the man's torso, as much to steady and comfort him as herself. "Easy," she cooed in a voice that was obviously intended to be soft and reassuring, but came out shaky and timorous. "It's okay, it's over. Let it out."
With the other's help, Eliza pulls Bill onto the thin bed, elevating the mangled leg and moving quickly with practiced precision to tend to the injuries. She's very focused, so Bill looks towards everyone to speak, and to try his best to ignore the inevitable pain from the treatment. Sebastian's body was untended completely. Not surprising considering he tried to kill the poor medic.

"Uhg... Listen, guys. Don't agonize over it too much. You did what you had to. If you didn't, he would've killed more people. Dunno why he was going crazy, but what's important is that you stopped him, alright?" He grimaces at the sight of kees losing his lunch. "Let it out, kid. You live in Malaise, this probably won't be the last time you see someone die, even after all this."

Eliza is in a flurry of motion of setting the leg and closing off the wounds, but she spares a word while still working. "If you want to help... Move the... well, the bodies out of here. Like, to the rec room or something. I get the feeling I'm going to need this place sterile real soon..."
After a few taxing minutes Kees found the sickness abating and he managed with trembling arms to push himself into a more upright position. Thanking the Receptionist for her support in a way that didn't quite register as speech Kees looked about the room before struggling to speak, finally inquiring his voice a little unsteady, "Is there any reason I should avoid the kitchen?" He paused a moment as he considered that he had just been asked to help moved the bodies before elaborating, "I'd like to clean myself up.. Maybe find something to drink and recover a little before moving the bodies.." He swayed a little where he stood before bracing himself against the wall with an arm emphasizing his already apparent shaken state.
Darian looked around at everyone and checked the expressions on their face, they were all pretty shaken up and that was to be expected, honestly he wasn't in any better condition than the rest of them. He wanted to run out of here screaming at the top of his lungs and get away from this all, but that wasn't an option at the moment. He and everyone else had to stay calm to figure out what was going on and if every horror story he's seen was any indication, their relative peace here would not last long. He moved to take the body of the cook and drag him into the rec room. "Everyone should gather the medical supplies, make sure you get as much portable as you can." He spoke before leaving with the body.

He dragged the man down the hall and finally to the rec room, putting him with the other body and quietly moving to a corner with the trash can to throw up being that close to a dead body was just too much for him. "Gotta calm down..." He took deep breaths, trying to regulate his breathing
Nailah stepped back from Kees just enough room to stand up and collect himself, but she kept her hand resting gently on his upper back, focusing her attention on helping him so as to distract her from her lingering terror at what had just happened. It was hard to find anywhere to look but the back of the man's head where she didn't see some gory reminder of the violence that had just erupted not but a minute before.

When Darian spoke up, she shot him a concerned, even slightly incredulous look. "Wait, what do you mean 'portable'?" she asked, her eyes widening. "You're not suggesting we go anywhere, are you? After what just happened??"
Looking to Nailah, Chisa nodded presently.

"We might have to, to find help, you know?"

Chisa threw her eyes about for anything useful besides medical supplies; she felt that she desperate needed and equalizer, a weapon. Her stature didn't lend itself to full on combat. A scalpel, some sort of bludgeon, anything that could be weaponized to help give her an edge in another possible encounter. Some part of her dreaded the thought, but she couldn't ignore the possibility that other people could be as unhinged as Sebastian.

Her mind raced.

...a chemical spill maybe...?

She shook her head and exhaled slow, and returned to the present, to looking for a weapon...
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