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OOC The Black Vipers

@Semjax roughly how many months would you say have gone by since the new people joined? Would it be enough for Tam to have managed to acquire himself a set of impulse armor to be geared like his fellow former RRF trooper?
Most excellent, Tam has such an excessive amount of money available to him that fitting out something of that sort would be relatively easy for him.
Is it a bad thing that Tam was able to get a customized Impulse power armor, and two very nice guns to go with it and only spend half of what he had on hand for ready cash?
Post will be up by the end of tomorrow night, truly sorry about this delay, Dark Souls 3 and a few emotional issues IRL got to me for the last few weeks and I've been a mess.
Due to lack of RP activity, the Black Vipers subforum will be closed. All posts will be moved up into a more general 18+ forum.
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