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Approved Submission Tange Re-submission(Update)

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Ser Spit
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Raz has not made 1 reply since you have stated that you lowered the population to 1%. Cadet and Frost have responded twice since then, Frost however has no control of any elements involved in this so he's not part of "Raz'" side. So really only your side has responded since then. Wes did make a post of mediation post, which you have not replied to.

And there doesn't need to be RP of how the population left, just that they had left, which is the case, because the Val'ta Plot said they were gone, that plot is cannon, so they are gone. That is fact. There could be any number of ways to explain it, maybe the plan was to at some time get into detail about it, but it never happened. But what -did- happen was the canonization of the fact that the planet has low population.

And once again, no one has said whether your 1% population is acceptable or unacceptable yet. No one has commented on it. This is why I don't like talking to you, you do not have the ability to actually listen to what people are saying, and instead you hear, and then distort what is being said in your mind and then reply to that distortion.

What you have been asked to do is to take steps towards a compromise, and then wait for the other side's reply and then mediation will go from there.

Instead what you have done is bring up a question that you knew the answer to, and used it as a means to drag out a conversation. And you have taken my replies to that conversation and twisted them into some sort of refusal of your 1% population so that you can say that the other side, which I am no part of, is being unreasonable.

You have ceased attempting to compromise and have instead tried to make yourself "the better man" in this. Fortunately for you @Wes is the SM and not me, because I do not tolerate such actions in the places that I run. If you are interested in compromise accept the answer to your question, sit down, and -wait- for the next step that the mediator (Wes) provided.

Also any settlers would've had to show up in the past 2 years, not 4, as Val'ta happened 2 years ago. And for Raz's RP to work any very large populations would've had to show up after his plot.(Again the number that's acceptable has to be discussed)

I personally believe saying in those two empty years no one rped, people could move in......and this should be settled by now. We decreased the pop, it's done.
It has yet to be determined if the population numbers are acceptable. It's not down because neither Ira or Raz has answered Wes yet. At this point neither side gets 100% say in what is or isn't acceptable, because it's gone back and forward too much and now requires mediation.
I didn't say I took steps to a compromise. I did compromise. A 99% compromise. Yet this is a problem.

To answer @Wes because I'll admit I never did answer him here.

Yes we can update the numbers as you suggested.
I made some history section updates, not really as nice as I wanted but I am on my phone.
Reactions: Ira
I made some history section updates, not really as nice as I wanted but I am on my phone.

I like them. These additions are okay by me! Well the red link gets me but I assume that will be a non issue soon.
So it's clear: With the flurry of drama, I'm asking this thread be cleared of people who are not submitter or staff.

Thread remains open for those people alone.
@Ira: It's been 6 or 7 years since the NMX left Tange, do you think that there would still be a significant NMX presence after that time? The Valta found a few NMX nekos but they seemed to be the exception to the rule.
If I had to guess it's likely a group of nomads who came to check out the system and decided to chill. Not even a full military force. Battered remenants of a defeated empire just lookin for a home. You couldn't even call them NMX. They used to be.

I've seen groups of former NMX in the recent depicted as pirates, thugs. It stands to reason we could see wanderers and minor fiefdoms too. But they are likely no longer much of a threat to any nation anymore. At best they would be an annoying neighbor, at worst bandits and reavers.

In raz's notes it said he would have combat. Could certainly be some of the local former nmx in the region.
I don't care about the population. 3 million out of 304,540,213 seems reasonable considering the war and stuff.

Just please stop adding details that weren't there until after Asteria happened. They took control upon approval, so making any changes retroactive to before the faction's existence is completely overboard.

Tange and the other former Lorath worlds existed in a particular state until that time, and I used that information, so stop trying to say "this was actually here and so on!" Stop asserting that my plot may have just missed some really big and signifiant thing that it was their mission to investigate.
I thought it was assumed that my stuff arrived after your ship came to the system? I am not discussing anything Lorath. I don't care about Lorath stuff.

I ever asserted anything for the plot. Tange is like Siberia. Hamletts trying to survive spread out over an entire planet. With ruined cities. Escaped science experiments, maybe a pirate base or former nmx squatting area. And if you have and idea you'd like to add, just say it and I'm sure we can put it on the article.
For clarification: I've made all of the early history section myself, based on research I did searching the forums and wiki. Ira's history stuff is only in the history in the The New Dukedom section, which all takes place 3 months after your plot, @raz.
Update: I spoke with Raz and he said the current version works for him. Does it work for you, @Ira and @Gallant?

Update 2: Got the OK from Ira.
Yes it has my okay. Gallant is taking a break for a few days, but @CadetNewb is the other asterian gm and can give his blessing or objection I think.
Article approved.
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