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TASHA M9 AI Hovertank

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The redundancy of this submission may be up for debate but as Doshii has pointed out Wes needs this and this isn’t a power armor, which would be redundant as Yamatai already has numerous power armor designs. I would think this safely covers it as not redundant in terms of the approval rule 1 and 7.

As Doshii has also pointed out before, Wes makes SARP policy. I would also like to point out that this makes the statements in regards to how this submission fares with regards to stararmy policy unnecessary as sense Wes made it then it obviously meets with SARP policy. As such all debate about how much this does or does not resemble a Tachikoma is not within the scope of the rules governing submissions

Also Original, as I am defining it (creative, individual, not derivative), is something this submission does have in comparison to power armors. Consider that there are numerous power armors, some of which are barely distinguishable from each other. To say that a walking tank is unoriginal but a power armor is (in this setting) is a misrepresentation. In addition to this Originality is not a basis for approval according to the submission rules and as such is not within the scope of the rules governing submissions

With few exceptions the only real topic for debate pertaining to approval should be over rule 5 which requires a reasonable level of explanation. As most of this stuff is already approved in one form or another the only real reason I can see for this being held back is thin description which should be cleared up once art is available.

And to summarize saying that this goes against the spirit of the ‘no tech development’ rule seems wrong as such a rule would go against the spirit of the RP itself and as such shouldn’t be followed.
Ok, I've been quiet in here to let others come in, and add hints, tips and what not. I've seen a few browbeating, and some harshness, and frankly, that is a no no on this board. So if you have nothing constructive, or helpful to say in here regarding the submission, please, stay out. Drama and non-constructive/negative arguments, *Points to the PM button, and the private sections of the site* There. Not here.

Now, as it stands, this picking through the posts questions have arose, as have remarks, comments and concerns which are valid after I sifted through a bunch of clutter. Detail is lacking yes, and yes, there is no art, which I would wholly love to see.

Uso said:
I can see for this being held back is thin description which should be cleared up once art is available.

That is something I would like, both art, and description since both are lacking. More so since I can visualize where where everything is both from words and art, and proportioned on the Tasha, and due to the fact we've been requiring art for our submissions as of late in regards to Powered Armors, Ships and so on.
I'm thinking of hiring Newton Ewell (Artist for several mecha-related RPG books as well as the AIR2 Lancer and the Mindy 1H) to do the art for this. Newton prefers to have some room for artistic license so I am trying to leave some for him. I may also just end up trying to build it in DOGA (due to financial issues).

I've updated the wiki page to go with the usual stats layout. I think this is ready for approval now.
I'd still like an answer to my question, Wes. Can you go and give my last post another look and reply on it, please?
Could the TASHA be to the Daisy what the Mishhu is to the neko? Could that add more stylistic elements to the machine you're trying to submit?
The TASHA is not really made to resemble a Mishhu, though.
That was the only question in your post, Fred.

If you meant this:
Wes, the main issue which rears up its head and actually has credence is what the Tasha is, what's it's doing in our universe and how it's going to help promote roleplay, from the perspective of an ally and that of an opponent.

TASHA is a walking tank. It's in our universe because it makes sense to have walking, hovering tanks to go with walking, hovering armor suits and walking, hovering nekos. It promotes roleplay by giving Yamataians a new element to flesh out planetary warfare, allowing for more modern portrayal of the battlefield.

From an opponent's point of view, it's just another PA, just large and tough. From a GM standpoint, the TASHA is essentially like the NIWS but it carries fixed weapons and typically doesn't fit in hallways and buildings--so it's not as "overpowered" as the NIWS. It is, however, more armored, which is a good reason for the SAoY to make them rather than trying to use the NIWS as tanks.
They're not just tough, they're outright invincible. Immune to power disruption, immune to locomotion incapacitation (and unaffected by diverse terrain), DR10 armor, and can cloak to boot? I think this crosses the line between being a tough opponent and being outright overpowered.

At the very least you should drop the cloaking system for the sake of OOC balance. If players are going to encounter a virtually invincible fortress that is also extremely agile for its size, at the very least they should be able to detect it and have a chance to flee. Especially since almost no player faction outside of the SAoY or Nepleslia even has DR 9/10 handheld or PA weaponry.
Not to many have that high ship weaponry, to boot...

And, on a resource/realistic point of view, it seems silly to be wasting so much resources on a AI tank. Namely the Zesu'. From a IC point of view it'd be more cost effective to send in two more Daisies, or at least nuke the site from orbit with a ship or something.

Cut the Zesu' and I think this will go down a lot better...
Now that I've actually read the write-up for this thing, I have to agree with the preceding posts. It would take two dozen Nepleslian marines with heavy weaponry to even come close to beating this thing without starship support.

Also, Wes, that this thing can't fit into a building doesn't say much about how over-powered it is. This thing could just knock the building down, or just walk right through a hole it just made in the side, or hell, fly right over the damn thing.

From an opponents point of view, this isn't just "another armor, only large and tough". It's an invincible behemoth with powerful weaponry, like an American main battle tank against a couple guys with surplus AK-47s and balaclavas.
an American main battle tank against a couple guys with surplus AK-47s and balaclavas.

I would pay to see video of that.

And, on a resource/realistic point of view, it seems silly to be wasting so much resources on a AI tank.

Doesn't Yamatai have the resources to buy the universe, more or less?

I certainly understand the balance concerns with it, but I doubt Yamatai is too concerned about the COST of their pretty tanks.
I can agree that DR10 armor is ridiculously good under the current system but I think that speaks more towards our current DR rules than to this submission. I would like to point out there are power armors out there with DR 10 shields and it makes sense for a tank to be more heavily armored than a power armor. It is after all, a tank, and should be more powerful than a powered armor.

As for cloaking, if you can't detect something that is invisible you are extremely outmatched anyways. In the sci-fi battlefield of this setting where cloaking is so prevalent that Yamatai has installed it in their own personnel it makes sense that they would also install one in their tanks. Rather, Cammo has been replaced by cloaking and shouldn't be a real threat against a comparable opponent.

Also, cost is outside of the scope of the approval rules and as such is off topic.
I do like the point of view of taking the NIWS' "awesomemess" and giving it a larger size to encourage the believability of the unit having such firepower.

...am I the only person whom doesn't find the DR 10 this daunting? its armor, not shielding, as far as I know. Even DR 10 armor can be damaged by a DR 6 weapon under the current guidelines.

That was the most important part of my post. I'd still like having an answer to it, please.
Immune to power disruption
So is my alarm clock. They call them batteries, and it's kind of lame for you to even include them as an objection.

DR10 armor
The tank this is replacing has DR 10 armor, too. Stop acting like it's something revolutionary.

and can cloak to boot?
Just like shuttles, power armor, and soldiers in the setting...pretty much everything for combat in the Yamataian military has active camouflage.

it seems silly to be wasting so much resources on a AI tank. Namely the Zesu'. From a IC point of view it'd be more cost effective to send in two more Daisies
The Tasha is designed to complement the Daisy and it provides battlefield support that Daisy armors cannot. I also think we're getting a lot better value for our Zesu than making a conventional tank.

From an opponents point of view, this isn't just "another armor, only large and tough". It's an invincible behemoth with powerful weaponry, like an American main battle tank against a couple guys with surplus AK-47s and balaclavas.
It is an actual tank, and armored troops are infantry...so things fit perfectly.

This thing could just knock the building down, or just walk right through a hole it just made in the side
Like a regular tank...
or hell, fly right over the damn thing.
Like any armor can do...

Basically, all the complaints seem to be against things that are totally appropriate!
Or it goes to show that the very basis of the submission is disliked and objectionable — a walking tankette with technology no one likes and that has the durability and attack power that many find overpowered.
Wes, go have some ground engagements.
When the need arises, you'll be taken seriously on the matter.

Reading the submission, it's not even copypasta - Details on key-systems is a joke: What I'm reading here is a design brief and I didn't see anything new or interesting but I'm glad to see it finally has a job and a place.

Key features/mission specialization is an interesting field.
I might use it in my own future submissions.

it will typically move around in short bursts of speed
How the hell does it do this? The will of fanboys?

Get some propulsive systems in there and ffs start worrying about things that matter. It's hot, reflective, radar-responsive, loud, heavy and likely kicks up a lot of dust so whatever hopes you had of using it stealthily already have a noose about their necks.

I'm sick of how you insist units with little or no propulsive technology are more nimble than fighters not even five IC years old yet.
  • Fields give you slow steady propulsion and piss weak acceleration. Ideal for floating or cruising or sneaking.
  • Thrusters give you sharp bursts of speed or mobility on demand or acceleration and immense force to overcome obstacles.
  • In tandem, thrusters get you to speed, fields hold you there and do wonders for your fuel economy.

I just realized. You did have CFS in this article and now you don't: A tank that "can change direction or speed instantaneously" would be silly (infact, to be quite honest, it's already very close to being so on many armors).

I strongly suggest you amend the master CFS article and link all entries accordingly if you want to use it in this article.

It'd make sense if this thing had some basic propulsion (and I mean real propulsion) like verniers so it can chuck itself into cover and move with agility.
A pithy field would be like a shopping trolly loaded with goods: real propulsion is like an air-hockey puck - changing direction as quickly as its own structural integrity and fuel reserves will tolerate.

How the hell does it do this? The will of fanboys?

The tank has anti-gravity abilities in the manner of Airbikes, etc.

It's hot, reflective, radar-responsive, loud, heavy and likely kicks up a lot of dust so whatever hopes you had of using it stealthily already have a noose about their necks.
It's not a stealth unit.
He doesn't have a disrespectful tone, Wesley. He is saying whats what in his own way of things, and is probably the one who is really pointing out the flaws of it.

Now then. Calm down, you lot. Or tis the crows with you. Pshaw.
Actually, wes has a point.

From what i've seen, Osakanone has a nasty habit of acting like he's better than everyone else.
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