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Systems, Planets, Locations In need of help from imaginative people who want to create!

Charmaylarg Dufrain

πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
I'm not really good about wording these kinds of things but here i go~

Nepleslia has long suffered a severe lack of people dedicated to its wiki with the exception of myself. And frankly, I'm not very creative or imaginative when it comes to things like locations, lore, planets, systems, and all-around fluff/crunch for these things.

And for just as long I've left many of Nepleslia's locations devoid of lore or updates or just about anything and they have remained that way since practically their creation! I have advertised it many times but will do so here on the forum once again that many of these systems and worlds are open and willing and waiting for interested persons with a drive to create or mold them into something newer and more interesting than they are!

As it stands right now almost 90% of our worlds are practically blank canvases waiting for an artist to shape them and i would like to ask anyone interested to be that artist. The locations exist but are devoid of just about anything but the barest pretext of information and are ready to be turned into anything you could want to make them into.

Major trade hubs or military locations.
Sites of historical import or recently discovered locations of significance.
Worlds on the brink of rebelling filled with pirates or rebels.
Deathworlds recently only discovered to be so too late.
Massive city-sprawling worlds of increidlbe industry.
Homes to your corporations or groups.
Barren but interesting locations for RP.
Sites of megastructures or massive space stations.
New worlds colonized by any of Nepleslia's MANY races or cultures from the Space-russian Kuzynetsi, to the Hanyans, Delsaurians, Colonies for unloved Mutants, etc!
Space phenomena like Biphorcated planets (Two identical planets existing close to each other but not affected by each others gravity), Strange megastructures not belonging to anyone suddenly appeared, Massive biological entities, etc.

Just about anything interesting you can come up with that you would want to visit, make a plot around, or play on! It also doesnt have to be an entire system but any of the worlds in them or one you might want to make if that's your fancy without hassle of needing to try to get room in the sector map or needing to garner for an FMs attention or stamp (Cause I'm giving those both now!) or any interference unless its warented (which would take a pretty big IF, I'm pretty open with whatever anyone has ever wanted to do for nepleslia in the past and that hasn't changed!)

The only condition that you remember these are Nepleslian worlds in Nepleslian space and as such arent made into bases or locations for other factions, Or the site of something so beyond the suspension of disbelief that it wouldn't make sense for something in practically the sectors core to exist suddenly without some good background.

These systems are broken up into three parts. The Colonial Expanse to the northern parts of nepleslia, The Nepleslian Core in its center, and the former Mishu worlds.

Not all of Nepleslia's worlds are listed here but of those three categories the ones that need the most love are:

Systems of the colonial expanse:

Red Sky
Gold Coast
Shinjiyuu (Home to most nepleslia's jiyuu population)
Dejection (Big base of nepleslias IPG)
Fortuna(Spooky place to visit)
Avante (No longer has a system article or was never made, isnt that a shame?! free to be what you please. Used to contain an ocean world.)

Systems of the Nepleslian Core:

Majestic (Slightly fleshed out by former member Luca but up for grabs now)
Veritas (In an importat location between nepleslia, yamatai, and elysia. Good place for a big military something or other)

Former mishu captured systems:
Many of these systems can be renamed to something more appealing as some were already when they were captured so long ago.

hyulughflar (Former capital of the mishu empire)
sfpurflik (Now named Sparticus)
urghaflu (Now called breakers point)

And I'm sorry that I don't have much to offer for anyone who takes this on other than my gratitude. Just know it is as I advertise it; An open and willing canvas waiting for people to paint them without anyone getting in their way and with my blessing to do just about whatever you please with no interference from me and my support wherever I can lend it. These locations have been untouched for over half a decade for most of them so there's plenty of room to work with as for how or why any of them could have changed.

And I'm not exclusively asking anyone to do my job for me; I have every intention of working on these locations myself in the future I'm just not nearly as imaginative or creative as some people out there and would rather give first dibs to anyone who wants to do anything to these locations first before i butcher them~
I'd be interested in helping out, though I'd have to do quite a bit of reading to get an idea of formats and things.
It might help if there is a google doc or something for who is doing what. Will help avoid people double-tapping a system. I will help out, both because they need to be touched up and I can meld that human culture I was working on to the expanse.
I know this is a bit of an ask but would you consider transferring Mwigflukbajik to Yamatai and let me flesh out that system? It's historically important to the Nekovalkyrja (a lot of Star Army catgirls died there in the Mishhu War). I am not sure what Yamatai could offer in return but you would have Yamatai's gratitude, which is worth something. It'd be one less page for you to worry about. Any Nepleslians or Nepleslian military bases there would be welcome to stay as long as you like. I'm also willing to discuss other Nepleslian support bases in Yamataian space.
Im fine with transfering Mwigflukbajik back to yamatai if we can make a post about it in RP or a news post about it if only cause 90% of its looooooooong name already stretches into yamatais borders!

Just in the spirit of this thread flesh it out with some new love. Could maybe be some kind of memorial world with a giant statue of liberty sized statue comemorating all those dead as a place for veterans of the mishu wars to visit in memorium.

Its not in neps interest to simply give it away, however. So just say yamatai completed long-standing negotiations to purchase the rights to the system in a news post and leave any numbers vague or out completely.

for @Cowboy glad to have you, take ye time and read what ye will if ye need to. The Nepleslia section of the wiki has all ye need if ye need any background.

as for @demibear that's not a bad idea, ill set up a page or doc at some point or make a post here at some point if enough people take interest~
I noticed a lot of the P1 systems are little more than a description of the primary planet if anyone doesn't want to bother with that.
It wont be today or even during the week but i will obviously be taking some of these myself and will update accordingly when i do. I don't intend to just let others shoulder all the work after all and have been meaning to take these on piecemeal for some time.
I don’t mind setting shop on some worlds as an extension of our contract between Nep and Sunavi i’m planning to branch out more cultural stuff under Sunavi that might benefit Nep
As i mentioned here ill be taking on some of these myself. Ill be turning Veritas into a major military port for the NSN due to its strategic importance to the DIoN considering how losing it essentially cuts the DIoN in half.

Been wanting to put a space-academy somewhere for the NSN for a while now anyway and its as good a place as any considering how many ships pass through it every day in the DIoN it's our equivalent of the Panama canal!
Im not the most knowledgeable on all of the aspects of Sarp but if you can use my help just let me know.
Any help is more than i already have. If ye want just claim a system to mess around with later. Few of them are claimed and likely wont be any time soon but if one catches ye fancy for something in the future the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago~

Also recently finished my first system on the list~
I want to create more culture in Sarp. Since its peace time I am looking to make more civilian areas that can be used in roleplay.
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