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OOC Terraforming Ake

I've nearly come halfway finished with all the preparations to start the plot. I still need character sheets from @Gunsight1, @Samanthia, and @Amaryllis before I can finish. Remember, I only need the NPC template, and if you need me to I will even make a character sheet for you based on a conversation over Skype, IRC, or etc. I know wiki-fu. If there are any problems, please contact me. I'm super-great at helping you get right into it. Heck, I'll even do a quick JP with you to help you get into character if you want.
Here is the closest thing you'll get to a plot page unless someone forces me to make a proper plot page. @Kai, please rubber stamp.

EDIT: I meant to say that this is everyone's opportunity to look at who they'll be working with.
I don't own any rubber stamps, though.

how about if I paint my hand green and just slap the screen?
I do not now, nor have I ever recommended damaging or defacing your monitor for the purposes of Role-Playing. How about, instead, you might take moment to read the article and then say something along the lines of: "This looks like the way Origin would do it." or "My company would never carry on in such a heinous manner."

Then, I shall submit it unto the mercy of the T&S people along with the sheets for the characters who are not already approved, in hopes that they may find favor with it.
Amaryllis informed me that apparently my initial 'Yes' when you first posted this thread was not definitive enough, nor was my joke about not owning stamps.

Lamb; Go ahead and do it. I trust everything you do to be groovy and awesome and I want everyone to know that Origin is full of Groovy, awesome people like you.

Go ahead and start the plot, Everyone wants to see it happen!