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OOC The Black Vipers


The Cloaked Character
Inactive Member
So I was tossing this idea around for a while and I was thinking that perhaps it was time to put up an interest post to see if anyone besides me was interested in this idea. Basically the idea revolves around a group of Outlaws and outcasts who came together under one ship and took to the criminal based life. This ranges from Murdering to Thieving to probably much worse dependent on the type of characters we have inside the plot, and I expect there to be conflicts involving any of the police forces of other factions if allowed. So naturally this plot is probably going to have an 18+ rating to it, so out of curiosity, anyone interested?
Well thats two people, lets see if we can get at least two more... that way we can have an even five.
Alright guys, two things, once you post up your character and get them approved I want you to post them in the correct areas on two pages:

The Black Vipers Wiki Page
The Taipan's Crew Roster

That way we can have some record of who's going to be on the ship, once we get at least 3 people approved (Rogyr not included, Abigayl is included) I'll be posting up the introductory thread. So be sure to keep me in the loop! Also read over The BV's Wiki Page and Taipan Page when you have a chance that way you can be clear on, and understand the, rules involving Pacing, and what you'll be seeing in terms of the 18+ stuff. It also gives you an idea of what kind of character would be most accepted inside The Black Vipers and The Taipan's Crew. Pay special note to the Creed that is posted of BV's page. Other then that go wild, I wanna see some interesting characters! If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me on the forums, IRC, or just post here!
I'm away from my actual computer until Tuesday evening until then I'll do my best finishing my character plans up on my phone. I'm so excited hopefully It gets approved.
No need to rush, the introduction plot will probably happen for a few days so even if you don't finish before you get back to your computer you'll have time.
I'm making a Anthro but don't know which one to choose, any help?
  1. Transferred mind into an anthro body for reasons personal of expression (consider having the species be Minkan for this).
  2. Being a unique creation of an eccentric geneticist
  3. Traveler from unknown space
  4. Mutant from Nepleslia
  5. Existing animal that was modified/uplifted into sapience
Hm, All five seem like viable and interesting characters... While 1 would probably be the easiest I think 3 and 5 would be highly interesting as well. 2 would also be interesting. So I'd go with 2,3 or 5. Sorry I can't shorten that to one.
@Semjax, I noticed on the plot page you listed the plot as a "3-3-3" RPG rating (maximum everything). As a reminder, for it to be "3" on the sexuality scale, you'll need to run the plot in the adult Open RP (18+) as explicit sexual content is not allowed in public forums.
@Wes I know, the plot is strictly 18+ I have no intention of letting it go any lower. So I'll make the plot in the Adult Open RP. Thank you for the reminder though!