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RP: YSS Resurgence Sword Practice

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YSS Resurgence
YSS Resurgence, Dojo

Sanda's arms burned. Her whole body ached. "Uno... Dos...Tres... Quatro." She held the bokken sword up and moved it to a different position as she counted. She had received a sword in a Last Chance Salvage box. Sanda loved blades but favored knives. She was absolutely deadly with a knife and had never seen any reason to go with anything else. That is, until she received "Arc." That was the name of the sword, Arc. Simply Arc. But from the moment she picked it up there and been this strange connection and suddenly Sanda had wanted to learn how to wield a sword. Not just the basics, she'd gone over that in basic training years ago. But to actually master it, the way she had knives. So she had gone to the best swordsmaster she knew. Her friend and the Resurgence XO, Koyama.

Koyama had agreed to teach her, but had warned that it wouldn't be easy. Sanda, very one to back down from a challenge had told Koyama to push her to the limit. "Siete... Ocho... Nueve... Dies... Uno... Dos... Tres..." Sweat was running down the lighting bolt tattoo on Sanda's face. Koyama was taking Sanda to her word. Dressed in workout shorts and tank top Sanda's exposed limbs showed signs of bruising except on her right arm. Cybernetic replacements didn't show bruises. Not that that was any help. Koyama seemed to favor Sanda's left side any. Probablemente porque le gusta ver cuántas marcas puede dejarme. Sanda thought sourly as she continued going through the drills. She wondered how long Koyama would make her do this time?

Koyama's eyes narrowed into golden slits as the dojo door slid open with an uncanny silence, betraying the presence of her hitherto unnoticed comrade. "You continue to overextend," she rasped.

A newfound vigor replaced her usually reserved demeanor while on duty. While Koyama had granted her choice of attire, she had strictly prohibited the use of a gi, preferring to observe the Ranger's unfettered form.

Without a word, Koyama began the ritual of removing her boots and socks. Each mark on Sanda served as a gentle reminder of Koyama's exacting instruction. 'Remember, Sanda,' she'd said that first day, 'precision over power.' Each of the blows had been placed on certain points along the Nepleslian's left side killing or disabling strikes. Her cybernetic right arm may not bruise or perhaps feel pain. So her left side had fallen victim to such treatment.

"Despite the wooden blade," she began, amusement flickering in her voice while drawing near, "Sanda, it is not a club. No matter how fervently you imagine Thad's face as you strike."

Now the Neko moved with an easy if predatory grace as she was on final approach. Koyama nudged Sanda's stance into greater solidity with a tap of her heel.

Sanda signed as she corrected her stance. She knew she was over extending. Her arms ached from the continuous drilling. But she persisted. She had known that Koyama would be very hard on her. Sanda was pretty sure that Koyama got some sick pleasure in correcting the Ranger's stance. Although when Koyama said that she was wielding the wooden sword like a club Sanda stopped and gave her a WTF look. "Do you really think I've given that man a single thought since he left the ship?" Sanda rubbed her sore arm a moment, trying to work out the knots.

"This is a proud ship. The crew are all hardworking and dedicated. Why would I give a single thought about someone who only pretended to be a soldier." Sanda shook her head, banishing the memory from her mind as she focused and resumed her stance. Koyama came over and corrected her stance with a nudge of her heal. The Ranger took a deep breath and resumed. "Uno...Dos...Tres..."
A sardonic eyebrow quirked as Koyama tilted her head, the question lingering in the air, "No?" she mused if the Nepleslian hadn't been thinking about the man she may well be now, her gaze lingering on Sanda.. "Much like the knife fighting you so love," she began, her fingers skimming the racks of practice weapons like a blind sculptor seeking the perfect form.

Some held her attention longer than others. A bokken, akin to the Ranger's blunted training instrument, was dismissed with a flick of the wrist not meeting her standards. A quarterstaff flashed past, its potential elegance ignored. But a long spear seemed to snag her gaze. A flicker of solemnity crossed her usually stoic face, a ripple in the still pond of her demeanor.

Yet, in the end, she returned to the familiar comfort of the practice blades. With a fluid motion, she snatched one, the bokken sang through the air like a whispered threat as she performed a few practice swings. A sniff, laced with disdain, punctuated the brief silence before it found a home in her sash. "Some embrace the singularity," she tapped the weapon at her side, "finding solace in the singleness of blade or spear, bow or staff. Short swords," she gestured to what was on the rack, "mere whispers promising violence until they're found by those that can properly wield them."

With a snap of her fingers, a Nekovalkyrja materialized, a phantom echo of a true and physical counterpart. A mere volumetric simulacrum.

The synthetic warrior bowed, photons wrapped within EM fields mimicking flesh, and Koyama offered the same courtesy in return.

The practice opponent drew her sword. The simulated dance of death began. Koyama swayed, a willow in a gale, deflecting blows without drawing her own just merely dodging. The Generic Nekovalkyrja No.1's blade sang again, a horizontal slash aiming for decapitation.

Koyama ducked a blur of cotton white yukata, and jet-black hair, her feet finding purchase on the mat after the last attack. She'd bent one leg in front, the other sliding back. And in that instant, the bokken, once a slumbering serpent, became a viper unleashed—an iaido, a draw cut.

The cut split the opponent's sword arm, arterial crimson blossoming where wood (Meant to simulate steel in this little demonstration) met flesh. The blade continued, etching another wound across the chest, a deep and fatal gash. The Nekovalkyrja dissolved into nothingness as Koyama sheathed her weapon with practiced ease. The demonstration, a brutal haiku in violence, hung heavy in the air.

"With just a draw of the blade," Koyama rasped, "you'd be a gushing fountain within seconds. The second blow was mercy, a recognition of the Nekovalkyrja's resilience. For someone like you, however," her gaze flickered to Sanda's cybernetic arm, "your left side lacks such luxuries. Your metal companion, while a loss, leaves you with the one you were born with. That mechanical limb," she smiled, a flash of her tiny fangs in the dim light, "might even grant you an edge."

"But sever it," she snarled, the predator revealing its claws, "and that edge becomes a chasm. Then you rely on your left, a limb you haven't yet learned to sing the song of war with in such a fashion." One of her ears twitched, catching the subtle sound of machinery that was the Ranger's right arm. "Make no mistake, if I could hear the difference, others like me can as well. Pick out the little details if we so choose. See which you rely upon more."

Koyama paused, eyes gleaming chips of amber. "So I'd give you two choices. Hack off your flesh arm, and watch the pain paint your face as you start to bleed out, and shock soon to follow. Your metal facsimile wouldn't replicate such agony unless you've woven pain receptors into it, full tactile simulation as it were." She circled Sanda, a predator stalking its prey.

"Or I could part you from your manufactured comrade, leaving you one-handed yet again and facing me with a limb barely past infancy when it comes to what you desire to understand and use properly."

She leaned in, her voice a chilling whisper. "But I wouldn't give you time to mourn your fallen blade or lost limb. Just as with Generic Nekovalkyrja Number One," she chuckled, a dark melody, "don't judge me by her name. The dance would continue with each strike of my weapon a brushstroke towards your doom. Across your chest, your neck, your legs, or thighs each cut a torment. Each a reminder that death could take you in an instant if you lacked care or respect toward the opponent you face."

A predatory gleam flared in her eyes, then vanished behind a mask of stoicism. "It wouldn't even need to be deep, depending on where I decide to strike," she murmured, the final line echoing in the silence like the promise of a coming storm. "That is what I teach. Precision. Precision, patience, adaptation, and speed. To pick out the details of the enemy you face. What is brute strength measured against knowing where to precisely hit one's opponent to end the fight quickly? Efficiently? To go no further than what is required? To be able to find an advantage where someone else may find none?"

Koyama then beamed, clearly enjoying doing something other that didn't involve her daytime job, "I prefer to use a daishō set." Nodding to what Sanda held in her hand, she gestured behind her directly to the shorter variants. "My teacher specializes in the use of two blades. Her method centered around facing multiple opponents. And is potent as a duelist's style. Adaptable and capable. Fierce.

It provided a foundation for my preferences. What I just demonstrated was from another form. It teaches to kill in the initial strike but admittedly I am a novice with that method to its fullest extent. To end the fight then and there. As I dodged the attacks I did so with patience. Waiting out my simulacrum of an opponent. Much like gentle rain and distant thunder, a storm brewing on the horizon and taken for granted." Koyama looked at the Ranger intently, "And at the moment they least expect," Koyama tapped at her pale skin, right where her friend's facial tattoo would be.

"That is my budō, my philosophy. The three major influences of my life are woven into one and turned into my own. My teacher whom I love as closely as I would someone of my blood. The enemy I despise most, and my oldest and dearest friend whom I miss more than you could know."

"Each of my sisters prescribes to their own. It's how we approach our instruments of war, how we paint death across the canvas of combat. How we shield those who cannot do so themselves. And how we live each day. Each of us is different in our little ways. A personal journey to find who we are and what we are capable of achieving."

It was a clear and present message. This was who she was. How she presented herself. Capable of a varied level of patience or unpredictability. Adaptable under pressure. Cruel if needed but capable of mercy if not. Something dangerous hidden beneath a thin silken sheet waiting to be bared when the need arose.

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Sanda continued her forms until Koyama began talking about the different weapons. She lowered her own when Koyama took one down and brought up a volumetric sim. The Ranger watched silently as her teacher as she dodged and parried the attacks against her before suddenly drawing her own weapon and killing her opponent with one attack. Sanda was impressed. Por eso te pedí que me enseñaras. she thought.

The tattooed Nep listened silently as Koyama when on, not quite a tirade, but it almost felt like one as she went on and on about Sanda's cybernetic arm. Sanda understood what Koyama was saying. In fact, she agreed with her. "One of the principals drilled into me during Ranger School was learning how to keep going. How to adapt quickly to losses and to never relay so heavily on one piece of equipment that the loss of such puts you at a disadvantage. I didn't have this cybernetic arm at the time, but when I did get it I remembered what I was taught." Sanda reversed her grip on her practice blade to a left handed one. She ran through her forms twice, not counting them out loud this time. Her form was good, there was no hesitancy in her movements as one might expect from switching grips suddenly. It showed she indeed practiced with both arms.

"I also calibrate my right arm to be the same strength as my left so that the left maintains its strength and use and only up the strength when it is needed." Sanda ran through another round of her forms left handed before stopping. "I also practice loosing power in my right arm. As you say, it can become a liability but our moto in the Rangers is to adapt and overcome. I am fully prepared to loose by arm and keep fighting."

Sanda listened with interest as Koyama spoke of using two swords and the advantages of doing so. Sanda thought about her own style. It was kinda of a split personality. "I like to strike my enemy without being seen, if at all possible. The silent, instant kill where my target doesn't even have time to cry out. However, battles are never that clean cut so when striking from the shadows is not an option, I fight as hard and as fast as I can to neutralize my opposites. I practice fighting one on one and against swarms of enemies. I try to be prepared to fight any enemy at any time." Although she wasn't currently wearing her normal kit, it was hanging off the wall in the corner of the dojo with her other cloths. A plasma revolver, an NSP type 33 dark, and two Straight Silver blades, one of which had a aether battery in the handle to activate an aether blade around it. She was always kitted out to handle anything from unarmored targets to enemy PA.

She looked over at the wall of practice weapons. "I know there's a lot of different fighting styles out there. Based on what you have seen, which style would I benefit the most from learning?"

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