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TASHA M9 AI Hovertank

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Hmm...what powers it? With the gadgetry, and weight (due to the heavy armor) it'd need a decent power source to be active I imagine DR 9 to 10 Armor? Guessing it is either thick Zesuaium, or a coated variety? And as for the sensor suites, details are at best sketchy since I think when it is used, it is just switched on, fired, and then left to recharge since there are several different varieties of how it is done due to several different takes on the matter. *Is looking at the Yui's Interphasic Quantum Entropy Field Emitter as a reference as well as the Denial Wave and Bellystabber's Combined Pulse Cannons*

The weapons I got no issues with since they're pretty much like the Tachikoma's in numbers and implication. The shield is also fine. The cargo compartment could come in handy in tight situations, also, how does it walk up on walls? Gravity manipulation the same way of the Mindy, or some kind of suction, magnetic rollers, etc etc? Also, links to some of the tech please? And some descriptions, details etc etc?
I added details based on your suggestions:

- wall-walking elaborated
- armor materials described
- Power System section added
Could you maybe elaborate some more on the missile pods? As in, do they use Powered Armor missiles like the one used on the Mindy, Daisy, Kylie and what not? Not trying to prod, just would be nice for some detail on some of the stuff since it'll let anyone who uses one know what they have to work with and avoid confusion, and just what they can expect out of the Tasha since I'm actually digging the idea of this. :)

And...I'm actually curious on the repair kit's contents. I know there are a few wiki pages with repair kits, Type 31 Repair Kit, and the Portable Repair Kit Page is it based on anyone of these?
The repair kit is equivalent to the Portable Repair Kit premium version.

For (first-generation) TASHA armors, they will use the same mini-missile pods as the Mindy armor mounts on its thighs or lower legs.

I will add this info to the page.
It's like a neko. It can walk around and climb, but it can also float around at car-like speeds if needed. In combat, it will typically move around in short bursts of speed rather than just hover around like an attack helicopter.
It's late, I'm ill but these are my first impressions:

  • Why does this actually need an AI? Does it assist normal armor or work in a group or is this rule-of-cool-I-liked-tachikoma-and-want-that-cuteness-on-my-plotship? Be honest with me.

    Elaborate on the cargo capacity.

    DR9 is excessive. DR10 is ridiculous. Pick a damn number - too vague. What on earth grants it the right to survive this kind of strike? What technology other than fancyanium plating that can be struck to shatter the interior systems or even blown off entirely?

    Four mini-arms is excessive. Two frontal claws, two human hands and a multi-function arm and a cutting-tool arm seem sufficient.

    What is the history or purpose of this unit? Why are you not even following the basic armor template you yourself established? We have Heading1 for a reason.

    Like a tachikoma
    If you remember, a Tachikoma is quite fragile, very agile and very mobile. It's purpose is reconnaissance and special operations. Barely a tank at all.

    What you really want to do with this is turn it into some kind of Main-Battle-Tank. It's ideal for urban combat and could even give a starship hassle in a zero-G environment because it can latch onto a hull and refuse to let go because of it's arms: like a tick -- and cut.

    Why not set zesuaium/yamatium tipped claws onto the feet that can unfurl and grip into surfaces to stabilize it when firing it's big gun (regardless of the surface - even a starship's hull or concrete)?

    When you're saying "this thing is a bitch for armor pilots to kill" go by what other nations use: The Mindy is not a standard armor and therefor not an ideal bench-mark.

    Mindy is special-issue equipment when it has zesuaium armor. Otherwise, it is a fairly normal but highly agile (if not slightly plain) powered armor.

    A lot needs addressing. Keep at it but you need to bring something fresh and SARP relevant to the table without just using your Yamatai-Fu to make it psudo-invincible by giving it an inappropriate DR rating.

    It should be slow but immune to melee weapons and strike with immunity: getting up after being knocked down and refusing to die in a single hit.

    Also, it's a lot closer to that big badass tank that chewed out the Tachikomas, tbh.

    The fact it's disposable also makes this ideal because it WILL be used if people know losing it doesn't cost them a character and it creates the proper look of a group: Soldiers working alongside a tank that supports them, carries their food and heavy weapons. A sort of symbiosis.

Final thoughts:
...Then again: Why not make three varients? Mass-produced, defense (badass quasi-invincible scary "oh shit! RUN AWAY!" thing) and packhorse for Mindy armors?

Your entry is vague and confusing to read. Everyone will pick every option they can and have the best unit possible at all times because almost nobody ever wants to lose a unit (automated or not) because it's expensive and looks bad.

Thanks your time. Keep at it.

Final Final thoughts:

Make it mortal but make it smart.
It is designed to follow PCs around to provide fire support against enemy armor.

Sorry to double-post but why do you need this when players all clamor for the zesuaium coated Mindy?

Call me ill-informed or perhaps even lazy but surely there's a lightly armored "for everyone including non-neko" Mindy, to give this thing cause?

And seriously -- I'm off to bed.
I feel like my head is trying to eat itself while turning itself inside out while stood ontop of a very tall building looking down into a very deep hole while eating icecream and ketchup.

Needless to say: Owie.
Why does this actually need an AI?
It needs an AI because it is not piloted or externally controlled. I'm annoyed you're asking a question with such an obvious answer.

Does it assist normal armor or work in a group or is this rule-of-cool-I-liked-tachikoma-and-want-that-cuteness-on-my-plotship?
As stated on the stats page, the armor is designed to work with a team of armored infantry. The TASHA is not designed to be cute; it is designed to do its job well.

Elaborate on the cargo capacity.
Cargo capacity is about 1.5m by 1m and 0.5m tall.

DR9 is excessive. DR10 is ridiculous.
No it isn't.
Pick a damn number - too vague.
The armor varies by location. The top/forward area is the most heavily armored.
What on earth grants it the right to survive this kind of strike? What technology other than fancyanium plating that can be struck to shatter the interior systems or even blown off entirely?
Its armor is already listed on the page.

Four mini-arms is excessive. Two frontal claws, two human hands and a multi-function arm and a cutting-tool arm seem sufficient.
The mini-arms are built into the "forearms" of the regular arms and only emerge when Tasha is doing delicate work. The armor has two main "arms," both with cutting torches.

What is the history or purpose of this unit?
The purpose of this unit is stated in the stats. The unit has basically no history at this point.

Why are you not even following the basic armor template you yourself established?
This is not a standard armor.

If you remember, a Tachikoma is quite fragile, very agile and very mobile. It's purpose is reconnaissance and special operations. Barely a tank at all.
The Tasha is not fragile; it is not built for recon or special ops, but for everyday fire support. It is armor in the modern sense of the word (like Abrams tanks).

What you really want to do with this is turn it into some kind of Main-Battle-Tank. It's ideal for urban combat
But this is already what it is - a main tank for use in environments including urban.
even give a starship hassle in a zero-G environment because it can latch onto a hull and refuse to let go because of it's arms: like a tick -- and cut.
While that may be true, the TASHA lacks a way to get to an enemy starship (no space STL/FTL) and would be too large to enter a hole it cut or to fit in starship corridors. A smaller unit with an engine section would work much better. Boarding is a different job for a different armor.

Why not set zesuaium/yamatium tipped claws onto the feet that can unfurl and grip into surfaces to stabilize it when firing it's big gun (regardless of the surface - even a starship's hull or concrete)?
The TASHA already has such claws on its front two legs.

When you're saying "this thing is a bitch for armor pilots to kill" go by what other nations use: The Mindy is not a standard armor and therefor not an ideal bench-mark.

Mindy is special-issue equipment when it has zesuaium armor. Otherwise, it is a fairly normal but highly agile (if not slightly plain) powered armor.
This doesn't really relate to the TASHA so I'm not going to comment on it.

A lot needs addressing. Keep at it but you need to bring something fresh and SARP relevant to the table without just using your Yamatai-Fu to make it psudo-invincible by giving it an inappropriate DR rating.
The DR rating is appropriate for the toughness and materials used.

It should be slow but immune to melee weapons and strike with immunity: getting up after being knocked down and refusing to die in a single hit.
The armor isn't slow, though. Tasha is agile enough to kick, stomp, fling, or grapple any PA that gets too close. Multiple hits is the rule with this tank.

Also, it's a lot closer to that big badass tank that chewed out the Tachikomas, tbh.
I went with a common reference, going for familiarity over accuracy.

The fact it's disposable also makes this ideal because it WILL be used if people know losing it doesn't cost them a character and it creates the proper look of a group: Soldiers working alongside a tank that supports them, carries their food and heavy weapons. A sort of symbiosis.
This is the core reason for me creating this. Armor and infantry work best in when supported by one another. The old BW-6 tank was not ideal for the power armor battlefield; the TASHA is here to fill the gap.

Final thoughts:
...Then again: Why not make three varients? Mass-produced, defense (badass quasi-invincible scary "oh shit! RUN AWAY!" thing) and packhorse for Mindy armors?
At this time, I think one version is sufficient, but would consider a much smaller spinoff for boarding. As for being a packhorse, the packhorse of the Star Army is the STV; the TASHA's cargo capacity is not very large.

Your entry is vague and confusing to read.
The entry is concise and to the point.

Everyone will pick every option they can and have the best unit possible at all times because almost nobody ever wants to lose a unit (automated or not) because it's expensive and looks bad.
What options? The only options are thermoptic camo (decided by captain/GM) and missile pods.

Make it mortal but make it smart.
Already both.

Sorry to double-post but why do you need this when players all clamor for the zesuaium coated Mindy?

Call me ill-informed or perhaps even lazy but surely there's a lightly armored "for everyone including non-neko" Mindy, to give this thing cause?
The TASHA's mission isn't related to what armor material a Mindy is using (and the Tasha will likely work with Daisy or Daisy type armors anyway.
The armor varies by location. The top/forward area is the most heavily armored.

If it does, could you please list it in the page and put the appropriate DR's in those areas please?

Why not set zesuaium/yamatium tipped claws onto the feet that can unfurl and grip into surfaces to stabilize it when firing it's big gun (regardless of the surface - even a starship's hull or concrete)?

The TASHA already has such claws on its front two legs.

Could you also elaborate on these and their functions some please?
I would prefer not to get too detailed on the actual shape of the armor until art is available--therefore I intend not to go into great detail on the actual shape of the claws (although I was thinking just two shovel-like claws).

I edited in the location of the thicker armor.
This tank is not nearly as detailed as the Daisy power armor or the Mindy M2. On top of that, it has armor that is heavy enough to take even the heaviest attacks from any armor available on the battlefield — from any nation.

You should expect the other factions to almost immediately develop ways to completely obliterate this tank. They already have a few of them — starfighters could blast this thing to bits with well placed shots, starships could target them, considering how powerful and threatening they are, and though you state otherwise, I guarantee power armors will find methods that will quickly dispatch these tanks. That's just spurring the arms race.

Haven't we talked about stopping tech development for a while?

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm with Osaka. You've made a Tachikoma and called it something else. You've revealed that we've taken things from Star Trek, from Nadesico, from Bubblegum Crisis. Eventually we've made some of these things more original, including the power armor. But this is a Tachikoma that's been beefed up, with some Bonaparte thrown in.

I think the BW-6 is a better tank that doesn't replace the power armor, as this thing can/does, and it's much more original. And on that basis, I think the Tasha should be rejected.
You should expect the other factions to almost immediately develop ways to completely obliterate this tank. They already have a few of them — starfighters could blast this thing to bits with well placed shots, starships could target them, considering how powerful and threatening they are, and though you state otherwise, I guarantee power armors will find methods that will quickly dispatch these tanks. That's just spurring the arms race.
As with real-life tanks, it doesn't make sense to deploy them at all (or infantry) without first establishing air superiority. Obviously the tank is only a single piece in the Yamataian war machine but it is a helpful peace and that's why we need it.

Haven't we talked about stopping tech development for a while?
The TASHA uses pre-existing systems...there's little development needed to create it; it's primarily just the design.

You've made a Tachikoma and called it something else.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, calling it a Tachikoma isn't accurate and it is NOT a Tachikoma. It's not small, doesn't carry The Major (or any people), doesn't provide comic relief, and is much more heavily armed and armored. It's stupid to reject a legitimate SARP design on the basis of it being a tank with legs. Shirow wasn't the first to imagine legged tanks and he won't be the last. Legged tanks are not the exclusive concept of GITS, so that argument is invalid.

You've made a Tachikoma and called it something else. You've revealed that we've taken things from Star Trek, from Nadesico, from Bubblegum Crisis.
And this **** is downright insulting. While parts of Star Army draw inspiration from various sources (which I have mentioned), nothing has been "taken" from any published series.

I think the BW-6 is a better tank
No it isn't. It doesn't even have electronics...
and it's much more original
It's no more original than the TASHA. If you think the TASHA really a Tachikoma rip-off, then the BW-6 is a rip-off of the Tiger IV or something.
Wes said:
As with real-life tanks, it doesn't make sense to deploy them at all (or infantry) without first establishing air superiority. Obviously the tank is only a single piece in the Yamataian war machine but it is a helpful peace and that's why we need it.
That's where you're wrong. We don't need it. You need it. Have your players told you they need a Tachikoma following them around on the ground? Especially when, by your own admission, few plots actually happen on the ground? We've barely given the Daisy a chance to shine with the weapons it has, and you're already throwing a tankette into the mix.

The TASHA uses pre-existing systems...there's little development needed to create it; it's primarily just the design.
That still violates the spirit of the idea — stopping the arms race between the major factions and just focusing on roleplaying.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, calling it a Tachikoma isn't accurate and it is NOT a Tachikoma. It's not small, doesn't carry The Major (or any people), doesn't provide comic relief, and is much more heavily armed and armored. It's stupid to reject a legitimate SARP design on the basis of it being a tank with legs. Shirow wasn't the first to imagine legged tanks and he won't be the last. Legged tanks are not the exclusive concept of GITS, so that argument is invalid.
What was the first sentence of this very thread before you went and deleted it? "This is basically the SARP's version of the Tachikoma." Removing the sentence doesn't suddenly make it not true.

Using real-world designs for the SARP is acceptable, I believe, because we're using what we have to try and come up with something that we can use here. We're not all technological geniuses. Ripping off the Tiger IV isn't exactly brilliant, but hell, neither is ripping off the CZ 75, is it? Yet that's what I did. I wouldn't do it again and I haven't, as you and others have taught me a lot on this site and now I don't need to.

But that's not what this is. Again, by your own admission, "This is basically the SARP's version of the Tachikoma."

And this **** is downright insulting. While parts of Star Army draw inspiration from various sources (which I have mentioned), nothing has been "taken" from any published series.
Poor choice of words on my part. I'm not saying you plagiarized. But still, look at Nepleslian power armor — it's much more original than this. It's not drawing so directly from an established — and very popular and recognizable — work of fiction.
That's what I meant by what I said. You're not doing enough to make it a real SARP design. Most of the elements of a Tachikoma are on this tankette, right down to the grappling hooks. You've even allowed for the AI to "develop its own personality" if so desired.

You could do more to make this much more original, and it would boost the view not only of Yamatai but of yourself. People see this and think it's lame. I don't want that brush to be painted on Yamatai yet again. I work hard to submit original designs, as others do for Yamatai on this site, and this submission just makes us all look lame and, frankly, takes all the fun out of roleplaying in an armor.

No it isn't. It doesn't even have electronics...
I smell the opportunity for a BW-7 or -8 then. Want me to get started?
so that argument is invalid.

Waiter, your argument is invalid:
There is a quadrapedal tank in my soup.
...And some sort of scorpion lolita breakfast machine.

And this **** is downright insulting. While parts of Star Army draw inspiration from various sources (which I have mentioned), nothing has been "taken" from any published series.

So what's CFS, Wes?
What are contemporary armors, Wes?

I could go on. We all could. Among ourselves, we do so on a frequent basis, reminding ourselves of just what it is we face on an honest basis.

Everyone I've ever asked who's never been here who examines Yamatai tells me the same thing: "It's Startrek with lesbians, isn't it?". Sometimes, they're eloquent enough to spot things (as Doshii has outlined).

You need to shake off this image.

Start now by either having more ground engagements so you actually need to USE this thing or by converging it with your vision of a star-fighter. Up the size a little and rather than turn it into a "baby-tank" have it sit somewhere between bomber, drop-ship and cargo carrier with mean armor and mean weapons to boot.

Trying to have your cake and eat it with either zero compromise or zero imagination is a sign of someone unwilling to design smart.

I would have given this Zesuaium tiles. While they can peel off, they provide repeated defense against weapons smaller armor can't handle (thus it makes sense for them to get behind or inside it).

This also means if you do this properly, you can stop having armor that run for weeks at a time by making them recharge at the tank/mother-armor.
The room you spent on a bulky aetheric generator can go on making your armor more resilient to electronic warfare, so they can still function when the systems they're dependent on go offline.

This could be your contingency against so many things.

It could have even become a cheap defense satellite or an assault drone to be launched from gunships to bolster and amplify their defensive fields.
Funnels for starships!! That's unheard of!

The potentials for originality here are immense if you step away from the conventional roles of a tank but hold strong the idea of heavy armor, low mobility and the ability to rip even bigger units like bombers and frames new holes of an explicit nature.

I've said my bit.

And Wes. I don't care if its armor or not:
Everything from body-armor to star-fortress' follow that template, using those proper cross-linkable easy-to-navigate headers instead of just "bold/newline" like the old ways were on the forum.

If you can't use the wiki properly, ask someone to help you.
This seems largely unnecessary. Developing this is just using up even more space on ships for something absolutely unrequired. Daisies are fine, and better yet, can be crewed by a person/neko, aka a PC. This can't.

You have more then enough stuff for Yamatai, really. And even then, you only use the same five stuff -- As a whole of Yamatai, not just you -- for everything.

And... Wesley... Your primary species of the setting is a bunch of bio-machines that take the form of Cat girls.

... Don't play the originality card. :lol:
Okay, that's enough.

Wes, take a deep breath. Doshii Jun, I understand what you are aiming at, but just back off a little bit. OsakanOne, lay off for a bit too (I find your reviews entertaining and enlightening to read, but you went a little to far in your last post). Gamer, you're not helping by pouring more oil on the fire.


Wes, the main issue which rears up its head and actually has credence is what the Tasha is, what's it's doing in our universe and how it's going to help promote roleplay, from the perspective of an ally and that of an opponent.

Referencing it from the Tachikoma for starters is fine to give us a skeleton of an idea of what it might look like - I remember larger legged tanks in the Ghost in the Shell universe, so, I can easily picture something larger. What you might need, though, is to paint a more evocative picture of the Tasha, distinctively anchored on the SARP universe.

I'll give you a hook: Mishhuvurthyar were made to be the nekovalkyrja equivalent of tanks by PNUgen. Could the TASHA be to the Daisy what the Mishhu is to the neko? Could that add more stylistic elements to the machine you're trying to submit?

Maybe the above will help you create a picture of how to make crawling biocybernetic clawed monstrosities sort of a la Matrix (those octopus-like things whom went after the human "ships"), perhaps not. But what I hope most of all - much more than just detailing the thing's specs - it for you to tell me why this thing is going to be fun to interact with.

...and don't give me just a two line sentence. I'm sure there's a lot to tell! Share with me why you want the Tasha around, what excites your imagination about it.
If you're going to give it DR 10 armor, which is already excessive, you should probably drop the stealth systems. From a practical standpoint, it'll be hard to mesh the mass of something which is probably heavy enough to generate its own personal gravity well (whilst not being large enough to store large-scale jamming equipment). From an RP standpoint, having something that is not only virtually invincible -- but can also appear out of nowhere on top of that -- is just about as overpowered as you can possibly get.

Also, you should elaborate on what the capacitors are for exactly (how long they last without aether power, and what systems are disabled when the capacitors/aether isn't available). It says the unit can run purely on fusion power, and that the aether systems are "only" for charging the capacitor banks. But what role do the capacitor banks play at all if the unit's primary systems already tap directly from fusion power?
Wait... I'm funny?

But what role do the capacitor banks play at all if the unit's primary systems already tap directly from fusion power?

So the unit can survive the 12 minute duration of aetheric denial, likely.
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