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Tagging Threads

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Star Army has a huge wealth of history on the forum. We have posts on here to as far back as 2004. With only a few exceptions, all RPs posts and most other posts have been kept around. But to access that content, we need to be able to find stuff. We've got a search function that works pretty well and we also have a tag system for threads, which I want to briefly talk about.

When you tag a thread, it gets added to the tag's page (example: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?tags/star-army-of-yamatai/ )

Any "proper noun" is a good thing to tag threads with. For example, if an RP has the Rixxikor and the Sbuhfaba star system, both of those are good things to tag it with. You can make up whatever tags you want for threads. Like if it's a downtime thread, maybe "downtime" would be good. Since people can put whatever they want, I will be occasionally editing existing tags to fix typos or merge very similar tags (like today I merged role playing into roleplaying). If you want to make special tags like "Posts that Nyton Claymere is in" or "Second Mishhuvurthyar War" go for it! Also if you pm me with a tag and a list of threads to put it on, I can do that for you.

To help get people used to tagging, as of today, setting discussion threads will need to have at least one tag in them. I haven't put tag requirements on any other forum, though, so it's on you guys to help make this work by tagging your threads.
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