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Approved Submission Teleportation Pad

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Submission RP Example
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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
Submission Terms
  1. I agree
Asked Wes what he wanted from alien technology we gather back in September and he said something about this and this is where my mind went. I think he meant a ship-based one, but he's developing that on Resurgence so I wanted to get my idea out there. I think it's really fitting that a new war introduces a lot of technological advancement and it makes sense it's all in one area, too.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Nobody writes exiting a star taking as much time as you do Alex, it's mostly theoretical how much time exiting a hill sphere takes. Also people cut down on the time it takes to get around a lot as is. If we're counting change, for the largest ships it takes about half an hour to warm up and half an hour to cool down so it's only cutting the base time to get across a grid in half!
Wes said here that Hill Spheres take at least an hour to traverse - and that number’s probably larger elsewhere in the setting.

Edit: Throw in the fact that the fastest ship in the setting - a Plumeria - travels at one light-year per minute, and you’d be cutting down a nearly three-hour trip (30 minutes to warm-up, another 30 to finish exiting the hill sphere, 50 minutes of travel, then ~1 hour of entering the hill sphere) into one that can be done instantly.
I don't know how I feel about this. I feel like this trivializes starships.
Suppose this is for transit from ship to surface and back. I can accept that as a cool reason for it to exist, but I am not a fan of teleporting between planets on this scale. Useful, yes, but now there's no reason to have ships in orbit duking it out.

EDIT: Alex raises my next concern. Heck, this is faster than a Plumeria outta nowhere!
This honestly. Supply ships and transports exist for a reason. When it comes to teleporters we only really have small scale ones for infantry. This sort of a jump all of a sudden would be extremely unprecedented. Neat idea but I feel it's a tad bit broken setting wise...
I knew that quote was around here somewhere!
The Starship Speed Standard is a big deal to me on this. If it's faster than this it won't just revolutionize SAoY logistics. It'll revolutionize the whole setting!
If this became a major plot point for the whole site... that could be a fun event.
Especially if the Mishhu take one of these over and use it to invade the entire Star Empire at once, as the article doesn’t mention any sort of “off switch” or means of blocking incoming teleports.
Now that a reviewer’s been assigned, got a couple of things to ask:
  • @Wes, could you enable upvoting/downvoting on this thread, please? As I stated earlier, the sheer scale of the change it would bring to the setting in my opinion warrants that voting be enabled.
  • @Ametheliana, if this is approved, will Elysia be getting them?

Edit: Seeing as how Ametheliana’s response was to react to this post with an “Angry” emoji, I’m guessing that’s a no on the second point, then. Might I ask why? Elysia’s part of Yamatai, after all.
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I'm not answering your question with a react, I am simply angry you can't understand I'd like the next response to be from a reviewer, not you. You've hounded this submission enough and have made several statistical errors I would love to point out but would rather not because every time I say "you misunderstood this" or "you missed this" you find something new to have me correct or explain. Leave it alone for the time being and let the process happen as Andrew said.
Okay, I finally had some time to sit down and read the article so here's my thoughts:

I agree that starships are the key element of the setting and we should be careful about making them obsolete with other technologies. The main addition this submission needs is its range, which I think should should be pretty short as some kind of "balance" attempt.

This is definitely a tech that would change the setting a lot. When I see this I think of KFY Shipyards on Luna Bianca (Yamatai's moon) sending ships to the planet, or the Star Army using them as rapid starship deployers to move ships to the edge of the system to cut down on response times to pirates or invaders. Yamatai would immediately start making hundreds of these on Nataria because they would want to be able to launch ships directly from the planet to the edge of the system to bypass existing FTL limits, which are, in general, that you have to go at STL speed when you're in a star system. That prevents invaders from being able to just show up on Main Street Kyoto and start launching nukes. It's important this needs a receiver because we don't want to set up the universe in a way that an angry individual could easily destroy all the places we've created over the years with a press of a button by teleporting weapons of mass destruction to them.

In a historical sense, It's not like Yamatai hasn't had something similar in the past; the AvaNet avatars used to teleport whole units and large supply shipments large distances. This was seen most notably in the Chaos Hive War.

The site rules give players player rights which include, "I have the right to comment on any setting article being submitted for approval, since changes to the setting may affect my characters or plots." Therefore we need to allow everyone a chance to give their thoughts. That said, try to put your comments in one post instead of posting reply after reply. Continously hounding the submitter with replies may result in a reply ban from the submission thread. Both Andrew and Ametheliana asked for some time for Andrew to get to his review and it was ignored. Therefore the thread will be locked until Andrew tells me he's ready.
Okay, I finally had some time to sit down and read the article so here's my thoughts:

I agree that starships are the key element of the setting and we should be careful about making them obsolete with other technologies. The main addition this submission needs is its range, which I think should should be pretty short as some kind of "balance" attempt.

This is definitely a tech that would change the setting a lot. When I see this I think of KFY Shipyards on Luna Bianca (Yamatai's moon) sending ships to the planet, or the Star Army using them as rapid starship deployers to move ships to the edge of the system to cut down on response times to pirates or invaders. Yamatai would immediately start making hundreds of these on Nataria because they would want to be able to launch ships directly from the planet to the edge of the system to bypass existing FTL limits, which are, in general, that you have to go at STL speed when you're in a star system. That prevents invaders from being able to just show up on Main Street Kyoto and start launching nukes. It's important this needs a receiver because we don't want to set up the universe in a way that an angry individual could easily destroy all the places we've created over the years with a press of a button by teleporting weapons of mass destruction to them.

In a historical sense, It's not like Yamatai hasn't had something similar in the past; the AvaNet avatars used to teleport whole units and large supply shipments large distances. This was seen most notably in the Chaos Hive War.

The site rules give players player rights which include, "I have the right to comment on any setting article being submitted for approval, since changes to the setting may affect my characters or plots." Therefore we need to allow everyone a chance to give their thoughts. That said, try to put your comments in one post instead of posting reply after reply. Continously hounding the submitter with replies may result in a reply ban from the submission thread. Both Andrew and Ametheliana asked for some time for Andrew to get to his review and it was ignored. Therefore the thread will be locked until Andrew tells me he's ready.
Ready when you unlock
Alright, I have reviewed the article and taken into consideration a lot of the comments that have been made:

  • After consideration and some back and forth with Wes, we agree that the range of this would max out around 10LY.
  • I'd like to see mention of the use of independent power generation (aether generators) and maybe a little bit of a focus on the fact an intensive amount of energy is needed to make this possible.
  • This should be specifically added that this is on the restricted technology list for Yamatai/The Star Army.
  • The need for the receiving pad needs to be clarified as was mentioned.
  • It should have the table/bullet points that quickly list the following (see the component template)
    • Year of Creation
    • Designer
    • Nomenclature
    • Manufacturer
    • Fielded By
    • Availability - I suggest a prototype
    • Price (It's not for sale but Wes and I have been putting prices on things to approximate their value)
  • YE 46 in history should be wikified
  • I'd also like something mentioning how this is just being rolled out and maybe choosing a few locations where this has been established to start with and expand it in RP versus it being everywhere right away.
Alright, I have reviewed the article and taken into consideration a lot of the comments that have been made:

  • After consideration and some back and forth with Wes, we agree that the range of this would max out around 10LY.
  • I'd like to see mention of the use of independent power generation (aether generators) and maybe a little bit of a focus on the fact an intensive amount of energy is needed to make this possible.
  • This should be specifically added that this is on the restricted technology list for Yamatai/The Star Army.
  • The need for the receiving pad needs to be clarified as was mentioned.
  • It should have the table/bullet points that quickly list the following (see the component template)
    • Year of Creation
    • Designer
    • Nomenclature
    • Manufacturer
    • Fielded By
    • Availability - I suggest a prototype
    • Price (It's not for sale but Wes and I have been putting prices on things to approximate their value)
  • YE 46 in history should be wikified
  • I'd also like something mentioning how this is just being rolled out and maybe choosing a few locations where this has been established to start with and expand it in RP versus it being everywhere right away.
To sum up the earlier posts I made in this thread:
  • @Wes or @Andrew can voting please be re-enabled for this thread? I've stated in previous posts why I think this should be done - and I find it strange that voting was disabled to begin with...
  • Might I also request that the teleporter's mass capacity be added to the article so that people (especially GMs) know how much these things can send/receive? Given that there's different sizes of teleporters, a table would be the best way to convey the information, in my opinion. Such a table would also allow for each size's cooldown time (and range, if that varies based upon receiving pad size) to be listed in an orderly fashion.
  • As Elysia's FM, is Elysia going to be getting these at some point?
Edit: Apologies for the brevity of this post - in a rush to get prepared for a D&D game that I should've been ready for earlier. >v<
To sum up the earlier posts I made in this thread:
  • @Wes or @Andrew can voting please be re-enabled for this thread? I've stated in previous posts why I think this should be done - and I find it strange that voting was disabled to begin with...
  • Might I also request that the teleporter's mass capacity be added to the article so that people (especially GMs) know how much these things can send/receive? Given that there's different sizes of teleporters, a table would be the best way to convey the information, in my opinion. Such a table would also allow for each size's cooldown time (and range, if that varies based upon receiving pad size) to be listed in an orderly fashion.
  • As Elysia's FM, is Elysia going to be getting these at some point?
Edit: Apologies for the brevity of this post - in a rush to get prepared for a D&D game that I should've been ready for earlier. >v<
  • The Upvote/Downvote should be enabled already now.
  • @Wes I'm not sure of what the mass capacity of something like this should realistically be.
  • Elysia would have it in the sense of the fact the Star Army defends Elysia, but as noted I've suggested this be put on the restricted technology list for the SAoY
  • Voting has already been fixed/added
  • Mass capacity can be just listed as "as big as a starship" since that's what this is for.
  • Elysia will likely get one at the Elysian Naval Depot at some point in the near future and later there could be more but I'm not in a rush to make tons overnight. Tech like this should probably see a gradual, phased introduction.
I want to preface this stance as I don't want to hurt feelings, but I do feel strongly about this. Starships are the kings of space by design and it is one of the things I love most about SARP. Additionally, I attended engineering courses in school and have a fascination with all manner of machines and technology. My stance on this is independently formed and comes from a place of deep respect. Even when I was friends with Zack I resisted his setting breaking submissions and I must do that now too.
I do not like this the addition of this to Yamatai's arsenal for several reasons.

Firstly, many of us will point out that it only takes 13.333 minutes to travel 10 LY and therefore "this technology only saves 13 minutes," but this is factually incorrect.
Others may add points about hill spheres and say "this technology only saves 1 to 2 hours," but while this is closer it too is lacking context.
Starships are not simple vehicles. They require maintenance by well-educated personnel, fuel and/or material resources in whichever form that model requires, they need to get flightplans from an air traffic controller for safety, and probably the most tricky part, they need the crew on board and ready for departure. Do this in a well organized manner and its probably 2-3 hours on its own from the time the order is given for a landed ship to take off. 1-2 if the crew is within 5 miles of the starport... or just redirect a ship that's already in space and make it easier. 🧠

Second, when a Mindy teleports it is not a quiet thing. It carries a large power for it's size and arrives with a bang. That PA is less than 500kgs and moving only 3AU which is not even 1 LY. Imagine the enormous quantity of generated power required to teleport 3000 to 500,000 metric tons across 10 lightyears! The exponential increase in scale would result in an equally exponential increase in power demand, but if that's not crazy enough imagine the exponentially greater explosion on the receiving pad... The pad would not be very hot, It would be the epicenter of an environmentally catastrophic, continent annihilating explosion that would probably take the ship right along with it. There's a good reason we break physics in space! 💥

Thirdly, this technology violates the Starship Speed Standard. If we were talking about Teleporting from ground to orbit, and vice versa, I'd be totally cool with it. Mindys have been doing that for over 20 years. The problem is it's not operating in the planetary scale, it's operating on the interstellar scale where starships are meant to be the king. If a ship daisychains interstellar teleports one after the other it would be travelling many times faster than even the fastest ships in the setting, ships that DO follow the Speed Standards! I do not believe this was done maliciously but this is a violation of Submission Rules under 'What not to do', bullet point 2.

I'm not a tech moderator anymore but it's a code we all agreed to when we clicked the 'I agree button' before posting. These rules are what keep our community a place of equals and is important to maintain. @Ametheliana, I hope this doesn't offend you and you're still my friend. Your intentions with this submission are pure and I'm not saying this idea has no place in SARP, just not in this form. It's a cool idea with TONS of fun that can come from it. The plot elements that would spring from this will truely be amazing with a little polish and some mechanical adjustments.

P.S: My opinions are not intended to validate or vindicate anyone. This is feedback for a dear friend of mine so in the interest of my post avoiding partizanship regarding my position I ask that this post not be used as 'I told you so' nonsense or even recieve likes or positive feedback. Negative feedback is always welcome so sad and angry emojis only. Thank you.
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I’d just like to point out:
  • This seems to primarily be a tool that will make logistics quicker. Putting things onto ships or putting ships places. When I read it, I immediately thought that the underground Star Army base on Tami could use them to repair ships in deep maintenance bays that are otherwise inaccessible to the surface.
  • This technology already exists in roleplay. The submission is a matter of whether the Star Army can benefit from adapting technologies encountered during the Third Mishhu War. In other words, the submission takes it from being a GM tool only the Kaiyo can use to one the whole Star Army can use.
  • If for some reason this does not pass approval and then someone else subsequently does the exact same thing, then please make sure to coordinate with Ame for the history section because she has made narrative space within the Kaiyo plot to introduce this technology the right way through RP.
I’d just like to point out:
  • This seems to primarily be a tool that will make logistics quicker. Putting things onto ships or putting ships places. When I read it, I immediately thought that the underground Star Army base on Tami could use them to repair ships in deep maintenance bays that are otherwise inaccessible to the surface.
I like these reasons! On a planetary scale this is super cool, but suppose we can simply teleport tanks and equipment from space to ground not shuttles and heavy lift vehicles are kinda pointless. BUT on the planetary scale I think this totally fits.
I also have an idea that helps mitigate the explosion. Teleporters only explode in atmospheric conditions. Therefore if you put the ship in a vacuum(like a hermetically sealed hangar that acts as a vacuum chamber) and THEN teleport to the destination that is also in a vacuum that'll take a ton of bite off of the massive energy released during a jump. Heat and radiation might still be a problem, but not so much the pressure displacement going boom.
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