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Approved Submission Tange Re-submission(Update)

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Ser Spit
Inactive Member
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Just no.

You're retconning stuff from when it was a Lorath system and roleplayed by Lorath GMs. Your information is contradictory to established canon.

Go away with your metagaming in an attempt exclusively to mess with my plot. It's not going to work.
I don't see anything retconned here. All of the changes seem to be history that takes place after the formation of Asteria.

Ira: It might be useful if for all the changes (e.g. setup of the mining operation, etc. you put Yamataian calendar dates on those to establish a timeline.
Following some discussion on the Discord, I think "find the star system post Second Mishhuvurthyar War" in the dukedom section is too vague. Go ahead and add " in YE 39" to clear it up perhaps?
Okay, I've edited the months into the article (Lorath departure was 4月 and Asteria was formed in 6月 so I put 7月 for the Duke, which is the current month. Raz's plot takes place before Asteria was formed so none of these changes should affect it.

Unless there's any more objections, I intend to approve this in 3 days.
Stuff like this is a retcon, unless a ton of people and aliens decided to flock to the Tange system just after Asteria was formed.

The Tange system is near desolate, as described on the LSDF Val'ta plot. Sure, it has remnants of a lot of organizations and peoples, but there's no established pseudo-civilization or "fiefdoms" like some weird Max Max fever dream. I have already described the Tange system according to established RP (researched Val'ta and Tange evacuation RP). It would be a retcon.
I think that's exactly what's happening, though. Asteria is formed and then the empty system shortly thereafter sees the Duke and his people show up and set up shop.

During the time your plot happens, the system would still be in a vacant state. I can add that to the article if you like.
Asteria is formed and then the empty system shortly thereafter sees the Duke and his people show up and set up shop.
That's fine and isn't any kind of conflict, but it's not what the article says. The article, again, says: "arrived in Tange in 7月 YE 39 to find the star system still very much populated."

As a reader, that sentence tells me that this dude found teeming den of rogues ripe for unification and exploitation rather than the dark and desolate post-apocalypse that has been already established β€” and established by RP that wasn't even mine.
Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe Ira can edit that part?
@raz: can you directly link me to what the Valta actually says about Tange's population?
I believe the part saying "to find the star system still very much populated" is referring to the fact that there were NMX stragglers there. If Ira makes the article more specific, I think that'll clear it up nicely.
@raz: can you directly link me to what the Valta actually says about Tange's population?
I haven't said anything about population. The population can be whatever (within reason given the evacuation of 250k and however many other millions were used by the NMX by war's end). That's up to the submission mods.

I'm talking about the atmosphere that the system evokes and how the system thematically feels. There's a lot of RP to go through, so I'm first going to link/quote something from the Akahar regarding the emptiness present in the system itself:
It's a graveyard. Literally described as a "necropolis."

Next, we have the summary of items logged and people rescued from Tange IV by the Val'ta. There are a lot of individual posts in the 14 pages of Val'ta that describe its desolation. Anyone can click the quote link-through and read themselves if they'd like to find those.
She quickly made inventory of all the things everybody had gathered before leaving Tange IV:
So basically they encountered six NMX Neko who were living in a carpark who the crew befriended, four refugees who were the only survivors from their entire apartment development, a weird robot, and then 2 Nepleslians who'd been imprisoned. This stuff is also generally logged on the Val'ta's wiki.

The overall picture painted up to this point has been one of desperation and emptiness, not somewhere teeming with pirate traffic and "fiefdoms" or "provinces" just waiting to be unified. Sounds like it's generally worked out, but still thought I'd share these since you asked.
I have been reading along and such. Don't consider me an expert, but these Role-plays are set several years apart, am I correct? A lot of things could have changed- Including many pirates moving in I imagine.
I have been reading along and such. Don't consider me an expert, but these Role-plays are set several years apart, am I correct? A lot of things could have changed- Including many pirates moving in I imagine.

Three or four years is nowhere near enough time for that many pirates to move in, @Zekec, nor would the Matriarchy have allowed them to move in to begin with - and it certainly isn't enough time for "provinces" and "fiefdoms" to be formed.
I do not find this onerous.

The implication that we're writing this simply to mess with Raz's plot is insulting and has been addressed elsewhere.

Tange is one of the systems that we're going to be updating, along with the other three systems, and I've given Ira permission to make those edits. He's adopting the system and wants to use it to tell stories.

Is the issue here the numbers that he is listing? They can be lowered if they seem unreasonable.

Late (afterthought) edit: FM-approved RP has already happened indicating that there were two settlements on Tange IV. Numbers were not mentioned, but their existence is as legitimate as the evidence from the Val'ta plot.
It honestly only takes a few years for people to move around, and the very fact the Val'ta did find some inhabitants is something in our favor. By the time Asteria comes into existence, they could have started to organize a bit more and the like. If we're worried about the atmosphere of desolation, we can definitely add that into the article.

Make it feel like they're settling a necropolis or something.
If this statement is true:
The implication that we're writing this simply to mess with Raz's plot is insulting and has been addressed elsewhere.
Then this statement isn't:
By the time Asteria comes into existence, they could have started to organize a bit more and the like
If you're not messing with my plot, none of the updates should materialize until after the IC date that corresponds with your faction's approval.
Well, I don't see how this interferes with your plot. The planet had a huge population, and it's bizarre to have them all be gone. However, talking on Discord, Ira can reduce the numbers and simply list them as squatters and such. These scattered squatters are insignificant enough that they shouldn't interfere with your plot whatsoever, and as an added bonus, also account for what the Val'ta had found.

Even if it was completely depopulated, it's been years since it's been evac'd - there should be something by now.
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