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T1 "Norris" Tank

I like it. It reminds me of the game "Tiny Tank" which I loved.

I see no reason for this not to be approved.
Although the saw blades given their current position (Up near the headlights) are pretty much going to be only useful against infantry. As high up as they are, the tree stumps would probably be just as much a impediment as the tree. But hey, as you said, great for intimidation
My thoughts are very mixed on this, so it might just be for the best to come out and say it.

I like the looks of the DOGA, it's some excellent work from Wes as always. I also appreciate the sentiment and the effort given to it.

However, fact of the matter is that Nepleslia hasn't ever used tanks as a mainline combat unit. Most of our ground operations include squads of armored infantry, the only real support vehicle we have other than straight-up jeeps or Kampfers VTOL Viper.

I say that the tank might not actually have a place because, in some ways, you can consider an Aggressor to be a walking, vertical tank.

So hopefully you can see my dilemma between Nepleslia's current identity and my own personal like for the tank. It would be a pretty big change in Nepleslia's military if we introduce a main battle tank; a change that is probably out of my jurisdiction and might have to go directly to Boss Tom.
Well that dosen't mean the tank couldn't belong to one of the other nep factions. Fighting on Nepleslia has used a variety of weapons including just about anything that anyone can get their hands on. It can also be said that the tank hasn't been seen because all of nep's IC military operations so far have been landings on planets where we can't easily get tanks shipped to.

That aside, what I really don't like about it is that it looks really cartoony and I'm not a big fan of Nep's comical side.
Reds maybe? I know if the Blacks have the black market under their thumbs, they'd have access to a wide array of military hardware already. So a tank would likely be a older style vehicle, or more of a showpiece/older vehicle approaching archaic. (Think owning a classic car. It'd still definitely have its uses, but the owner maybe a bit loathe to use it.)

But in all honesty, the real question here is. Considering the Green's current military structuring and equipment. Where would a tank fit in. I can see the uses, tanks are very good platforms, but Moonman raised some valid points on his part.
Benefits of tanks vs. power armor:

- Much less complicated/costly to build (frees up factories)
- Easier to repair
- Can carry larger and more numerous weaponry
- Can achieve a higher defense (SP)
- Can carry more soldiers inside (you can give 3 troops a tank, or give 3 troops 3 expensive power armors)
- Can carry more supplies for extended duration missions

Ideally, tanks and infantry should work together instead of us trying to make the infantry do everything. For planetary conflicts, save power armor for the elite soldiers and put the regular dudes in tanks and body armor.
While I don't think that assessment of tanks v power armors is exactly fair, that is perhaps best saved for a larger more in depth article.

I think the only real issue is the fluff behind the T1. From its looks it does seem older, perhaps if this was changed to a tank that has been around for a while sense prior to SMoDIN it would be more acceptable to the Moonman?

Or if that fails it could be a cheap, mass produced tank marketed towards local police forces and the like. Something that isn't intended as a front line unit?
...be one hellova police force to field tanks. 0.0;

Honestly, I think the model just needs some more detailing (this is why I have a slight BURNINHELL!! relationship with DOGA >:( ), and with some modifications to the chassis you could make this look like a mo-fooking killing machine.

I'd offer to have a hand in sketching it out, but I've all ready obbsesive-compulsed Yoroko's carrier. :(
Nepleslian Civilians carry around RPGs and what remains of the blacks, reds, and yellows, almost certain posses more than that in terms of firepower.

The Blues (nep's police) Have traditionally carried a ridiculous amount of firepower with them, less SWAT more Judge Dreadd. I don't really know the status of the Blues right now though, now that the greens are 'in charge' I would assume they try and do some sort of changes to the blues.

But I beleive the needs of the Nep police force would be better meet by a much lighter, multi wheeled vehicle with a smalled calibre turret capable of loading mulitple types of rounds (AP for vehicles, HE to make new doors in buildings, rubber canister shot for riot control, etc..) capable of transports a small contingent of officers in the back. But that's just me...

As for the T1, at the very worst you could simply use it as a mobile gun platform and hull it down in a defensive position. Perhaps a varient with some form of AA capability as a primary weapon?
FYIs: Hull down hasn't been effective sense korea, the blues use machine guns for riot control, and wheels are no where near as manly.
Uso said:
...Hull down hasn't been effective sense korea...

*blink blink*

Look, I could go on for hours about this, but this isn't the thread, or even the forum for such a discussion, so as Mr.T would say "I PITY THE FOOL WHO DON'T CARE ABOUT HIS TANK!! >:( " .
I have an idea for an alternate attachment, although it requires a bit of thread necromancy on my part.

It involves taking a combine harvester apart and putting the business end on front, and pointing the spitter either behind you or to your side, with whatever doesn't get chewed up flung into the air.

I think someone once said that watching the bodies and gibs of your former comrades fly at you has a significant effect on morale.
Maybe pull this attachment in when you've one hell of a human-occupied landfill to clean up, and a cleaning crew behind you. Windscreen wipers optional.

Maybe agricultural planets have a chance against invaders with this thing.

(( Shamelessly got the idea from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2eSP3D0s0w when I was drunk. ))
Chain flails were used during WWII for mine clearing though I've never heard of them being used against infantry to kill them. I have heard that germans would surrender to them on sight do to the 'holy shit what is that?' factor.

Of course that didn't stop them from doing it in Company of Heros: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_7VGILzGg0
(ok, the guy in the video is a noob, but it illustrates the point)

Live action chainflail usage (skip ahead to about 4min in):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf6CsvAf ... re=related
Hi, guise. Just adding my two cents in, if it counts.

It's a genuine approach by a genuine Admin to help Nepleslia beef up its military equipment. You can all see similar efforts in the sweet trucks that we've gotten, as well as other submissions by Wes for Nepleslia.

That being said, tanks have been in use for nearly 100 years IRL. I don't understand how a fictional civilization, more advanced than us, could possibly reshape and reform the tank from what amounts to being a machine used to stronghold strategic points and provide cover for comparatively lightly armed (and armored) soldiers.

But in SARP, where a single PA can carry a dizzying array of weapons, shields, armor, electronic warfare devices, etc. it seems like the Powered Armor has filled the gap between infantry and tank (MGS fans eat your heart out at this reference.) And the very act of invading a planet with ground forces implies a victory won in space, which leads to masses of infantry dropped right at their destination and covered by starship firepower.

It's just my small opinion that the Nepleslian military needs to reshape its image from being a mass of heavily armed combatants winning through attrition to a mass of heavily armed combatants winning through precision strikes, air superiority and maneuver warfare. If this sounds like how a very familiar faction in the SARP goes about combat, consider imitation as the most sincere form of flattery.

However, maybe this tank could be re-made into a light tank that can easily be air-dropped amongst infantry in maneuver warfare?

Again, just my two cents. I could be entirely wrong in my opinions.