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RP: United Outer Colonies TDRT Mission 1: Hostage Sitiation in District 26

David looked over at Xanatos with a small amount of confusion on his face. "You will take Ashlyn's place in my squad." He turned to ashlyn, "Take a rifle and give us cover and use your scanners to keep us updated on enemy movements and locations." David stepped towards the building's lit side. "Team on me lets move David started upwards off the ground.
Charles moved to the sewer cap that had been removed for their mission. Charles look to the other two in his team and called out to them. "What are you waiting for!"
Galar hurried to follow Charles, they were into the thick of the action now, and could not turn back. Galar made sure that no smell would reach his nostrils as they entered the sewers, but even so, he was kind of grossed out. Nevertheless, he did not show any sign of hesitation. Making sure his rifle was at the ready, available, should he need it, at any time. Nothing yet, but let's keep on our toes. Galar telepathically told his squadmates.
"Hai, Styrker-Juni!" Ai exclaimed as she ascended along with him. She activated her camo as she started to get a bit higher, as well as do a few fancy loops, finally starting to get excited again. She mentally set the Daisy's forearm weapons to stun, as she approached the first floor with an enemy sniper.
Natsuko ran over to the sewer and dropped down the open tube splooshing a little as she landed in the sewer. This is gross!! Natsuko thought as she felt the sewer water flow against her armored legs and was assaulted with the ripe stench of sewage. AIES deactivate the sense of touch in my legs and deativate my sense of smell for the time being. Natsuko instructed the armor as she took an inventory again, making sure everything was ready.
Xanatos followed David as commanded. He readied his pulse rifle since he didn't want to be taken by surprise. Even inside a Daisy armor, he was still a little nervous about the upcoming battle.
As they came to the building's base, they'd find it sealed off by metal plate...these guys knew what they were doing.

Fortunately, these were meant to keep out people, not Power Armors...
Natsuko approached the metal wall. "Sir," Natsuko said to Charles "laser or brute force?" Natsuko asked. Heh, in a kind of pickle here....brute forcing it would be a good time, but I have a feeling it lacks subtlety. Natsuko adjusted her forearm blaster to a constant low power stream, should Charles order her to use it.
"Sir," Galar said, "I'll take point, as we enter." He kept his rifle at the ready, should they need it's power anytime soon. Galar nodded to Natsuko, sharing a knowing feeling of 'lets do this.'
"Nnnneeehhhh," Ai whined to herself as she peered in the window of the fourth floor, merely the first of 3 floors they had to sneak past. Sure, active camoflouge was on, but it still didn't feel right just floating on past the window. After taking in a quick survey of whats inside, she lowered herself so she was below the window before checking on where David and Xanatos were.
David had shut off is vocalizer and used only his radio to talk to the rest of his squad. "Galar if you are going to take point enter quietly and do not fire unless I tell you to." When the group reached the roof david landed lightly and quietly walked across the roof towards the access door. He motioned for the others to follow him. The suit had changed his vission over to the IR sepctrum so he was able to see the other two throught the Active camo of the suits.

Charles walked up and touched the metal barricade and then took a step back. "Well we have to stay quiet so we may want to use a laser to cut open a hatch but after we weld a handle on so it won't crash down and give us away."
"Okay. I'll go ahead and get started on the hatch, I'll only cut it three-fourths of the way open before you guys attach a handle." Natsuko responded. As soon as it was clear Natsuko began cutting the metal with the laser, leaving the left side of the 'hatch' untouched and making sure to do the right side first so that the handle could be applied while she worked.
Xanatos landed on the roof with hardly a sound. He scanned the roof to make sure their wasn't any hostile presence in the vicinity. The Yamataian nervously waited for his next set of orders.
Ai didn't exactly land on the roof, choosing to remain floating a couple inches above, as she followed David's lead to the hatch. She swayed back and forth playfully as she floated over. "Quiet way in... quiet quiet quiet..." she muttered to herself once more as she looked over the hatch.
David moved up to the door and checked it closely for traps. As he scaned he signaled the other two to cover him as he pulled out his knife and slowly opened the door and used the knife to peer around the corner of the door. He didn't see any thing that would make him think that there would be a trap. He slowly pushed open the door further and steped inside. The door opened to a small landing at the top of a staircase. "Move along on foot keep light of foot and coms only from here on" David said through is com system.

Charles took hold of the handle and waited for Natsuko to finish cutting throught the baricade. As she finished cutting Charles removed the 'Hatch' and placed in on the ground. "Ladies first!" Charles said to Galar and pointed towards the hole. On the other side was a poorly lit room filled with storage containers of various sizes.
Xanatos nodded without a word. He turned off his speaker and tried to move as quietly as possible in his power armor. Holding his rifle at the ready, the Yamataian technical sentry realized that he was holding his breath. He quickly exhaled in a sigh that was inaudible to the others. This time, I won't be a burden. he thought to himself as he forced his mind to stay clear.
"You're such a gentleman!" Natsuko chuckled as she spoke while stepping through the hatch. AIES, activate night vision. If the light level starts to even rise rapidly, or you detect an explosion of any type disengage it immediatly. Natsuko instructed her power armor, Oh and readjust my forearm lasers to what I set them at before we started pealing that hatch open. she added as she moved away from the hatch while scanning the room for hostiles.
Ai nodded, though unseen through the helmet. "Hai Juni," she said over the com. The neko slowly and carefully tip-toed down the stairs, watching for any movement or suspious objects, such as a trap. Her forearm weapons were ready to stun any hostile targets.

Sneaking around wasn't the fun she had hoped her first full mission would be. But, a mission was a mission, and orders were orders.
Galar stepped through the hatch with care, making sure his rifle was still ready for action, anytime these terrorists were willing to throw some at him. Noticing the low light, Galar told the IES, Engage low light optical enhancing system. Also, turn that active camo on, I think we may need it.
David had advanced down three stories when he stopped and crouched down next to the door to that level. I was slightly ajar and it was the floor above the hostages. David switched to the enhanced scanners that his armour was equipt with. The door was a simple Thin double layered metal door, most likely filled with insulation foam. That would make it impossible to see through the door with Infrared scanning. David took out a fiber optic scope and slid the probe under to door and hooked the feed directly into his view screen. It was a hall way with several doors on either side that were closed and a window at the end also about 10 meters down the hall was a barricade made up of a toppled over desk and chairs. There was a small amount of movement from behind the barricade and a head poped up from behind the barricade and looked around. The head ducked down behind the barricade and out of sight. "We have one hostile behind a one meter tall barricade 10 meters down the hall. Suggestions?" David sent the link to the other two so they could see the situation.

Charles kept low as he proceeded to sweep the room and look for the stair case up. He found one stair case with a door that was wide open. "Well this looks as good as any. Lets move. and remember internal coms only and active cammo." Charles slid through the door and started slowly up the stairs as softly as he could in power armour.
Galar followed Charles, levitating with his gravity manipulators, just an inch or so above the stairs, as to not make a sound at all. Keeping his beam rifle at the ready, he scanned the area using his sensors as well as with his eyes. Nothing was waiting to surprise them, yet.
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