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Approved Submission Tange Re-submission(Update)

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Ser Spit
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I've actually reduced the population about 1%. Logically vagabonds and stragglers have likely moved into that prime time real estate
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Late (afterthought) edit: FM-approved RP has already happened indicating that there were two settlements on Tange IV. Numbers were not mentioned, but their existence is as legitimate as the evidence from the Val'ta plot.

Their existence is not as legitimate @Gallant, seeing as how the RP you mentioned is still Open RP, not "canon" RP like the LSDF Val'ta.

Raz. That's the truth. I do not mind anything you do in your plot.

Then why was such a huge deal made out of it in the planning thread, @Ira?

Well, I don't see how this interferes with your plot. The planet had a huge population, and it's bizarre to have them all be gone.

Wars tend to do "bizarre" things like that to planetary populations, @CadetNewb - and the entire population of Tange was not gone, unless the crew of the Val'ta were conversing with ghosts or something.

However, talking on Discord, Ira can reduce the numbers and simply list them as squatters and such. These scattered squatters are insignificant enough that they shouldn't interfere with your plot whatsoever, and as an added bonus, also account for what the Val'ta had found.

And yet these "squatters" were able to unify into "fiefdoms," conveniently rebel, and somehow acquire a fleet of ships?


Even if it was completely depopulated, it's been years since it's been evac'd - there should be something by now.

Did you even read the Val'ta thread, Cadet? There was something there - or are you saying that the crew of the Val'ta simply hallucinated their conversations?
I've justified the low population as the result of gradual repopulation in the last 4 years. The population numbers listed are no where's even close to what they originally where. I did not go half way to appease you.

I went 99% of the distance. Can you, for the sake of arguing be okay with that concession.
Okay, so a very low, but nonzero population seems to be the status quo during the time Raz's ship comes through. It also is possible for NMX leftovers to be inhabiting parts of the planet. The LSDF doesn't seem to have actually secured the planet prior to their big retreat.

So the current needs for this article to be approved are:

1. @Ira: Can you add super low population numbers in the history for the time prior to Asteria, and keep the current numbers as "present day" after Asterians and Garts settled?

2. After that happens can @raz indicate he can work with that?

3. The wiki is our canon yet the is no mention of the Valta in this article at all. This is a general call for someone to add as much Valta info to the article as possible.
I haven't read the Val'ta yet since I've been going through the Trishka, but I'll go read that first instead. Unless someone's faster or more knowledgeable, I'll try and get to updating the details. Regarding Tange though, I suggest stating in the article that the majority of the people there were simply hiding, so that cursory sensor scans wouldn't find them. It would help the article and the series of events make more sense I think.
I haven't read the Val'ta yet since I've been going through the Trishka, but I'll go read that first instead. Unless someone's faster or more knowledgeable, I'll try and get to updating the details. Regarding Tange though, I suggest stating in the article that the majority of the people there were simply hiding, so that cursory sensor scans wouldn't find them. It would help the article and the series of events make more sense I think.

This assumes that the Kokatsū and/or the SAINT vessels that originally surveyed the system only performed "cursory sensor scans" - which (unless @raz says otherwise) would not be the case, especially for an organization as..."thorough" as SAINT.
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Tange's population problem was not people 'hiding'. The planet was pretty much abandoned. There were still people on it, but it was a very small amount. The infrastructure was still there, and relatively recent (like less than a decade old) but in disrepair. There was also no logical reason for them to be 'hiding'. So the planet did actually have a almost non existent population.

Edit: after reading through the thread fully now another point to point out is we were essentially taking people off Tange, not putting them on. Really...-all- of you should just notice the people that were actually there for it so we can tell you what's up with the planet when you're having arguments.

In short, the best logical thing to do would be to migrate a large population in all at once after the SAINT investigation. Infrastructure is there, though in disrepair, so you can get civilization up really fast, even if it's a little ugly. But you have to move a huge amount of people.
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So they couldn't receive a:

Stand down order

Call to return to port due to a disaster or event.

Orders to reroute due to a much more important event turning up

A systems failure, and so on? Seems to me it's easier to make an RP post than it is to jump on an edit a wiki article.
And also my effort isn't getting addressed: I broke down the population to 1% of its former size in an effort to compromise. That apparantly still isn't good enough. That needs to be addressed too. When somebody gives you don't go "oh well give more"
Even if they received a stand down order, that wouldn't change the fact that they have already been there an thus the population would be small. All a stand down would do is make it so they haven't explored the entire planet. It wouldn't change the population. It's only been 2 years since the Val'ta has been there. And they did a population scan as well. So even if someone SAINT wasn't there, that only gives you a couple month's extra you can have population go in, because the Lor kept their eye on the planet because there were evac efforts going.

Short of actually retconning the Val'ta either way you're gonna have to start with almost no population when Asteria gets the planet.
Except: the system had an initial population of 300 million. That wasn't my writing mind you. But 300 million people don't just up an vanish.

That's my point I don't want that poor quality of writing where things are so simple. Because things are never simple.

If that is what Raz's plot is doing then it needs to pick another system.
And also, we have a plot too. It's already posted. That plot is based on what I just said.
And also my effort isn't getting addressed: I broke down the population to 1% of its former size in an effort to compromise. That apparantly still isn't good enough. That needs to be addressed too. When somebody gives you don't go "oh well give more"
This might sound a little rude, but the reason your 1% population has not been addressed is because no one has addressed you yet. The topic I was addressing was the 'people coudl be hiding' and that the Val'ta wasn't adding people but taking people from the planet. And then you aksed why no one has suggested SAINT leave, and I addressed that. Your 1% population has not come up.

Except: the system had an initial population of 300 million. That wasn't my writing mind you. But 300 million people don't just up an vanish.

That's my point I don't want that poor quality of writing where things are so simple. Because things are never simple.

If that is what Raz's plot is doing then it needs to pick another system.
300 million people -did- up an vanish. It was not Raz' plot that said they were gone. It was the Val'ta which was directly being fed infomration by DocTomoe. So it's freakishly low population is simply fact. That's no up for question. Raz is doing nothing strange by saying the population is low.

And also, we have a plot too. It's already posted. That plot is based on what I just said.
please stop posting back to back. Take yoru time, and collect your thoughts into one post, and get that out. Stop rushing to get post out.
Sorry but 300 million people up and vanishing is shoddy writing and that's unacceptable. Needless to say the adjustment was made.

Now the ball is in their court. Where is their effort?
Sorry but 300 million people up and vanishing is shoddy writing and that's unacceptable. Needless to say the adjustment was made.

Now the ball is in their court. Where is their effort?
They haven't even responded yet to show their effort. And it's not 'shoddy writing' it is writing that you don't like. But quite frankly whether you like it or not is entirely irrelevant. It is a fact of the site that Tange's population is pretty much gone, if you don't like that maybe you should head to a different system. In the end no attempt to repopulate Tange was made by the Lorath government so the planet stayed as it was. Unless some canon evidence can be found that predates Raz' RP that suggest that the re-population was going smoothly, then it's a fact that Tange has low population, not an opinion.
Dude they have been responding. I made the edits almost initially and it is still a discussion? Also by your logic there was no real rp played out showing us the extermination of the people in the Tange system. The wiki wasn't even touched.

At best there was a nepleslian article saying they evacuated some 250,000 people. Other then that it can be assumed a bunch more people died. But to be told they all did? That is not at all how things would be or pan out. People would survive. In this case, only 1% of the population made it.

How is that unreasonable? I'll answer. It isn't.

Also he edit I made suggests that the people on Tange presently are fairly recent settlers flow vario origins that came and with in the past 4 years. So. Why is that so hard to include into rp?
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I personally believe saying in those two empty years no one rped, people could move in......and this should be settled by now. We decreased the pop, it's done.
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