Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Terraforming Ake [Terraforming Ake] P1 - Dust Bowl Children

"Platinum? There is platinum on this planet?" Yori thought about that for a moment, taking into account what that would mean for this planet in the future, but her thought process was interrupted by Daziel appearing from Mako's forehead. Listening to the situation had her quickly grow panicked she was a simple engineer of course, so even small time cattle thieves seemed like a large threat to her, but she was worried about something other than the cattle.

"If they damage the APS we could be in trouble if it starts an Ozone Dump off schedule if we're caught in that it'll kill us." She said rather nervously, that was of course a worst case scenario, but that was all she could really think about. "Those that can fly ahead quickly should probably do it and stop them before they can damage it."
Seiji had barely noticed the volumetric representation and his grim situation. He was watching the numbers dance, tell stories on his scanner. Every little change, every little fact coming to the surface for him to absorb. It made him happy in an otherwise normally inhospitable situation.

He sputtered a bit, looking around as all the people ran TOWARDS the danger. This was not a concept he was ready for or comfortable with. He had expected Akemi and even Spencer to take off, but when Sapphire started going his growing confusion mounted. He found himself jogging along a bit - if anything to be within shouting distance. “Why are you running to get shot at? I mean Akemi is security, and Spencer is a Nepleslian, but please! That's their job to be reckless! Most of you have not even likely FIRED a gun! And your going into a firefight with professional,” he had to pause and gasp for breath to be able to push out the last word, “pirates?!”

Seiji wasn't particularly out of shape, but one would not call him an athlete either and he kept more up with the slower side of the group than the others. For once the Neko was right: let the engineered bioweapon do the fighting and gloat about it later
Katsuragi Mako, neon pink haired tiny tiny mini neko sat burled up snugly in the pilot pod of her old, worn, weather beaten and demiliterized M4 SYLPH power armor. Her mind wandering to thoughts of warm brownies and tall glasses of milk. A hint of drool was creeping out of the corner of her mouth when the communication informing them of the attack blasted forth from the projectors that had been added to her PA.

She was jerked out of her musing and a gleam of excitement could have been seen flashing in her eyes if she had not been bundled up in her own personal walking tank.

"PIRATES!!" She squeaked in something like delight and kicked in the SYLPH's flight module and weapon systems.

"Take no prisoners! Blast them all to bits!!" The tiny retired soldier cheered as she kicked off, joining the others moving to counter the attack. It had been some long while since Mako had been in a good fight!
When Daziel came outside, he saw what basically would later amount to 'boss-level' character for the party of adventurers under his charge.

"Handle our guest." It was a behemoth of a woman, by her voice. She was holding tightly onto Niel with a gauntleted hand, her thumb digging into the shipwright's shoulder. Daziel couldn't see her face from the entrance to Sister Sarah, but he could just make out with a wince her hand reaching for the thick pink dildo on her belt. This particular dildo was especially frightening because it was serving a secondary role as the handle of a terrifying serrated cleaver, spots of rust with exposed steel gleaming in the sunlight. She raised this weaponized phallus over her head and brought it down just next to Niel's head. The sizable gash in his shoulder was enough to ellicit a scream from the aging designer; either that or the fact the sitting on his shoulder next to this new wound was his ear. Ears go on people's heads, so this was likely a problem for Niel. The barbarian woman didn't like his screaming though, and proceeded to start beating the other side of his head with the flat of her dildo-handled blade in an effort to shut him up. Daziel wanted to help him, but there was the whole issue of three men walking towards him with rifles in hand.

'Three men, poorly armored, no problem. You can handle this, old boy.' Daziel told himself. He gripped the Zesuanium katana tightly, feeling its weight in his arms. They wouldn't be expecting it to weigh so much.
"Just drop the sword, Mister Samurai Guy." The one in the middle warned, taking a hand off of his rifle to wave in a dropping motion. "Swords don't beat guns. Even if you were a big samurai man, at least one of us would shoot you."

Daziel smiled nervously back at the three of them and informed them thusly: "The notion isn't to not get shot, my dear fellow-- but rather, to get shot and survive it."

Not Camp
Being the fastest and foremost; Akemi and Mako's advance was halted not even fifty meters from their starting boost when a stream of machinegun fire. Hot tracer rounds blasted against the shields of the Sylph and Impulse armor, bending against the flaring light and kicking up mounds of sand below. The source of this sudden belt-fed fire was one of a pair of GP-ORVs parked nearly a hundred meters away. With their superior Neko vision, Akemi and Mako could see that two men had come to buy time for their compatriots. Aside from their breath masks, the two were dolled up in the pure white traditional robes of a Yamataian harikiri ceremony.

One sat over the passenger seat with a pair of binoculars, the other in the open bed of the truck against a mounted machinegun spewing hot lead at them.

Behind them, at the head of the unarmored segment of the party, Franklin dove immediately for the dirt and fired two blind shots at the impossible distance that the sudden chattering gunfire came from. Without looking over his shoulder, the cowboy surveyor got upon his knees and threw a quick donkey kick right for Sapphire's shin to give her something to trip over while he shouted, "Fuck! Go 'round, gods-be-damned."
"Acknowledge your betters and surrender, sub-Neko scum! Cute girls shall be spared! The rest will be executed swiftly or undergo gender and moe modification if potential is detected! Praise your merciful new overlords and submit obediently! Struggle shall be noted, relished and punished thoroughly and frequently!" Akemi announced with the unyielding zeal and single-mindedness of a cult leader or malevolent synthetic intelligence, the latter being what she was, the former a latent aspiration. The glorious elven goddess was unimpressed with the initial resistance and decided to plainly circle above and around the pair of attacking pirates while holding her fire until she was behind their truck. Seeing that the vehicle was clearly one of Origin make she felt she could afford to spare it the violent death she was about to give the two fittingly dressed rapscallions aboard it.
Sapphire went heels over head as her feet went out from under her. Letting go of her weapon as it flew off to slide a few more feet farther way out of her reach as she tried to at least prevent her face getting slammed by the impact of the ground against her mask, while getting a very good close up of the ground by the FatCOM camera.

Hearing the whizz of projectiles sail over her head, she totally forgot all about the weapon as she done her best to become part of the level ground. Wishing the cracks in the ground were a lot wider and deeper.
Yori quickly found herself grateful that she did not try to take off using the suit's inertia control boost. At the sound of gunfire she had to dive down to the ground, even though her suit was very lightly armored, it had no shields to protect her. However there was nothing to work as cover on this withered planet so they were still out in the open, just a smaller target. She heard Franklin shouting advice and nodded, starting to crawl along the ground hoping that the two in armor would keep the people busy enough that they would not notice them on the ground.
Mako slowed her advance as the enemy fire came in. She returned in kind, peppering the second truck as Akemi circled about and got behind the first vehicle.

Unlike Akemi, Mako slipped back into her military discipline, going quiet, focusing on her task rather than verbally berating her foes.

The truck was a soft tsrget, she doubted it had any form of armor that could stop her rounds from punching through.

There wasn't time to screw around with these guys, they needed to get to the camp fast. So Mako trained her heavy weapons and fired for her truck's fuel tank.
Still Not Camp

Alice was a bit behind everyone. She wanted to say something to the due of nekoes, but they darted away so she just had to hope, they actually new what they were doing. So far they seemed, like they were gung ho gals. Ready to attack at full force, but not bothering to use much brian while doing it. She meet peopel like that and if they knew well enough than it was fine. It was just that they usually ended up not saving everyone. Back then it was war though, now it was different. If Daziel or Niel would die, Alice would not forgive Mako and Akemi.

As the MG fire was brought up, Alice hit the dirt and pulled her Xaser rifle from her back. "Keep your heads dow, let the cats handle the cars." Alice said to others and oh boy she wanted to have a comlink at hand. "Franklin, let's flank it all and approach the camp from other side. The cats will be busy, but Daziel can wait. I just hope your pressure can handle all that runnin old man!" Alice was fairly sure what she was saying. She wanted to make Franklin a bit angry. Anger was good, adrenaline was good. She wanted to have that old cowboy angry so he would drop like holy anger at whoever was being all faggoty back at camp.
Seiji was nowhere near the front of the of the group when the first shots rang out. He was in absolutely no risk when the first rounds went off . He froze , the reality of the situation crashing down on him like so many comical bricks, his spirit crushed under their hypothetical weight.

So, like many people with absolutely no training and a overdeveloped sense of self worth, he ran back towards the burnt out vehicle intending to use the one piece of cover he can identify around. There was even a dynamic and unnecessary leap to get behind it. It would be dramatic, except it wasn't.

He remained flat behind it, hands on his head as a makeshift helmet. He had absolutely no intention of moving till the Nekos had their way with their adversaries.
Definitely Not Camp
The GP-ORV does not have a fuel tank in its standard configuration. Instead, it is powered by a tiny Aether generator. Aether is like some kind of magical space energy that comes from another dimension. Hence, its properties are unpredictable. An Aether generator is a perfect environment of goofy antennae and twisty pipes and little wiry bits that somehow go together in such a way that energy is made from nothing. When the GP-ORV took on the full force of Mako's deadly twin HGRs, it buckled against the racking, becoming almost a pile of car parts and twisted metal. When it's tiny Aether generator took a similar beating while still running, it had a catastrophic situation of its own. The tiny Aether generator overloaded with the force of a thousand tiny suns. Tiny suns, very very tiny suns. Okay, not even really one tiny sun. Still, the jet of blue hellfire which erupted from every nook in cranny in the vehicle's frame quickly charred the GP-ORV into a blackened shape which very much resembled the dark hulk that Yori had been beneath not three minutes prior. The two men in the other truck, the ones who were about to try and find out if the machinegun would be more effective against Akemi when fired at point-blank range-- they decided to instead dive to either side of their truck and settle their knees into the dirt with their hands behind their heads.

Almost in unison, they shouted, "We surrender!"

Back on the ground, several meters away, Franklin tapped Sapphire on the shoulder as he picked up and started jogging for Alice. Being ever the smartass, he was quick to let her know, "Listen here, girl! I could hike this kilo twice and still have enough energy left over to pound yer twat before fallin' asleep." He would've laughed his little guttural 'Hyeh' laugh, but that was hard to do while jogging.

Instead, he twisted his head to catch sight of Yori and make sure she was following-- and caught sight of Seiji diving behind the burnt-out GP-ORV. "Yah wanna stay out here all by yer lonesome, eh, Chickenshit!? Well, good luck with the sand and shit, boy!"

Camp, for Sure

Daziel dragged the Zesuanium katana away from the small pile of corpses he'd created, clutching at the oozing wound in his stomach. His blood droplets and the line his sword drew in the sand worked a stumbly, zig-zagged path up to the massive behemoth of a woman who was tossing Niel's twitching and unconsious form into the sand next to her. She heard the scraping boots on the sand and turned to see who this man was that had gotten the better of her three throwaway grunts.
Daziel gasped to behold her.

"Jane." He knew her name. He recognized her. His face, already twisted by the pain he was struggling to turn off, twisted even more to behold this artifact of his past. "What are you doing with these people?"

"Doz!?" She recognized him, too, her eyes wide as she took a step towards him. "I thought you died."

"Yes, terribly sorry, old girl..." Daziel groaned, then coughed up a little bit of blood while he stepped back, "I was a tad bit dead for a moment, but then-"

"You mother fucker!" Jane yelled, taking another hulking step forward. This time, Daziel managed to raise his sword, but Jane knocked it from his hands with one swift blow from her dildo-handled cleaver. She followed up by blunting him with the side of her blade and gripping his arm tightly, bringing him to his knees. "I grieved. I ruined my life because the one guy I ever cared about was dead and you didn't even have the deceny to get in touch with me? No text message saying, 'Hello dear girl, I seem to be alive!' No fucking letter? No fucking call?"

Daziel just sat there on his knees and let Jane yell at him, looking over to his katana lying in the sand next to him. Finally, he said, "It's just that, some complicated things have happened upon me and I wasn't sure you'd be happy with--"

"You fucking asshole. I'm gonna take both of your ears." Jane gave Daziel another quick blunt to the side of the face and relenquished her grip on his arm so she could whisk the silken bandanna from the top of his head. Then, she gasped.

"You broke our pact." She noted, aghast.

The pact in question must've involved having round ears, as without having them tucked into a bandana or a jaunty headscarf, Daziel's were revealed to be quite lengthy and pointy. Much like elven ears. Which is, as some people know, one of the two traditional ear-types of the mighty Nekovalkyrja warriors that Yamatai was famous for. Daziel winced when she gasped, knowing exactly what she'd discovered. He tried to defend himself by saying, "It's not as if anyone asked me, they just--"

"Bullshit!" Jane screeched, bashing him again with the side of her cleaver.
Mako grinned in her little pod buried deep inside her old SYLPH M4 as the pair of pirates surrendered.

"Hands on your heads, get on your knees" she ordered via her PA's external loudspeaker. She had her heavy guns trained on them as she advanced slowly.
Sapphire rose quickly to follow along, being slow in response and having to get her weapon off the ground. She had fallen behind as the Franklin and Alice took off with their crude language towards each other. She wondered what was a twat that Franklin referred to as she gave chase after them. She had gotten a good look at the two vehicles. One nothing but a smoking black scarred ruins.

She glanced behind her, when one of the group was missing. She stumbled on one of the cracks in the ground as her attention was distracted. She was embarrassed at he clumsiness as once again her weapon went flying from her grasp as her arms wind milled to regain her balance once more.

"Dammit! Wait up!" Sapphire exclaimed, as she chased down her weapon again. Seriously wishing that she hadn't never found that Origin Advertisement of the Grandeur of Owning untold acreage of land in exchange for being part of the Terraforming Team of Ake and printing it out to show her family at dinnertime after they had been kicked from the Ranch that had been in the October Family for generations. At least living in the slums on her native planet would've been better than this.
"Bio-waste," Akemi spat just before actually spitting on one of her captives while simultaneously taking a hand off her massive weapon and whipping out the NSP at her side and switching it to heavy stun mode. "Sleep well genetic filth." Each pirate was given a single scalar shot to the chest, a blast sufficient to render her much more robust kind incapacitated for a substantial period of time. Given that and the fact a shot to the head could be fatal and hers weren't much lower she imagined they'd be pretty safe to handle until they were properly imprisoned. "These guys are wearing ceremonial suicide robes. I'd be careful with them."

With the duo dealt with it was time to go find Daziel so she zoomed off to wherever he appeared to be from his video, ready to zap some more chumps. "I guess you guys can always come along in their truck," Akemi suggested through her comlink. Ready for anything, she made sure to keep her gauss rifle raised in case greater firepower was still needed.

"I'd keep your eyes peeled for anyone else that could be on the outskirts of the camp now or might come as reinforcements." Akemi thought back to the ship they had seen fly past them and did as she advised, checking all around her for any threats, within and outside their area of operations.
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No sooner than she hit the ground was she already getting back up and making a run for base. The neko had made quick work of the resistance that obviously was not prepared for what they were engaging. She hardly had time to process what was going on, but she knew the first jeep and it's passengers were no more and she made the connection with what she witnessed and with the jeep she was examining before however now was not the time to explain to everyone what happened. Instead she continued to follow, keeping up with Franklin as best she could.
Seemingly Not Camp

"Well mr. Franklin I doubt that will ever happend," Alice shouted back at the old man. "Besides we are not hiking, we are running! So if you happen to get hear attack, try to make as many strange noises as you can. If not, you go right, I go left and Sapph can cover our backs. I do not want her to get too close to anything. She does not have training for this!"

With that it was too much talking and not enough running and later shooting. Alice tried to recall as much of her old training as possible. So far she only got to get there, don't get killed, shoot the baddies. That and the basic flankin maneuver. Basicel she and Franklin would approach the camp from different angle then their combat cats. In any way Alice did not look forward to killing anyone, but it was better those badguys then the crew.
If Seiji had been Nepleslian, he would have knocked Franklin around a bit by now; it was the right thing to do. Deep under his traumatized layers of scientist brain he recognized this, but he would never give the old man the satisfaction of sinking to his level.

On the other hand… Well, the last thing Seiji wanted to be was alone on this rock, surrounded by unknown numbers of bandits. He had known from the start this mission was going to be bad, and it was only day one. Like a lost man looking for a paddle, his hand brushed the ray gun almost forgotten at his side. On his knees he took a moment to brush himself off, though somewhat pointless with there being nothing but this horrible arid land around them.

Then he did the one thing that made any sense to him at this point. He followed the people in his group that could actually fight. Hopefully there would be just enough proper cover for him to dive behind between here and there to keep him in one piece. He kept his trap shut and joined the others, being sure to lag behind the group just enough that he would consider himself safe.
Camp Stew
Daziel looked up at Jane with the hemosynth pooling in his mouth. She'd thoroughly thrashed him with the flat of her cleaver, but his new body was sturdy and his willpower was even sturdier. He managed a weak and bloody smile to see her clenching her teeth, her eyes begging him to fall over. There was some pride left in the Nepleslian-turned-Neko.

"I say..." He managed, then spat a little stream of hemosynth onto the ground before continuing, "Marvelous stroke, old girl. You should pursue cricket."

Jane hit him again as the black shape of the skeleton-painted pirate ship curving around for another pass loomed overhead. As it slowed to a hover above the camp, five men dropped out from a floating ramp on the underside of the ship; their thick-soled boots leaving thick prints in the dirt. They trotted right past Niel's twitching heap and gave Jane a quick nod before they went about gathering the animals that'd been let out earlier. Mostly, they corralled the cows, leaving one of the two donkeys to wander over and begin lapping boredly at Niel's shoulders, mainly to taste the salt of his sweat. The aging shipwright stirred with a moan.

Daziel caught this out of the corner of his eye and started to stand, only to be bashed again and again until he settled down on his knees once more. Buying time with a creature that liked to toy with its prey was basically proving to be really painful.

With the two potential suicide bombers crumpled up on the ground like last week's paystubs, Mako and Akemi could start flying again. They were just starting to make out the landing site and the shapes of people moving and being smacked in the face when something alarming happened. Suddenly, the power armor seemed to be going haywire. Akemi's thrusters started sputtering, and soon she was losing altitude. Her suit seemed to be getting very heavy, even with her superior Neko strength and gravity manipulation. The proximity safety on Mako's wing pack kept disarming it's mini-missile launcher, even though she had no target. Her built-in gauss cannons began to lock back and forth, cycling out little cylinders of unfired cartridges. Soon, she started to lose altitude as well. Both of them would next see their in-helmet HUDs fade away, to be replaced with scrolling text that seemed to follow their eyes; and even when they blinked appear in their minds.

The words said: "I cast a spell on you~"

Well, at least there was no pixelated laughing Jolly Roger.

Oh, wait. Yeah, actually, the words were accompanied by a pixelated laughing Jolly Roger.

At the front of the Normals Squad, Franklin didn't notice the Nekos nearly dropping to the ground ahead and to the left of them. His eyes were on the distant shapes of the ships and the much closer, approaching edge of the crater-lake that sat on the south end of the camp. He'd been jogging at a steady pace, not outright sprinting so he could control his breathing in the mask. Now; however, they approached the mask's natural enemy: Water. The filters of the breath mask were not designed for underwater use, and the visor of the mask was not rated for any sort of pressure that wouldn't be in an airlock or an atmosphere. When they hit the edge of the water, they'd have to be careful.

Franklin made them aware of this. "Keep yer head out of the water and keep yer spare filters up high, too." He warned as he began to clamber up the outside edge of the crater, "If you get wuter in yer filter, yer gonna have to hold that breath a mighty long time, children."
Not one to take such provocation neither literally nor figuratively lying down, Akemi ripped off her helmet after at least trying to set its radio to an open broadcasting frequency and began yelling into it while rising to clip her gun on her back. "No one does that shit to me and gets away with it!" she exclaimed, briefly pointing at a ship and running towards the undamaged truck using her naturally impressive strength while enhancing the thrust and length of each stride with her inertia control. "You better be cute or you're going to wish you were dead! No one 's stopping me from being the inevitable hero of this operation and getting Aerin Tatst to sleep with me! First her, then Kotori, but before that, you!" If the apparently supremely confident Neko wasn't stopped she'd simply hop in the GP-ORV and drive over to Daziel to give whoever was messing with him a bullet buffet.
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Sapphire was out of her league and with the ship returning, Unsure whether to follow the lead of Franklin she laid on the embankment of the lake as she mentally gone over the steps to fire he weapon that Akemi gave her. If she was going to go out in a blaze of glory. She might as well go for it. She took careful aim at the ship, unsure whether it would work or not. She used the zoom on the FATCom camera to get a closer look.

Using what she had been taught by her brothers and father in shooting rifles as all rifles had basically the same operating system. Look through the sights to line them up. Take off the safety. Squeeze the trigger and then the bullet flies out and hits what you aim at.

Sapphire went through the steps and fired at what looked like something important, according to her. A sign that said:

Aether Generator Venting Port. Keep Clear

She fired a salvo of rounds scince the weapon got clicked to automatic (machine gun style), trying to keep the weapon on target as it wiggled and wobbled from nerves and her rapid breathing. She was surprised at how fast rounds left the weapon and it fell silent. Unsure of what to do, but she had to get the weapon back functioning again.

She struggled with finding another clip to insert into the weapon. She wished she had one of those movie guns that never ran out of ammo.