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RP: NSS Nerkat The beginning of a new story... Same cast, new setting.

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Inactive Member
Time had passed for the marines and their company. Well, for everyone else too, of course. Sixteen hours. And a couple of minutes, two minutes and five seconds if you want to be exact.

Regardless, though, all of the marines would get a message sent to their PDAs. What was the message, persay? Well, it went along the lines of something like this...

The NSS Nerkat's crew, meanwhile, got the following:

Your marine assignment will be coming sooner than expected. You will receive orders afterwards, prepare for the marines and to launch. Finish anything that needs finishing.

Both messages had, of course, the respective tags as they should. All genuine.

Now, where were all those marines?
Hearing the message, Esther Belmonte quickly pulled herself out of the shower and toweled off, sighing at the realization that she couldn't spare any more time. As it where, she had spent nearly half an hour in the stall, and was somewhat disappointed her time under the hypnotic downpour of hot water was cut short so early.

After wiping most of the excess moisture from her body, the Nepleslian woman proceeded to dress herself. Still, the notion that the Captain might be annoyed at a bit of tardiness passed through her thoughts, and she placed her damp fingers on her datapad, and proceeded to type.

Cmdr E.B. said:
Internal Communications, NSS Nerkat\\
From: Commander Esther Belmonte\\
To: Captain Novikov, Bridge Crew\\

I'll be at my station shortly. Please forgive the wait.\\
Tamara drummed her feeling on the side of the engineering station on the bridge's chair as she looked at the data pad. Hmph. She rose from the seat when the crew member meant to attend to it finally arrived.

"Oi, Sorry Caps... Was talking to my kids." The ID-SOL said as he took his seat... Tamara knew he sent half his paycheck into a orphanage, he being a co-founder of it while his 'sister' handled it. He liked kids.

"Understandable... But... Don't let it happen again, alright?" Tamara briskly replied before moving across the bridge area to the elevated chair... The Captain's chair. And she sat in it, too.

And then she began to type into the datapad.

Well, I guess this means I'm popular on the ship. And another woman... really? Esther thought to herself, as she blowdried and combed her hair. Already dressed in her Naval SMODIN uniform, her observers would have little to stare at, unless they could content themselves to a shot of her covered aft section. The thought of the camera crossed her mind again, and grinning a little, she decided to get back at the already reprimanded crew.

"Kat, please have a small group of Junkers check the washroom for that camera. If they find it, send it to me." The Commander ordered, a slightly amused grin on her face.

Cmdr. E.B. said:
Internal Communications, NSS Nerkat\\
From: Commander Esther Belmonte\\
To: Captain Novikov\\

News to me. I didn't think I was that popular with the crew.
Tamara shook her head a little as a message was returned, the chief engineer glancing over with a raised brow. Tamara only gave him a glare and he got back to whatever it was he was doing, although mummered something about white-rats. Tamara let it slide.

Cap. T.N. said:
Internal Communications, NSS Nerkat\\
From: Captain Novikov\\
To: Esther Belmonte\\

... You're a woman. You have breasts, thats all most of them really care about in the end.

You have a minute, by the way.

Tamara smirked as she send the message and set the pad down after setting it on a fifty second timer. Why? No particular reason. She just wanted to see if she would make it.
Autumn felt some measure of disappointment when she awoke to find some measure of her fun time cut short by the message telling her to get her butt to the transport ship. With a sigh, she quickly threw her newly purchased clothing into her small flight bag and hurried out of the small motel room she had taken the chance to rent.

She saw that the message had suggested food and decided to quickly throw some DA at a seedy looking little food shack near the hotel to get a couple of spicy hotdogs and a soda. She contemplated the fastest route to the Danny-Boy as she quickly scarfed down her greasy psuedo-meal and washed it down with overly sweet heavily caffeinated fluid.

When she deposited the empty wrappers and can into a trash can, she picked up her data pad and sent Kagura, Gyles, Rico and Ian a message.

Wilde said:
TO: Balfour, Kagura; Newman, Gyles; Sanroma, Rico; Mccain, Ian

Hey guys, it's time to get rolling again! I'll see you at the transport, I'm enroute now. Hurry or you'll miss it!

<3 <3

Harrison placed a firm hand on Kagura's shoulder and smiled. "You'll be fine, so get better so we can bust some heads. I'll see you back at the ship." Having concluded his conversation with Kagura, he left the hospital room and headed for the Danny-boy.
Ran sat on top of a duffel bag, so rudely thrown at him by some damned caretaker that was in charge of distributing any personal belongings left on board the NSS Alliance. He was dressed in an olive-green hoodie with the words "Wai Wai, Happy Fun Time" embroidered in silver, and surrounded by a speech bubble, that appeared to be originating from a very cartoony version of a Neko on the lower right part of his hoodie, printed in black with a "^_^" expression on it's face. The Chief went shopping, apparently.

Flicking some cigarette ash off of a pair of slightly baggy black pants, the chief stood up and slung the duffel bag over his shoulder, finally finishing the cigarette in his mouth, unaware of the ship commander's rules on smoking on-board. Reaching into his duffel bag, he pulled out a piece of nicotine gum, popped it into his mouth, and walked inside, rather irritated at the less-than-potent buzz it gave him. Perhaps he'd find a medic to hook him up with some painkillers, or something.
ON> Nepleslia, Las Apagos

Rose opened the door to the street, the neon sign in the shop she and Kagura had visited reading, "Needle Dance" In bright red letters. She was lucky they would let her rent a space out for enough DA and the right words. She had enough time to outline and fill in most of the tattoo the other Marine had decided on, most of the rest of their time had been spent shopping. "How's it feel'n?" The Medic asked with a grin, waiting for her friend to walk out first.

Kagura winced slightly, her back still a little sore from the art and stepped out wearing a backless shirt so it wouldn't get irritated and redden more. "I feel better somewhat actually." she said, combing a hand through her now cut short messy-dyed hairstyle. Her hair was now a dark black with electric blue and neon green streaks through it with bright red highlighted bangs. "Thanks for helping me out." She said and sighed. "And I'm still getting used to this new eye." Kagura said, glancing at her with a blue irised natural looking cyber eye.

Rose smiled as she saw the dark, leathery wings to contrast her own. "If you have any more discomfort after today let me know we'll look at it onboard." The redness was all around the sight where she'd worked, but it had been a few months since she'd had a chance to do anyone, the focus helped her think of better things. "Told you I knew someone good." Grabbing Kagura's arm lightly, she held her hand there in a slightly awkward way while they headed towards the motel their uniforms and gear were stowed in. "Let's make port after we change. You look great, no one'd recognize you now."

Kagura laughed a bit, walking with her. "Yeah we're probably already late for whatever they have planned for us." she said and smiled at her compliment. "aww ya think so? Thanks." she said and blushed at how she was holding her arm. "I wanna get some new clothes though personally, perhaps something different, what do you think?"

"What we got'll work for a night or two. Next time we can get to a city we'll find time somewhere in the drink'n promise." It was a fairly short walk to the motel, obviously not one that was very reputable, just a place where she figured their things wouldn't be stolen. "You've got the key, right?" Rose asked, staying on her arm.

Kagura nodded, producing an electronic keycard from a pocket and looked over to the motel and made a face. "This place is so bleh." she said and chuckled when she mentioned that they'd find a place while drinkin' again like that." The black haired marine slid the card through the reader and pushed the door open. "You know those cops were such a pain in the butt with their questioning."

"Yeah, we had lots come in when I was on the ER rotation." Rose noted with slight disgust, shutting the door behind them. There was one queen sized bed, now with both of their bags laying across it. "DREAM" and "BALFOUR" Printed in block letters on either one. "They're just trying to do their job too, I guess." Releasing Kagura's arm hesitantly, she was soon clutching her green uniform, picking through for everything else she needed with one hand.

"Yeah but they were so pushy about it." Kagura said and went to sort through her things to pick out something to wear, not wanting to wear the uniform just yet but not having much real choice. "these uniforms are so uncomfortable." she whined a bit as she went to dress, changing pants out first, not feeling ashamed to do it in front of Rose. "If you don't mind me asking, where'd you learn to tattoo like that?" she asked.

Rose's eyes flitted down, more at the question than anything else. "Bad shit happened..and I stopped talking to my family. I sort of fell into it, you know? Apprenticed at a shop, was an artist full time 'till I signed up." She tugged her shirt off, and went for that part of the uniform first. "I don't think they thought of when they made them." The medic looked back up, brushing a hand through her hair.

"Oh that's kind of cool. The uh art thing, not the family falling out." Kagura said, rubbing the back of her head. "I wonder if anyone will recognize me with my new look." she said as she fitted the shirt over her figure, she was wearing a black sports bra and the uniform pants while she got the shirt on for the moment. When her head popped out of the shirt she smirked a bit. "You should take it up full time after you get out of the army."

Rose had to change into her normal duty underwear after she got rid of the scrubs she'd been in, after throwing her pants into the bag she tugged down at the green shirt, then worked the pants on as she spoke. "Eh..I don't know what I'll do. My own shop? Yeah.." She squeezed the sock she took up hard after zipping up her pants, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "They won't recognize you probably. Some of 'em, anyway. If I don't stay in they'll let someone like that butcher loose on people."

"You lost me on that last sentence, what butcher?" Kagura asked as she shifted to put her boots on, her uniform jacket hanging open for the time being. "Something bad happen to you in the past?" she asked, concerned for her new friend.

"Forget it." Dream shook her head to both questions, her cheeks coloured with frustration as one of her hands opened and closed while she tried to tie a boot, it dropped to the floor and after a minute she had it on again. Standing up she turned and slipped her coat on with a sigh.

Kagura got up too and slung her bag over her shoulder once she wsa dressed and nodded. "I'm sorry for asking." She said and patted her on the shoulder lightly and smiled some at her. The one thing is that Kagura disliked all about this was the slight stinging pain in her back but that would pass and waited for a bit for rose to finish up.

"There's not enough time to talk about that, and fuck if I want the others to know." Rose explained, or tried to make it not seem like a big deal. "No worries..." Slinging her bag over her left shoulder, she took one more scan of the dingy room and held her baret in the right, she'd fit it on when they were outside.

"I dislike those berets." Kagura said as they headed out of the shabby motel and headed for the port. "If you say so, that'll be ok." she said and rubbed the back of her shoulders gently and tried to comfort her. "So what do you think of the guys on the ship?" the black haired marine asked, to change the subject.

"There's been worse." Private Dream got her baret on easily, it wasn't really a problem with her short hair. Grabbing onto Kagura's arm again she followed next to her towards the street, "The ones that came with me to find you are okay. Ones that ditched you..? Fuck.." She swore more because she didn't want to say all of the reasons she was upset. The report she had digitalized, and the hard copy of in her bag would have to do the talking. It was a bad way to step into a new assignment, and she knew it. The Medic felt Kagura deserved that much from her. "Get us a cab?"

Kagura thought for a moment about it and blushed when she hugged onto her arm again. Part of her wondered why she did such things; as it was a new sensation to her to have someone doing that whenver they went out and about. But didn't let it bother her that much. "Well I'll get them back when we get there. Perhaps a good backscratching." she said, feeling better at the thoughts of hurting someone. In a moment she'd wave down a cab and let her get in first and once they were on the way she turned to Rose again. "Hopefully things'll get better"

"In ribbons, I hope." Rose replied, still leaning against Kagura because of the way she held her arm, pressed a bit. Acting like she wasn't, of course. The cab driver noticed, leering in the rear-view mirror. "Know anything about the command we're under?"

"Hopefully it's not some jerkoff." Kagura said and blushed a bit as she leaned up against her. "If you don't mind me asking, what's up with the arm hugging?" She asked, still faintly flushed. "Nothing's wrong with it, I'm just curious."

"....shit." Rose swore quietly, moving away half a hand-width. "Nothin." She mumbled, looking out with window with a scowl. "It makes me feel better or something." Wasn't she supposed to be the almost-doctor? The blush on Kagura's face had been clear enough, at least the Marine knew in a pinch it'd be okay to grab onto her.

"Oh well, I suppose everyone needs to feel better at times." she said and gently leaned up against her as they rode along to the port. Luckily it really wasn't that long before they'd get there. "Looks like we're the last ones to arrive." she quipped as they got out of the cab and paid the guy for it.

Rose was quietly surprised the short distance, happy to be out in the air when they arrived at the bustle of the spaceport. "We'll make it." She said, trying to clear her head. With that, the pair made their way past the checkpoints, and onto the Danny-Boy.

Kagura pretended to be a new transfer, concealing the nametag on her pack, her arm and hand covered with the sleeves and gloves of the uniform. "Hello" she said to everyone.
Harrison had arrived minutes before and was arguing with a cargo foreman to load his precious Evelyn, the Zen Armaments K1-33R he had carried with him for the better part of twenty years, which finally ended in the customized bike being rammed uncerimoniously into a small cargo container and loaded aboard the ship. Harrison was now arguing with the foreman for possibly damaging his bike when Rose and Kagura appeared.

He looked at Rose, then at the 'newcomer'. He turned towards the two of them and raised a hand in greeting. "Hello newbie, hello other new-" he paused, looking at Kagura's face. "... Kagura-" then he lowered his voice and moved closer.

"Kagura, what the hell happened? Did you go biker or something?"
She offered Harri a grin at his mistake, glad it worked THAT well. "I suppose you can say that." She said, her blue eye glowing slightly which made her shake her head some. "I'm not used to having two eyes again. But yeah..after what happened to me I don't want to be easily recogniziable..." she said, glancing down at the floor.
"Newbie?" Rose asked in a way that could only sound like "You have to be kidding me." She poked the formerly purple Marine in the side. "Eh. Eyes up. Looks great, right..?" The Medic then stared at Harrison. There was only one obvious answer to her question.

"So they cut it short. We're going in hot first thing, I bet." Rose surmised, looking around the transport for another familiar face. Bending down, she grabbed her report from her bag, the datapad made everything clear that she wasn't about to spell out for anyone else. It would be up to their CO.
Adrian yawned as he entered the bay, looking around for the Red Hill that was supposed to be present there. He had gotten only three hours of sleep the night before, and as such was understandably tired. In addition to the backpack containing his personal affects, he held onto a brown paper bag containing Ran's Schnapps. He spotted the Chief heading into the vessel, and started towards him, hoping to catch up so he could get the bottle off his hands. He got to the bottom of the ramp and ran up it before reaching the WO and grabbing his shoulder.

"Oi, got your booze."


Already in the vessel was Ian McCain. The Chief was already asleep in his seat in one of the nicer passenger sections.
"Well, shouldn't waste any more time. Let's get moving." Harrison shouldered his duffel bag and moved into the Danny-boy.
Autumn stretched as she walked up the ramp of the Red Hill transport and settled into a seat, placing her bag neatly on her lap. She waved with a grin at Adrian and Ran, blissfully unaware of the drama from the other night. "Hey guys, you get to enjoy any of that?"
The slightly portly, although not obese or anything, darkly tanned gentlemen in what seemed to be a brown shaded tuxedo walked briskly over to the marine cluster from the Danny-boy, "We'll be heading up in fifteen minutes. Might wanna call rooms... We should be to the Nerkat... Eh... I dunno, less then a few hours. Probably less than a hour, depending on if all the engines kick in or not." He nodded to the group before turning around and returning in the direction of the vessel.
Fay had already claimed the room closest to the exit. He sighed as he laid his things on the bed. Nothing to do but wait, he thought to himself. This is going to be boring... His thoughts went to Kagura, wondering how she was doing and if she'd be coming along on the Nerkat with the rest of the marines as planned.
Kagura had gotten onto the transport and was just relaxing in a lounge-like area, glancing every now and then to Fay. Inside, she was amused that the rookie didn't even recognize her and looked over, waving in a quiet way to him as if she were a newbie herself.
Fay looked over at the person waving to him. She looked familiar, but he just couldn't place her. He waved back with a smile, hoping to appear friendly. Hell, he'd probably be the only person to act that way to her on her tour of duty. The medic walked over after a while of pondering, "Hello, my name is Fay. I'll be one of the medics to patch you up just in case you get injured. I hate to say this, but you seem familiar... but I can't place a name to your face." He scratched his cheek, wondering if he has just creped her out...
Rose couldn't help but smirk as she sat down by Kagura, hugging her bag against her body just enough so she could set her chin on top. It was nice to know that everything they'd done had worked so well, and with enough attention to what the soldier needed while they were together on the Nerkat, it wouldn't haunt her constantly. Not that Angel could be honest with herself about any of her past, it was always easier with others.
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