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TASHA M9 AI Hovertank

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FiveMarks, out of the thread if you have nothing constructive to say on the submission. I'm not going to warn you again.
Fivemarks, it's a cultural thing.

I'm understandably flummoxed by how calm most Americans can be during an argument but from my experience, a little bit of pepper gets people motivated to see what's wrong with their submission.

Now dis-respectful would be saying something about someone's mother or calling someone boring.

It's much better than sitting here and doing nothing with a submission going stagnant, isn't it?

The tank has anti-gravity abilities in the manner of Airbikes, etc.
I didn't see this last night when I was going through it so it obviously needs to be clarified if a lout like me misses it.

It's not a stealth unit.
Neither is a Challenger II tank but it helps not to advertise yourself with free sushi and a sign that says "easy kill" -- Most DR10 weapons have the range to strike this before it even sees them, which is one of the reasons I still say the DR is inappropriate.

We should borrow like an Armor-Save system or something, taking repeated hits or X times DRX damage based on the type of damage.

I mean we've been here years so it's obvious we're going to be here for a lot longer.

This thing is NOTHING like a Tachikoma.

It's more like an Ogre Mark II or III (that is, an self-aware AI rolling fortress that takes tremendous enemy resources to take out).

It's more than just 'heavy armor support' - it's a veritable juggernaut.

Good job, Wes, lol.
I think the DR issues we're seeing here are a pretty good argument in favor of Fred's new system, actually. This, for example, could be a (Mecha) level 5 armor. It would be a juggernaut on the ground but wouldn't necessarily require orbital weapons or a large army to take out.

I have less issue with this submission than a majority of people, somehow. The cloaking thing amuses me a bit, since as has been discussed, there's really no way to make it a stealth unit, and it's not meant to be.

I really don't see it as terribly overpowering, and I think most of the problems with it are more a symptom of the ambiguity of the DR system than anything.
Just Mecha grade armor, Orion. Armor doesn't have any rating, though the relative toughness of a unit would be reflected through its structural rating. For example, if Wes decides that the mecha category can take five times the weapon their size rating to take down, it'd look like this.

Lethality modifier: how easy it is to destroy something in SARP.
Effective Size: On a scale from 1 to 5, how significant is the unit in regard to others of its category.

Lethality modifier = 5
Effective size = 5 (tank, shuttlecraft)
Lethality modifer x Effective size = Tasha's structural points

So, the Tasha would have 25 structural points. Assuming it has no energy shielding on that in addition, that means it'd easily be able to cope with 9 attacks from a Mindy II's forearm weapons (90 seconds of continuous firing on it, regardless of firing mode), without charging them.

By contrast, the Mindy power armor would have 10 structural points (assuming size 2).

Hypothetically, that is. It's not like it's been approved yet and the structural point idea was an addendum of mine.

Note that the Tasha will be dodging and shooting back. The Mindy II might never be able to make those 9 attacks, though it does have more than 1 weapon system.
For all the complaints people have made about the TASHA'S defenses (which are the same as the old BW-6), there hasn't been any comment on its weaponry. Notice it doesn't mount aether gatling guns -- it uses pretty conventional tank weapons and only has one "heavy hitter" weapon on the entire tank. So for those who claim this is overpowered, I disagree.

I think by now everyone (even the rarely-seen Derran!) has got a chance to ask his/her questions and state his/her opinions. I am glad to have had so much discussion on my creation, and any new info your probing forced me to consider, I've already added to the submission.

Considering the above and the fact that the discussion has be somewhat hijacked by the DR revision talk, I'm going to close the discussion and approve the TASHA.

Again, thank you to everyone who posted, for not being afraid to speak up. I hope other tech discussions can be this active.

PS: I encourage everyone to head over to Fred's DR Revision thread now.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this a gross abuse of power? Not just ignoring the people who say your submission is overpowered, approving a thread you submitted yourself?

Was there any point in even making the thread? If you're going to do this, you might as well just post things to the wiki, link them in here and say "this is new, live with it."

This, Wes, is wrong.
Again, thank you to everyone who posted, for not being afraid to speak up. I hope other tech discussions can be this active.

They probably won't be if other submitters are allowed to approve their own submissions, irregardless of any protests. Not cool. I had hoped that at the very least you would leave it up for discussion for a week minimum like nearly everyone else's advanced tech submissions.
I'm going to close the discussion and approve the TASHA.

"No GM can approve their own submission." - Those are your own words.

You are no exception. Get it approved PROPERLY or it never happened.

Adhere to your own words as you expect us to. If you do not, we cannot.
If you cannot be serious, we cannot take you seriously.

Sorry for the tone but I mean every word of it, Wes. Don't set bad examples and don't do things you'd get angry at other people for doing.
Put yourself in our shoes before you take action in the future.

Thanks for your time.
Wes effectively created a thread to have other people add their inputs on something he was creating. Even though you might not have liked what he was creating, community opinions helped him adjust this submission to a certain degree.

Wes is the site's admin. He pays for the upkeep of a site offering a specific setting. He can pretty much add whatever elements he wants to further the vision of what he offers on this site and he did lend an ear to the community. That didn't mean he was going to stop doing what he was creating on the account of those whom didn't like the idea.

The arguments going on were already going in circles and the only way it could have gone would have been if one side or the other would have worn each other out and had the other 'win' out of endurance. Such aren't arguments at all in the end. Wes made a decision and cut that short. If you place yourselves in his shoes, it makes some degree of sense and the discussion has been active.

It might not be fair, and he might not put himself on the same standards as those whom struggle to get their own creations approved through a much harder process, but that's how it is.

I'd appeal to chilling out and putting an end to the drama. It's not like it's going to make a difference now. I'm not particularly proud of Wes' heavy-handed attitude, but that doesn't mean others have to make it worse either. Please stop and let this topic die.
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